CIRS shares the joy and the moment of pride in congratulating Raahi Tejas Shah of class 9 for securing a high score of 97/100 in Trinity Examination for Communication Skills and Public Speaking, Level 3 held on April 2021 at a centre in Dubai.
Event details: Interschool Quiz contest was organisedat Nehru International School, Coimbatore named “MASTERMINDS 2022” in which 500 students participated from different corners from Tamil Nadu.Our school students participated in category 1,2 and 3 and were selected for finals for all the 3 categories.
In category 1 team members of Devansh and Vivaanfrom class V bagged the first prize. In category 3 team members of Yohan 12 science and Atul 2nd year IB bagged the first prize.
The first prize winners received Goldmedals, awinner certificate and cash prize of Rs 3000 for each student. In category 2 team of Viswanth of class 7 and Anirudha of class VIgot third position and receivedthe certificates.
All otherstudents those who participated received the participant certificates too.
1. G. Sarvesh (9-A)
2. Mrigraj (9-c)
3. Yash (10-A)
4. Rajyeshwant (10-A)
5. Lokeshwar Reddy (10-C)
6. Shubhang (10-C)
7. Aditya Hriday (11 mgt)
8. Harsh Mittal (11 mgt)
9. Karan Udani (12 mgt)
10. PranaveAditya (12 Science)
The Matches were conducted as a Knockout Basis.The WINNERS of The Tournament: JALAPENO HOTTIES.The RUNNERS –UP of The Tournament: XO- SQUAD.
Some Special award also has given as Follows.
Junior Girls winner : VASISTHA Runner-up: VISHWAMITRA
CIRS is Proud of Viraj shroff!!!
Viraj shroff of class 12 Management has written an article about Inflation in Srilanka and it's published in Hansraj Financial Gazette.

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CIRS: 2nd Rank in the country and 1st in Tamil Nadu under the “Co-Ed Boarding School”
We are very delighted to share that CIRS continues to RANK 2 in the country and Rank 1 in Tamil Nadu for the year 2021-22 under the category of ‘Co-Ed Boarding School’ in the Education World India School Rankings (EWISR).
Education World ranks India’s Top 1000 schools under three main categories (day, boarding, and international) across 14 parameters - academic reputation, co-curricular activities, individual attention to students, the competence of faculty, parental involvement, life skills education, etc.
For the 2021-22 survey, the analysis was done by using 11458 sample respondents which include educators, principals, teachers, parents & students.
At CIRS, we are happy to share with everyone that in the 2021 survey, CIRS has been ranked 1st in Tamil Nadu for the nine consecutive year and 2nd in All India level in the Co-Ed Boarding School category.
23rd September was a day that was long awaited, the school wore a new look of delight and vigour that day to welcome our dear students. Our Resident Director, Swami Anukoolanadaji, Principal, Smt.Rajeshwari, Headmaster, Mr.Ganesh, Deputy Headmistress, Smt.Saranya, Academic Co-ordinator, Smt.Bhuvaneshwari and Br.Sanathan Chaitanya welcomed the new students and parents of grades 9 and 11 in the Swagatham 2021 orientation programme.
The programme commenced with the invocation prayer and lighting of the lamp, after which Swami Anukoolanandaji addressed the parents highlighting the importance of parenting in the new era. Swamiji reiterated on CIRS focusing on the holistic development of children and also touched upon the fact that parents too are stakeholders in contributing towards the overall development and well-being of the children

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Number of candidates registered: 21
Number of candidates who are awarded diploma: 21
Grade wise Results:
Name of the toppers and grade: Nihar Mukund & Prakhar Khandelwal : 45/45
No. of students securing 40 and above : 13
No. of students securing grade 35 to 39 : 7
No. of student securing grade 34 : 1
Average grade point : 40.0
Indian Equivalent Marks sent by IB Board
Name of the topper and the Percentage: Nihar Mukund : 99 %
No. of Students securing above 90% : 15
No. of Students securing 80% to 89% : 6
Average of the Batch : 91.4%
Toppers: Nihar Mukund & Prakhar Khandelwal : (45/45)

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CIRS is Proud of Shriya Shruti Misra!!!
CIRS family is delighted to inform that Shriya Shruti Misra of class 8 won the 2nd prize in the Sustainable Stories Photos and Videos competition organised by the United Nations University Flores the Technische Sammlungen Dresden that invited both amateurs and professionals to submit photographs and videos in conjunction with the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development 2021. Shruti had sent a short video on her work on ' Healing Earth' , highlighting the interlinking of environmental Resources, how to use them in a sustainable manner inspired by the tribal way of life. A prize money of 600 Euros was awarded to her. Her video will be displayed in an exhibition at the Technische Sammlungen Dresden from 24 July 2021, to be launched at the Museums Night Dresden 2021 (Museumsnacht Dresden).
The link of :Prize Distribution Ceremony

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Congratualation to Dhruv Advait K!
"Service to the country is the service to the lord of lords and devotion to the people is the devotion to the Supreme Self" says the Chinmaya family pledge".
As an allegory to this statement Master Dhruv Advait K of IB 1st year has been putting efforts in selflessly offering his service to others during these times of great trial and tribulations.
Congratulations to Dhruv on taking up this noble initiative ! Hari Om

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CIRS Alumni Meet
Dear Alumni of CIRS,
Hari Om!
Greetings from CIRS!
Trust all of you and your family members are doing well.
I would like to specially and personally invite you to a unique and inspirational online session on Zoom, so that you can find out how you can become part of Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda's grand vision. Just like we built CIRS 25 years ago, we are now building Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, Chinmaya Mission's very own University, which will integrate our ancient Indian wisdom with cutting edge pedagogy and which will produce change leaders for tomorrow.
We will soon be launching a crowdfunding campaign on the platform The session will enable an understanding of how we can all come together to give back to society and do our bit.
Event: CIRS Alumni Meet
Where: Online meet
Date & Time: Sunday 25 April 2021, 11.00 AM (IST)
This is an invite-only event, exclusive for CIRS alumni. Along with me, Swami Anukoolananda (Rishi Bhaiya), Mr. Ranganath Thota (Founder, Fuel A Dream) will be speaking.
Register now to confirm your participation and to receive the Zoom meeting invite.
Click here here to fill the form.
See you there!
Please convey my love and regards to your family.
At His Feet,
Swami Swaroopananda
Global Head, Chinmaya Mission

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Samshodhan 2020-21
The NEP 2020 stresses on research and innovation to be taken up by students & teachers. It is a regular feature in CIRS. Already 20 research papers have been published in the past. This year again, ten teams of CIRS teachers conducted research on various topics that would eventually benefit the teacher and the student community. These projects were submitted to the CCMT Education Cell, and evaluated by our Chinmaya University. The evaluation committee were highly appreciative of all the projects for their high quality and standard. The teachers received individual certificates for their work.

“Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.” Staying true to this saying is Mrs.Revathi Soundararajan, RHM of our school. Mrs.Revathi showcased her talent by participating in various competitions that were conducted during the lockdown period. She has created a World Record by creating beautiful objects from old sheets of newspaper. A few interesting models that she has made are idols of Lord Shiva and Ganesha, paper baskets and handbags. This work of hers has been recognised by Lata Foundation which has conferred her with a World Record and Honour Award, besides a medal, shield and a certificate.
Mrs.Revathi also drew the portraits of 74 freedom fighters on 74 dry bean seeds in just 42 hours. This was done in view of our nation’s 74th Independence Day in 2020. Her work has been recognized by Exclusive World Record, Kalam’s World Record and Kings Record of World. In addition to this, Mrs Revathi also set a Group World Record by incorporating the staff and their families of CIRS to draw the images of Lord Ganesha in view of Ganesh Chathurthi. This was done on dry bean seeds. Every individual was given 15 dry bean seeds to make 108 different images of Lord Ganesha. A total of 1620 dry bean seeds were used. Finally, all the seeds were arranged to make a single image of Lord Ganesha, measuring 44”22 inches.
Mrs. Revathi also participated in a competition conducted by ‘Jackhi Creations’ which focused on the longest picture marathon, wherin her drawings were appreciated.
CIRS is proud of Mrs. Revathi’s achievements and we also seek the blessings of our Pujya Gurudev to be on her always!
We are proud that our school staff and their family members attempted for KALAM’s WORLD RECORDS organised by JACHKI Creations, Sirkali, and set a NEW WORLD RECORD on 22nd August, 2020.
108 participants participated in this event. They have created Lord Ganesha’s Image on Vinayaka Chaturthi, on Dry Bean Seeds for setting a World Record. 15 dry bean seeds were given to each participant to make 108 different images of Lord Ganesha. Total of 1620 dry bean seeds were used. Finally, all dry bean seeds were arranged to make a single Image of Lord Ganesha, measuring 44”22 inches. This achievement is registered in the Kalam’s World Record.

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SPLASH OF COLOURS - Online Art Competition
The Art Department of CIRS organized SPLASH OF COLOURS - Online Art Competition on 15th August, 2020. From class 5 to 12, the competition was based on themes. For the Shishu Vatika, it was a colouring on the given outlines. Both Students and Parents took part enthusiastically and presented their art work. Following are the winners in each category:
Shishu Vatika 3 & 4
Bhavani S. Kulkarni (Class 3) - 1st position
K. P. Krisshiv (Class 4) - 2nd position
Sonaalee Srinivasan (Class 3) - 3rd position
Classes 5 & 6
Sanvi Sah (Class 6a) - 1st position
A Ragunandan (Class 6b) - 2nd position
KhavinSiddharth (Class 6b) - 3rd position
Classes 7 & 8
Krish Modi (Class 8d) - 1st position
Bhavika Bazaz (Class 8b) - 2nd position
Sriraja Keertana Susarala (Class 8d) - 3rd position
Classes 9 & 10
Rhea Alpesh (Class 9B) - 1st position
Samridhi Rai (Class 10b) - 2nd position
Amogh Sriman Kalingarayar N (Class 10c) - 3rd position
Classes 11 & 12
Anushree Bondia (Class 12 Science) - 1st position
Ritika Buchupalli (Class 11 Science) - 2nd position
R.T. Maanasa Abhirami (Class 12 Science) - 3rd position
Parents Category
Parent of khushi Desai (Class 7a) - 1st position
Parent of Hema Ruthvik (Class 5) - 2nd position
Parent of Poorvansh Pardava (Class 8d) - 3rd position
Kindly click the link to watch the Winners Photo gallery:Art Competition 2020
Republic Day 2021
January 26,2021 Republic Day of India, marks the day the Indian Constitution came to force and also to remember the leaders who struggled to make our country democratic. Devout patriotic zeal filled the air, as CIRS set to celebrate the remarkable day. Following the unfurling of the tri-colour by Mrs. Rajeshwari, the Principal, the NCC cadets lined up for the flag salute in perfect unison. The patriotic song rendered by the students and teachers added spirit to this festivity. Smt. Gayathri, faculty member - Dept of Science & Spirituality spoke about the glory of this great nation as she recalled the undercurrent of the value of being an Indian with relevant examples which comprised of a blend of past and present. She appealed to the younger generation to imbibe the core values of India.
Swami Anukoolanandaji addressed the gathering emphasizing the need to contribute to the nation in all our endeavours. The Principal and Swamiji also unveiled an artwork of Subramanya Bharathiyar whose iconic image was drawn in the form of 4836 speck of rice by Smt. Revathi Soundararajan, RHM, Gopikalaya dorm. It is noteworthy to mention that this creative work encapsulates 48 lyrical works of Bharathiyar.

Pongal was celebrated traditionally at CIRS with great festivity and joy. On 13th January, the mood for Pongal was set in CIRS when the staff students started painting the Pongal pot. Staff families along with students dressed up traditionally and assembled in the respective venues to celebrate Pongal on the 14th. Following the tradition and ethnicity of the festival, they decorated their respective venues with Rangoli and prepared Pongal in their respective groups. Swami Anukoolananda commenced the puja offering the pongal to the Sun God.
15th January, the third day is Maatu Pongal, a day, dedicated to worship cows. CIRS staff and children participated in this celebration and offered prayers to the mother cow organised by Goshala of Chinmaya Gardens. The CIRS children fed the cows and participated in the puja. Also, they relished the prasad. We did miss our junior school students who used to joyously take part in the celebration.

National Youth Day
A special tribute to National Youth Day - A musical tribute 'Dharti Ki Shaan' was telecast on Youtube Channel by the music experts of CIRS, Shri Ramesh Kulkarni and Shri Karthik. This song was composed by our former Prime Minister, late Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.
Happy New Year - 2021
The staff and the students of CIRS welcomed 2021 with new hopes and positivity. The festivities started at 10.45 p.m. on the eve of the New Year with the chanting of the Lord's name by Swamini Sampradhishtanandaji. This was, then, followed by Vishnu Sahasranama Puja and the new year was ushered in with the Maha Arati. In the evening, fun games were conducted for staff and students followed by a sumptuous dinner.

Tapo Geetha Jayanti Fest
CIRS students had a great opportunity to be a part of Tapo Geetha Jayanti Fest, a global Chinmaya celebration for the special occasion on December 25th at the National level, with a 20-day lead up programme on the Bhagavad Gita. On December 5, the first day of the fest our students had an opportunity to chant the Geetha Dhyanam. Also, the CIRS students sang Bhagavad Gita Arati on the concluding day, 25th December 2020.
We appreciate the sincere efforts of the children and their parents for taking efforts and visiting the school exclusively and learning the slokas.

Diwali, the festival of lights, was celebrated impressively at CIRS. On 13th November - the day of Dhanteras started with the Havan in the morning at the Dhanvantri temple. Staff and children rendered their sincere prayers to Bhagavan Dhanvantri, an avatar of Lord Vishnu and the Lord of Good Health.
On the day of Diwali, 14th November, the evening was brightened up with lamps lit all over the campus. Lakshmi pooja and a special evening Arati was organised in the school lobby. Swami Swaroopanandaji, Swami Anukoolanandaji and Swami Avvyayanandaji graced the occasion and blessed the CIRS family. Swami Swaroopanandaji enlightened the audience with the true essence of the festival and blessed all the staff and children on this special day. The staff and the students assembled in the Dronacharya field after the Puja for the delightful display of crackers. The sounds of the crackers filled CIRS with the joy of festivity as the family celebrated a safe and the joyful Diwali 2020.
Teachers' Day
‘Teachers’ Day’ was yet another momentous day to celebrate. Though the teachers missed the usual activities and cultural performances put up by the students exclusively planned for the Gurus, they did not fail to receive the love of the students via online presentations, e-mails, and letters. Teachers were overwhelmed and moved seeing the gratitude of the students pour in despite the distance. A pleasant surprise awaited the teachers in the evening and that was a fun filled programme organised by the school management at Amphitheatre with game shows like Anthakshari, Dumb Charades and Turncoat. The teachers thoroughly enjoyed the programme which made them feel special.

One of the most auspicious festivals, Onam, celebrated by Malayalis across the world is to pay homage to the homecoming of King Mahabali, Prahlada's grandson. The celebrations of this festival were carried out with the usual joy and gusto on 31st August, decorating with attractive Poo Kolam at different venues of the school. Evening programme saw the staff and students performing a dance and dedicating bhajans to the Lord. Further, the graceful presence of Pujya Swami Swaroopanadaji on this auspicious day left everyone feel blessed. The Onam festival was indeed a delight for the children, who witnessed it online through the YouTube channel. Another attraction was the grand and sumptuous Kerala feast that was served to the children, staff, and their family members in a traditional manner.

Ganesh Utsav
The ten day festival marking the birth of elephant -headed deity, Lord Ganesha, began on 22nd August with great pomp and gaiety at CIRS.
On all the ten days Lord Ganesha was worshipped with elaborate rituals to invoke His blessings. Each Department had grabbed the opportunity to showcase their bhakti towards Lord Ganesha in the form of rangolis, bhajans, skits and dances. On the final day, idols were received from the ashram and together the idols were taken in procession from the MPH to the CIRS lake and were immersed with devotion. This process of Visarjan reminded all about the acceptance of the eternal cosmic law which took form has to become formless again.

Independence Day
CIRS students and staff gathered at MPH to celebrate the 74th Independence Day on 15th August. Pujya Swami Swaroopanandaji hoisted the tricolour and delivered a speech that kindled the patriotism and reminded everyone of their duty to the motherland as Indian citizens. The music department along with the staff and students of CIRS rendered patriotic songs.

Krishna Janmashtami
The stage was set for the celebration of Krishna Janmashtami, the birth of Lord Krishna on 11th August at CIRS. The day started with Shri Krishna Pooja in the morning. Later in the evening, a cultural bonanza was staged which included an enthralling Radha Krishna dance by the Sishu Vatika students, and a humorous skit, parrot astrology, cookery show, a jugalbandi and a dance by the staff & staff children. The programme was live streamed to enable our dear students to be a part of this wonderful celebration. The programme came to a close with midnight puja for the new born Lord Krishna. The day ended with the breaking of matki pot which lifted the spirits of celebration to the next level.
The festival that celebrates the love of the brothers for their sisters, started with the Krishna Pooja at CIRS, on 3rd August. Swami Swaroopanandaji enlightened the gathering stressing on the importance of Rakshabandan. The staff and the staff children of CIRS were a part of the celebrations. The sisters tied Rakhi to their brothers and applied chandan and kumkum, while the brothers gave them sweets. This celebration helped our children to get into the spirit of the festival and feel the joy of celebrating brotherhood.

International Yoga Day
“Yoga is the journey, of the self, to the self, through the self”. International yoga day is observed on the 21st of June every year. This year, the theme set by the UN is “Yoga for Climate Action”. CIRS took up various initiatives on 28th June to celebrate 6th International Yoga Day. The lady staff of CIRS performed YOGA under the guidance of our Yoga coach, Smt Neelavathi. This inspired few of the staff and they have made it their everyday routine by practising various Yogasana's for about 45 minutes daily.
An ONLINE Yoga session was organised for all the students in the morning by the entire PE dept members. Not only did it attract the participation of the students but also their family members. An online Quiz based on Yoga and General Knowledge on Sports for our senior school students were organized by Sri Vijay, the Tennis coach with the assistance of our IT dept. A whopping 150 students participated in it where 30 students secured 80% and the toppers received an E-certificate.

Gurudev Aradhana Day
Chinmaya Aradhana day, the day of Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji's Mahasamadhi was observed on 3rd August with devout devotion and reverence by the CIRS family. It was a whole day affair that started with Gurudev's Paduka Pooja in the morning. Shravanam Smaranam — a house wise online competition was conducted for our current students and the alumni. The competition consisted of four activities —a song, a dance performance, a skit and art work. The song and dance had the theme 'GRATITUDE TO GURUDEV', while the art work revolved around the 108 names of Gurudev.
In the evening a special programme was streamed live on the Youtube channel. Swami Anukoolanandaji, in the introductory speech, stressed on how one can unite with the Ishwara and live even after death like our Gurudev, the yuga purusa - a sage of the age. Br. Sanathanji narrated the life history of our Gurudev - the life of Ishwara in Man.

Gurudev Jayanti
Gurudev Jayanti always holds a special place in our hearts. On 8th May, CIRS was enraptured celebrating the Gurudev Jayanti online. The prologue to the entire event began a week before where a newly created Instagram page 'CIRS - The Best of Times' provided a suggestion box to collect the best of memories from various students across different batches. The initiative succeeded with students sharing us in with their most beautiful memories from their times in CIRS. Beginning with a soulful Archana of Pujya Gurudev; the virtual scheme of celebration allowed the students and alumni to reconnect with their former spiritual mentors, Swami Advayananda (formerly Br. Samahit Bhaiya); Swami Avyayananda (formerly Br. Ganesh Bhaiya) and Swamini Sampratishtananda (formerly Madam Saraswati - Accountancy teacher, CIRS). Two wonderful Rajopacharas put together by our alumni consisting of a song and a show-stopping classical dance performance gained a plethora of attention on the online platform. The program ended with a most heartfelt message from Pujya Swami Swaroopananda Ji - Global Head, Chinmaya Mission. Swamiji recollected a noteworthy incident from Pujya Gurudev's life and shared Gurudev's words – 'Count not your age with the years you have lived; Count the years with the lives you have served'. This celebration was one of the most memorable ones and it will be ever etched in our hearts.

Vishu and Tamil New Year
New Year ushers in new hope and hence, it is significant as well as auspicious. CIRS welcomed the Tamil and Malayalam New Year with great joy on 14th April 2020. With the prayers for good health, wealth, peace, and prosperity, Vishu Kani was kept before Lord Dhanvantri along with our holy text 'The Bhagavat Gita'. The morning began with the sighting of Vishu Kani - consisting of fruits, vegetables, rice, coins, the first thing one views after waking up. The entire CIRS family felt blessed and touched for Pujya Swami Swaroopanandaji not only just participated in the celebration but also joined the team for the special lunch. We missed our lovable students as this was the first celebration without them.

Hanuman Jayanti
Hanuman Jayanthi, the birth of Lord Hanuman, an epitome of belief, trust, devotion, and loyalty, was celebrated on 7th April 2020 with great devotion at CIRS. The entire day reverberated with the joyous celebration of the Lord, an elaborate puja at the Hanuman temple, a Puja for the Bajrangbali in Swami Swaroopanandaji's kutiya, and the evening aarti in the Ram Aarthi Hall. The highlight of the day was Swami Swaroopanandaji's intricate explanation about the significance of Hanuman Jayanthi. Students and staff of CIRS chanted Hanuman Chalisa 54 times with great passion showing their love. The celebration ended filling the heart of each one with great reverence and devotion to Lord Hanuman.

Rama Navami
CIRS family celebrated Sri Rama Navami on 2nd April, the day that commemorates the birth of Lord Rama in the pious and delightful land of Ayodhya with great faith and fervour. The idols in the Ram Aarthi Hall - Sri Ram, Sitaji, Lakshmanaji, and Hanumanji were bejeweled and decorated. The morning puja started at 11.30 with the chanting of Rama Janma Chaupai and Rama Stotram. CIRS was blessed to have Swami Swaroopanandaji, Global Head, Chinmaya Mission Worldwide. Swamiji also briefed us with the mesmerizing story on the birth of Sri Ram. Following which Swami Anukoolanadaji performed the puja and the aarthi. In the evening, from 7 to 8 p.m. the staff and children participated in the 'Nama Sankeerthanam' leaving the ambience spiritually rejuvenated. It was an elevating experience for one and all.

A New Feather in the Cap
The Microsoft, along with Knowledge Lavenir Conclave-an educational extravaganza for teachers, took an initiative to exhibit their digital teaching skills in the presence of the teaching fraternity and the community at large. Nominated teachers presented their rich experience on how they have played an active role in introducing digital transformation into their classes and to take education beyond the four walls of the classroom through practical solutions and tools to build a Connected Learning Community.
About 3,000 teachers demonstrated their digital teaching skills over a period of 12 weeks from August to November 2020. They conducted webinars on the entire process aligning with the NEP 2020. As a part of this program, 14 teachers of CIRS presented topics of their choice, using technology-based teaching tools. Around 1000 teachers were invited to attend the webinar. As the next step, the entire teaching community attended Microsoft MIE (Microsoft Innovative Educator) training session on 21st September, 2020. All the teachers were certified as MIE trainers.

Microsoft Training
with the spirit to never give up!!!
When pandemic cast its dark shadow on the world, we had to grapple with the uncertainty that came with it. In the stress of the lockdown, the sanitisation protocol and tracking the global spread of virus, the teaching community had to face a new challenge, a shift from the real classroom to virtual classroom. The whole new world of online teaching became a reality. To make the teachers proficient in digital teaching and to equip them with the right online teaching techniques and strategies to engage the students, CIRS organised a two-day online training session by Mr Prashanth, Microsoft Trainer, from Tech Avant-Garde on 28th and 29th May to enable the teachers to understand all the features of Microsoft Team.
Through the interactive sessions, Mr Prashanth introduced the effective teaching tools and platforms that help to engage the students in a productive way. Also, the orientation that spanned for two days, saw some great exchange of ideas and suggestions. For the next few days, the field was open to teachers to explore and understand the limitations and challenges of MS Teams, a session for clearing doubts was organised on 8th June 2020 to help teachers with the areas of difficulty. Taking the virtual learning to a new level, the CIRS faculty members participated in the online test conducted by Microsoft and they were awarded with the MIE certificate (Microsoft in Education). CIRS also got the status of MIE school on 1st December 2020.

"Innovation in Teaching
CCMT Education Cell, under the guidance of Smt. Shanti Krishnamurthy, organised an Orientation Program for CV Khajipallem & Guntur teachers from 29th June 2020 to 2nd July 2020 to hone various techniques like introducing innovative teaching methodologies, interactive games and activities in the classroom. A team of CIRS teachers comprising Smt Saranya, Smt Bhuvaneswari, Smt Sumathy & Smt Namitha conducted sessions on teaching Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences through games & activities, question paper setting and English and Skill Development respectively.

"Kalasamnvayah”- Art Integration Workshop
A three-day Art Integration Workshop, "Kalasamnvayah" was organised by Chinmaya Viswa Vidyapeeth (CVV) in collaboration with CCMT Education Cell on the 4, 5, & 6 February 2021 under the guidance of Madam Shanti Krishnamurthy. The facilitators shared the best practices of integrating art while teaching various lessons in different subjects. CIRS teachers, Smt Kamatchi Priya and Smt Bhuvaneswari from Mathematics dept, Sri Satish, Kum Deepa, Smt Dhivya, Smt Manjula and Smt Saranya from Science dept and Smt Namitha from English dept shared impactful ways in which art and subject concepts can be merged for effective learning.

Honing the Technology Skills
Workshop on Maths and Science
The faculty of CIRS, Sri. Ganesh, Sri. Satish, Smt. Saranya and Smt. Bhuvaneshwari, conducted two separate workshops on creating a new digital learning environment to teach Science and Maths. Around 160 teachers from 83 Vidyalayas and 10 Vision Schools attended the same and benefitted immensely from this workshop which aimed to recreate the typical classroom environment digitally in the remote learning situation. With most of the teaching community being suddenly taken over by the digital syndrome, this was a welcome experience for all the teachers.
Facilitators explained how to use simulations and tutorials to enrich lessons, both in Science and Mathematics, enabling the teachers to make their classes engaging and interesting. Further they shared quizzing tools, lab activities, softwares and applications which will bring a new dimension in the distant teaching and learning mode.

Contributing Creatively
The Resident House Mothers, the Dispensary Assistants, the Lab Assistants, Store Assistants and the Librarians, when children were not around during the pandemic, chose to spend their time in the most productive way. They engaged themselves, day in and day out, unleashing their creative potential by making interesting and colourful teaching aids for Maths, Science, English and for the tiny tots of Shishu Vatika. Myriad difficult concepts morphed into beautiful flash cards, puzzles, activities, games etc. This task undertaken by them impressed everyone alike and it will definitely create a visual and interactive experience for the students.

CIRS Silver Jubilee!!!
The Chinmaya International Residential School (CIRS) was the vision of our Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji and the vision was concretised by Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayanandaji on 6th June 1996. To commemorate this blessed moment, the most awaited and the most significant event in the history of Chinmaya International Residential School, "The Silver Jubilee", was successfully celebrated online on the 6th of June 2020. Pujya Swami Swaroopanandaji inaugurated the event and blessed the school with an inspiring theme 'Celebrating Commitment'. Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayanandaji blessed the event with his benediction and rendering of a very special song composed exclusively for CIRS. The entire program was conceptualized by our Directors, Swami Anukoolananda and Smt. Shanti Krishnamurthy. The event was broadcast live on the CIRS YouTube channel. The highlight of the event was a glimpse into the past of CIRS, which also served as an expression of gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the growth of the school.

Dear Alumni,
CIRS is stepping into the 25th year!!!
More than 3000 students have studied in CIRS. We want to get connected with everyone who has studied in CIRS and left the school after any class from 5 to 12.
Therefore, we are compiling the data of this entire CIRS family.
Please take TWO minutes to fill this form and submit.
Click here to fill the form.
In case you have already filled the form, pls ignore this mail. However, pass the Google form link to every student whom you know through Whatsapp, Instagram etc.
CIRS Family
An inter-school quiz was organized @ Rathinam Institute of Technology, Echanari on February 8th. >Our quizzing team comprising of Sri Vaibhav of std X and Nikhil S. of std VIII took part in the quiz. They advanced to the finals with a healthy score of 18/20 in the prelims.

They secured 1st place in the finals and bagged a cash prize of Rs.5000 for the team besides merit certificates and a coveted trophy. Starting from Corona virus to Hindu mythology, a wide range or areas were covered in the quiz. Winners were honoured in the morning assembly on 10/2/2020.
January 30th is observed as Martyr’s day.This day symbolizes the martyrdom of Gandhiji and countless other people and leaders who sacrificed their lives for a noble cause. To instill a spirit of selfless service above self, a common message was delivered to the students in the form of a talk. in the morning assembly.
Reshmika of std VIII delivered a talk on the "Greatness of Gandhiji". In her talk, she emphasized the need for rededicating ourselves for a greater cause. She traced a sequence of events starting from the unfortunate incident in which Gandhiji was moved out of a moving train to the attainment of independence.
She also quoted how Bapuji inspired Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Aung san suu kyi.
The primary objective of the talk was to encapsulate Gandhian values to a generation that has an inherent craving to know the path of freedom that was full of turmoil and brutality of unimaginable proportion. A right blend of analogies and anecdotes added more vibrancy to the speech as well the message that was conveyed.

She appealed to the current generation to emulate some notable qualities of Gandhiji and to express unwavering loyalty and exhibit fierce pride on the nation which is so endearing to us as well as to those who sacrificed their lives for breaking the shackles of the colonial rule. The speech ended with resounding applause as it was flowed from her memory with absolute perfection and meticulous execution.
In the end, students were told to observe a minute silence as a mark of respect to the departed souls whose martyrdom has scripted the post independent era.
(Click here to view the video)
The 26th of January dawned with a high patriotic fervor amongst the CIRS family, we were greeted with a downpour of rain that delayed the ceremonial march past but this wasn’t a hindrance for the students of CIRS while they unrelentingly went on with their athletic and aquatic events. The grand march past was conducted with pomp and show. This was followed by the welcome address by Karthik.M of Class 10 and Neha.S also of Class 10. Sri. Diwakar, HOD of Social Sciences enlightened the youth of the nation with many thought-provoking and often hidden facts about our mother India. Following that, CIRS choir presented patriotic songs.
Sweets were distributed to all the students.
Later that evening we were introduced to the most awaited and exiting part of the day, the ending program. Masterfully organized by Mr. Ramesh Kulkarni, the program included a magnificent dance and another melodious song by the school choir. This year’s artistic backdrop was a novel idea displaying the Indian outline surrounded by the various countries the students of CIRS have come from. Undoubtedly the highlight of the day was the enticing short film prepared by our students named “BOSE – THE MIGHT OF INDIA” which also served as a preview for the upcoming Independence Day celebrations. To wrap up the festivities we were presented with an array of wonderful delicacies as part of the food festival organised by the school. Over all it was a memorable day that instilled a true sense of patriotism in our hearts, minds and souls.
On 23/1/2020, an inter school quiz was held @ Avinashi Lingam college of Engineering. Out of the three teams that represented CIRS, the team comprising of Yohan K of std IX and Mokshi Kothari of 11 CBSE secured first place in the event. The team won a cash prize of 7000. Quiz club of CIRS is delighted that our team won the inaugural edition of this quiz. The event was a photo-finish. The winning team managed to keep a cool head and took calculated risk in every stage of the event. This strategy was appreciated by the quiz master. The winners were honoured in the morning assembly on 25/1/2020.

215 students from our school participated in round I of International French spellbee competition, out of which 83 students were qualified for the second round.
At the end of the round II, 5 students emerged as zonal winners and got selected for the final round of the International French spellbee competition namely - Aditya Aiyer (6A), Manya Mehrotra (6A), Nikhil. B. S. (8B), Reshmika S. V. (8C) and Advait Jayaprakash (9B). The final round was conducted at Delhi on 18th of January.
Our 5 finalists competed against children not only from all over the country but also from Kuwait, Saudi and SriLanka . Our students performed exceptionally well.

In the advanced category, Advait of grade IX secured the second position in the finals winning a free trip to Auroville – Pondicherry. He was awarded with a trophy, medal and a certificate.

Manya, Aditya Iyer, Nikhil and Reshmika were acknowledged as zonal winners and were awarded with a gift, medal and a certificate.

Our Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji will interact with students at ParikshaPeCharcha2020 on Jan 20. Watch live from 11:00am on DD National/at
PONGAL @ the traditional way . ...
Pongal at CIRS is as always awaited and happiest occasion for one and all. The celebrations were scheduled for three days for the children to know our good old traditions of Mother India. The children painted and decorated their Pongal pots on 14th January evening. The children in their different groups brightened up their venues with their colourful rangolis. They illuminated the whole place by their beautiful traditional dresses. The students prepared delicious sweet pongal and salt pongal and offered as prasad to Sun God.
A special ‘aarthi’ programme under the guidance of Br. Sanathanji supported by the Music and Art department was enjoyed by all.
On the third day “Mattu Pongal” was celebrated at the ashram. All the junior school students along with the teachers joined the celebration.
Social Science quiz for Juniors was held on 8/1/2020. The quiz had 5 rounds. Starting from Coimbatore trivia to the global scenario, a wide range of topics was covered. Questions which aim at sharpening civic sense were also a part of the quiz. In the round titled “Around the world” students were asked to choose a corresponding letter based on which a question flashed on the screen. This round was well received by the participants as well as by the audience. Smt. Shanti Krishnamoorthy, Director Academics/Administration and Smt. Rajeshwari, the officiating principal honoured the prize winners. During the audience round, the audience were at their feet trying to crack every question to the best of their abilities. It was heartening to see the wholehearted participation of the students. Due emphasis was given to the four core components of CVP while handpicking questions for the session. The position of the houses is as follows:
Valmiki – First position (Ciranthan, Aditya Saraf, Rishvanth, Yash),
Vishwamitra – Second position (Guhan, Shubang, Nikhil, Adhavan)
Vashishtha – Third Position (Gaurav, Hardik, Aditya S., Ishaan)
Vyasa – Fourth position (Malhaar, Lokeshwar, Shreyas, Armaan)
A slender margin of marks decided the final fortunes of the houses as they competed with one another with a spirit of comradeship.
Education Today is an online Education portal based in the IT hub of Bangalore. On December 14th 2019, Education Today conducted the 7th National Conference for K-12 leadership and the School Merit Awards 2019 at The Chancery Pavilion, Bangalore. Eminent educators from all over India attended the one-day conference.
Around 2000+ schools and 150+ Preschools submitted their nomination across various categories like CBSE, ICSE, International schools, Montessori, etc. The awards were presented across multiple categories like Top 20 CBSE and ICSE schools, Top 10 International schools, Jury‘s Choice and Parent’s Choice award, city-wise school ranking and upcoming schools.
At CIRS, we are happy to share with everyone that CIRS has been awarded again with the Jury’s Award at the School Merit Awards 2019. CIRS has been awarded as the 2nd top boarding school in the country. The award was received by Mr Ganesh on behalf of the school.
(Click on the picture to zoom)
Brainfeed magazine is one of the pioneers in the field targeting the entire education sector from primary to high school education. Each year, the eminent jury of School Excellence Awards selects Top schools scrutinizing them on various areas such as Innovative Practices, happiness quotient index, Academic excellence and much more and award them.
The Brainfeed National Conference serves as a platform to showcase best practices and solutions on
Teaching, Learning and Leadership for the K-12 academicians.
This year, our school has been selected as one of the best schools in India
. We are happy to share with the parents that the school excellence award was presented to our school during their 7th Annual Educational Conference which was held on 5th December in Hyderabad. The award was received by Mrs Shanti Krishnamurthy (Director of Academics & Administration).
9th KHEL MILAN (2019-2020)
Our school participated in the All India Inter-Chinmaya 5-A Side Football Tournament competition 2019-2020 which was held from 02-12-2019 to 04-12-2019 at Chinmaya International Residential School, Coimbatore. A total of 31 Boys’ Teams & 12 Girls’ Teams participated in the Under 19 category in this Tournament.
2 teams from CIRS comprising of 10 girls and 10 boys participated in this Tournament.
Boys Under 19 Category -
Vigneshwar Kandeeban, Sideesh G., Sidharth, Tanay Shailesh Uttamchandani, Sudhanshu Somani, Tanay Uttam Parekh, T. Kartik Kumar Reddy, Divyaj Dhaval Thakkar, Rishit Jindal, Sharavan Ajeeth Jain
Girls Under 19 Category –
S. N. Shasna, Spoorthi Ramesh Ganduri, Ananya Rai, Sahithya D., B. Sri Vynavi, Harini Siva, Harithaa Ramesh Ramya, Prachi Dokania, Stuti Chovatiya, Mahek Agarwal
Our both teams made it to the in Pre- Quarter round.
Rao Hospitals conducted “Super KIDZ” inter-school quiz in Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan auditorium on 17/11/19. 86 teams took part in the event. Two teams from CIRS qualified to the finals. In the finals, Nikhil S., Rishwantth and Aditya Hriday Saraf secured third place in the event. The team bagged a cash prize of Rs.1000. Lokeshwar Reddy, Subhang Agarwal and Yash Bavishi of std VII secured 5th place in the event.

The Corporate quiz was held on 8/11/19 at Hindusthan college of arts and science. The Coimbatore chapter of Institute of companies of India hosted the event. The quiz was conducted by Prof. Rangarajan. Starting from taglines to Ayurvedic sarees, a wide range of topics pertaining to business got covered in the ambit of the quiz.
Our team comprising of Bhavya Agarwal of IB 2nd Year and Seshank Bhardwaj of IB 1st year secured the first prize. The team secured a cash prize of Rs.5000 besides individual trophies.

Hats-off to the quizzers for retaining the championship for the second year in a row.
Best class award is an initiative that has been in vogue for the junior school. This facilitates and accelerates the key areas that are needed for overall development of the class. Starting from cleanliness to Academic excellence, a wide range of parameters such as black board maintenance, and Notice board decoration are given due weightage. This is to ensure that no key area is left out. The classes were assessed for a period of two months (August/ September). After consolidating the points, the result was announced in the junior assembly on 30 October 2019
A panel of judges comprising of Sri Srinivas kulkarni and Sri Ramesh Kulkarni went round the classes and assessed each class and awarded points for each criteria. Photos taken during the assessment were incorporated in the form of a presentation. Class VIII-C bagged the Best class award , followed by VIII-A and VIII- B. Students received the prestigious banner which will be placed in front of the class. Class teacher Sri Prakash and assisting Class teacher Sri Karthik Ragunath , along with the class representatives, received the banner from the Officiating Principal Smt Rajeswari . It was a proud moment to cherish for all those who have contributed to the success in their own ways
Shtakshi Srivatsava of std IX and Shriyashruti Misra of std VI delivered a message in the Morning Assembly on 2/10/19 on the relevance of Gandhian views in the present day. This was done as part of Gandhi Jayanthi briefing. The speech was based on a recent article by Illa Gandhi, one of the grand daughters of Gandhiji on "What Bapu will be doing if he continues to live amidst us."
The speech focused on the following aspects:
1. What clothes will he wear?
2. Where will he live?
3. Which crops will he cultivate?
4. Will he use Wallet?
5. Will he wear seat-belt?
6. Will he promote Naturopahty?
7. Will he use Organic products?
The core values which Bapu stood for till his last breath such as time-management, Vegetarianism and concern for Human being were highlighted.
In the senior assembly, students were also urged to refrain from not posting any evil in the social media as that would be the message of the 4th monkey of Gandhiji, if he lives today.

In her concluding remarks, the Principal reiterated the need to imbibe great values in order to take the nation to greater heights.
For the past ten years Education world magazine has been publishing the Annual education World India School Rankings with the C fore – the well known Delhi based market research and opinion polls agency. They rate over 800 of India’s most high profile schools on 14 parameters- academic reputation, faculty competence, leadership quality, pastoral care, sports education etc.
At CIRS, we are happy to share with everyone that in the 2019 survey, CIRS has been ranked 1st in Tamil Nadu for the eight consecutive year and 2nd in All India level in the Co-Ed Boarding School category.
Our school participated in the CBSE CLUSTER VI - football Tournament 2019-2020 which was held from 26-09-2019 to 29-09-2019 at MMS, Hosur. Tamil Nadu. Around 190 schools participated in this competition. Our team of 16 students participated in this competition in the Under 17 category. Our team lost in the Quarter-Final round.
3rd August 2019 is very special for the whole Chinmaya family, as it was on this day that Swami Chinmayananda took Mahasamadhi. The day started with “Swadhyayanam” where the children listened to Gurudev’s talk. Different videos on developing Good Habits, Goal Setting were shown to the children to reflect.
Followed by Swadhyayanam, Children were taken for “Parikramam” where they did pradakshina chanting Gurudev’s Name for 108 times and offered their prayers to Gurudev. All the members of CIRS, students as well teachers, with devotion performed Gurudev’s paduka puja surrendering oneself completely to Gurudev. After complete surrender, with the peaceful mind, the students went back to the dorm and continued to meditate on Guru through “Japanam”. So the Children were made to do ‘Likhita Japa’.
“Atma Nivedanam” was the spectacular sight where the old council members handed over their office to the New Council. The Oath taking ceremony presided by the Principal bestowed upon the council members their new roles and responsibilities, while the outgoing councils was thanked for their service by giving a certificate and memento.
Followed by “AtmaNivedanam”, we had the session of “Arpanam”, where Our Acharyas Swamini Vimalananda Amma, Swami Anukoolananda Ji and other acharyas were given vastra dhaan. She also gave the Subhashi Award to the students.
Followed by Vastra Dhaan, All the acharyas and the dharmasevaks from Chinmaya Gardens had their bhiksha, “Upacharanam.”
In the evening children were overloaded with anxiety and excitement as the four houses competed against each other in an inter-house drama competition. The participants comprised of students from Class 8 to 11. Vishwamitra house showcased a play that was based on the 6 Vikaras. Vashishta house brought out values through the tales of Akbar and Birbal. Valmiki house touched the hearts of its viewers through a family drama. Vyasa house enthralled the audience with its musical play “Welcome to the jungle” which depicted the values one can learn from animals. Based on the criteria – number of Gurudev’s quotations used, acting, inclusivity, usage of the MPH Vishwamitra emerged as the winner.
Thus, the whole day’s celebration came to an end with Gurudev’s aarti.
CIRS hosted the Sahodaya Tennis Tournament (Boys) competition 2019-2020 which was held on 29th and 30th July 2019. Around 35 schools (180 participants under various categories) participated in this competition.
10 of our students participated in this competition namely -
Under 14 category – R. Jairam Palaniapan (8A), Guhan Senthil (8A)
Under 16 category – Dhruv Advaith Kolagatla (9D), Divyaj Dhaval Thakkar (9C), Vikram Padia (10A)
Under 19 category – Arush Anuj Singhania (10D), Rohan B. Mahendra (11 Sc), Mayank Gilada (12 Sc)
Dhruv Advaith Kolagatla, Divyaj Dhaval Thakkar, Vikram Padia secured the 1st position in the Under 16 category. Jairam Palaniapan, Guhan Senthil of the Under 14 category and Arush Anuj Singhania, Rohan B. Mahendra, Mayank Gilada of Under 19 category secured the 4th position. The winners were awarded a cup and all students received certificates.
Our school girls participated in the Sahodaya Tennis Tournament competition 2019-2020 which was held at the SNS Academy, Coimbatore on 2nd August 2019. Around 15 schools (38 participants under various categories) participated in this competition.
Mahek Agarwal (11 Mgt) participated in the Under 19 category and secured the 1st position. She was awarded with a gold medal and certificate.

Our school participated in the inter school dance competition held at the PSBB MILLENNIUM SCHOOL, Somayampalayam, Coimbatore on 30th July 2019. Around 36 schools participated in this competition. The competition was held under two different categories namely- semi-classical and folk. Our school participated in both the categories.
The partcipants are as follows:
FOLK - Vaishnavi, Kirti, Thanusha, Reshmika, Ruchika, Riditha, Ashna Kataria, Aadhishree Devi
CLASSICAL - Swastika, Malini, Minakshi, Khushi, Harini Shiva, Rakshena
All the participants received participation certificate.
True to the name, battle of Brains is a quizzing event that rattles your brain. More so, when a team needs to retain supremacy of winning the title for the third time, the pressure is even more higher.
On 30/7/19, GKD was the battle ground where top quizzing teams assembled to test their might. Our team comprising of Srivaibhav of std X and Seshank Bharadwaj of IB 1st year secured first place and received a cash prize of Rs.10000 besides a shield for the winning school. They were honoured in the morning assembly on 31/7/19.

To encourage and motivate children in their singing talent with Karaoke and with live instrument, the Music Department had organized a musical evening “Kal Aaj aur Kal “.
It was on 26th July 2019 evening inMPH for the seniors from classes 9th to 12th.
14 children from classes 9-12 participated actively in this programme. They performed movie songs with the karaoke. As it was the "Kargil Vijay diwas' the children sang motivational and inspirational songs from the Bollywood movies.

An inter-school GK quiz was held on 27/7/18 @ Sarojinj Auditorium, Kikani school. Our school was represented by 6 teams which were chosen based on a preliminary screening test conducted in CIRS on 11/7/19.
The team comprising of Yohan of std IX, Nikhil of std VIII and Rishwantth of std VIII secured the third place in the event. They held on to their nerves and with a calculated and cautious approach, they sealed their spot. The team received merit certificates, books and medals.
The quiz had 6 rounds. Starting from the greatness of Saint Thiyagaraja to the incident involving Rosa park, a wide range of topics were covered in the quiz. A right mix of Trivia and googlies added more vibrancy to the event.
All other students received certificates as they advanced till the semi-finals.
Our school participated in the Coimbatore Sahodaya Schools' Declamation competition 2019-2020 which was held on 24th July 2019 at the Chinamaya Vidyalaya Senior Secondary School, Vadavalli. Around 45 schools participated in this competition with 2 participants under each category.
The competition was held under 2 categories namely, Junior level for students of classes 6 to 8 and Senior level for students of classes 9 to 12.
Reshmika S. V. (8C) and Samriddhi Mahesh Iyer (8B) participated in the Junior level and Karthik M. (11 Management) and Thrisaanth senthil Pandian (9B) participated in the Senior level.

Karthik M. (11 Management) secured the the second position and has been awarded with a trophy and certificate.
KPR college of Arts and Science, Arasur, conducted an Inter-school quiz titled "Kwizzards" on 26/7/19. 200 teams took part in this keenly fought event.
Prof. Rangarajan's trademark questions made the quizzers to experience fluctuating fortunes as the quiz unfolded.
2 teams from CIRS participated in this quiz. The team comprising of Srivaibhav of std X and Seshank Bharadwaj of IB 1st year emerged as winners in the event. They secured a cash prize of Rs.10,000 besides merit certificates and trophies. The other team comprising of Irith and Yohan received participation certificates.

With an unassailable lead, the team made it easier to clinch the title.
Gokul Raj Memorial quiz is a premier annual quiz which is held in the memory of a quizzing prodigy. The third edition of this quiz took place on 19/7/19 @ Gujrati Samaj.
CIRS was represented by 4 teams. Being the defending champions, CIRS took part in the event with high hopes and aspirations. Starting from the UNESCO heritage site to world cup finals in cricket, many topics were covered. Students were asked to choose a marvel character which in turned determined the question that would go to each team on the stage. As marvel characters determined the question, it was a marvelous experience.
The team comprising of Bhavya Agarwal of IB 2nd year and Irith Chaturvedi of std X stormed into the finals with a score of 19/20 in the prelims. In the finals, they secured 2nd place in the event.
Participants and the prize winners were honoured in the morning assembly on 20/7/19. The team received merit certificates besides a cash prize of Rs.2000.
Our school participated in the 42nd Sahodaya Interschool Yogasana competition 2019-2020 which was held on 17th July 2019 at the Maharishi Vidyamandir School, Coimbatore. Around 65 schools (520 participants under various categories) participated in this competition.
8 of our students participated in this competition namely - Bhavapriya (Class 2) and Lok Viswavaedha (Class 5A) in the Under 12 category), Shreya Shruti Mishra (Class 6) and S. Prahlad (Class 5A) in the Under 14 category, Videhi Murarka (Class 6) and Lokeshwar Reddy Thota (7A) in the Under 16 category and, Bhavika Bazaz (7B) and Kritik Madhavan (11 Mgt) in the Under 19 category.

Bhavika Bazaz of 7B secured the third position in the Under 19 category and was awarded with a bronze medal and certificate.
CoE Trivandrum conducted two day Capacity Building Programme on Python Language (for Senior Secondary level) Informatics Practice teachers (Subject code 065) at St. Mary`s Residential Central School. Two IP teachers (Mrs. Saranya and Mrs. Dhivya) from CIRS attended the workshop. This two day workshop was very useful where the resource persons provided the Python handouts and interactive practical session were also organized which helped us to have an insight about the new syllabus. Over all, it was an enriching experience.
Our school participated in the Sahodaya Table Tennis District level competition 2019-2020 which was held on 12-07-2019 at Sri Vinayaga Vidhyala Senior Secondary School, Karamadai. Around 27 schools (225 participants) under various categories participated in this competition.
9 of our students participated in under 14, under 16 and under 19 boys category. namely -
Under 12 category – Shashwat Agarwal (6A), Anshul Akhil Dhelia (6B)
Under 14 category – Raghav Uday Menon (8C), Anshuman Mittal (8B), Naman Parekh (8C)
Under 16 category – S. Aswath (IX – B) and S. Sukesh (XI – Science)
Under 19 category – Srinivasan L. (XI Science), Aryan Rajeev (10B)
S. Aswath (IX – B) and S. Sukesh (XI – Science) secured the 2nd position in the Under 16 category and added yet another feather in their cap and bought laurels to the school.

The Science Olympiad Foundation had conducted the second level olympiad English during the month of February. Few of our students secured merit certificates and prizes.
International English Olympiad
Ramakrishna Ajay Kulkarni (5A) secured the 11th rank, Nihar Mukund (XA) secured the 12th rank and Roopal Raveendranathan (11 Science) secured the 13th rank. They have been awarded merit certificates.
Ojas Krishnan has secured the 4th rank and he has been awarded with a merit certificate and a smart touch lamp with a bluetooth speaker.
Mathematics week was filled with a plethora of interesting activities that engaged students from all grades 5-12 and those students in Shishu-vatika.
In the morning assembly, students were briefed on the proceedings of the Mathematics week which was presented by Mrs. Bhuwaneswari. Inspired by the story of Shakuntala Devi presented by a student, the students were ready to take on the week and gain as much knowledge that they could gain with the resources denied to the Mathematical prodigy.
In the evening, the ‘Math Run’ was conducted house-wise for classes 5 & 6 and for classes 7 & 8. The event included 8 stations positioned within the main “Mathura” school block, where students took part in the activities in teams and dashed across to the next station when the time was up. Points were awarded to the houses by each stationed teacher based on their level of success in the activity.
The ‘Math Run’ was conducted for the senior school students, 9 & 10 and 11 & 12 respectively with the toughness of the questions varying for each category. The students enjoyed all the Mathematics games at each station, working together and assigning roles to succeed in each round.
In the morning assembly students were intrigued by significance of the number 108 in many cultures, it was a highly informative talk. An entirely different Math game show “ Genious Junior “ on Mental Maths was conducted for the students of classes 7 & 8. This show provided the platform for the students to showcase their talents in Mental Maths. It was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.
Pascal’s triangle was explained in layman terms to the students, to create an interest in them about the deep roots of Math in history and how it was once discovered by an Indian writer.
Later in the day the students of Shishu-vatika had an interactive quiz which had a good reception by the young students.
The Sahodaya Inter school quiz for juniors was held on 6/7/19 @ Aksharam international school. 100 teams from 47 schools took part in the event. After the prelims, 20 teams were chosen to take part in the semi -finals.
CIRS was represented by two teams.
1. Rayan Chatterjee and Sowmya Khemani of std V
2. Arnav Saraf and Jigyaasa Bothra of std V
Both the teams qualified for the finals. The team comprising of Rayan Chatterjee and Sowmya Khemani of std V qualified to the finals. During the rapid- fire round, our team answered all the questions. They secured the 2nd position in the event. They received individual trophies, certificates and medals. It is noteworthy to mention that Rayan Chatterjee was appreciated by the quiz anchor for his lightening fast answers.
Arnav Saraf and Jigyaasa Bothra of std V received consolation prize for having advanced to the semi finals.
Both the teams put in their best in terms of performance.
“Yoga is the journey, of the self, to the self, through the self”. International yoga day is observed on the 21st of June every year. This year, the theme set by the UN is “Yoga for Climate Action”. As CIRS students were on their vacations during the international yoga day, CIRS celebrated international yoga day on the 5th of July.

The students of grade 7th and 8th performed a yogasana session early morning at 5.30 A.M. The session was opened by a set of warm up exercises and stretches which helps the circulation of the blood and fluid in the body. It was followed by surya namaskar (sun salutation) .

The peace generated, reverberated around CIRS and set the students’ day. The day’s proceedings were looked up to with great enthusiasm.
This year, the orientation program was scheduled for three days educating the new faculty members and reminding other members of CIRS family about the goals and the responsibilities of their position and the vision of the organisation.
On 27th June, 2019 all the staff members had been taken to Camp Splendour, ThiruMoorthy Dam. The activities included were trekking in the hillock, water games, bungee jump and other fun games in and around the campsite. It was a truly relaxing and rejuvenating session for all the staff members to start the year with.
The orientation program for the second day started with Pujya Swami Swaroopananda ji’s blessing all the faculty and staff members. Swamiji addressed the staff on the theme “Storm To Perform” quoting the life of Sri Ramchandraji. Swamiji raised a question asking everyone “Are we going to be the victims of these storms/ out comings or strong enough to come out of the storm stronger or wiser?” It is easy to perform in a conducive environment but if the inner mind is weak it would be difficult. How do we get this inner strength? Swamiji explained the power of Meditation and how it helps to face to the storm. Face the storm with courage and self-confidence and become stronger then the storm itself. Swamiji quoted incidents from the life of Sri Ram, Benjamin Franklin and our Gurudev. After gaining that knowledge, that power, that wisdom, bring in that performance in all our actions through which our students get motivated to storm to perform.

The second session for the day was preceded by Madam Sandipa on "21st Century Skills". She clearly elucidated the need and the importance of inculcating the necessary skills in the children that are being demanded by the 21st century society. She gave an insight in bringing in the 4 Cs – Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity in the teaching learning program. Thus, it was an illuminating session by Madam Sandipa.
In the next session, Mr. Satish (HOD of Dept of Sciences) briefed on the new format of the lesson plan which is going to be online hence forth. At the end of the session, each department prepared and presented two lesson plans in their respective subjects.
The last day of the orientation program started with a session by Madam Shanti Krishnamurthy (Director Academics & Administration) on Key Result Area (KRA). Madam explained the need for KRA in an organization and how it works at CIRS. This was followed by the department meetings for the planning of the new academic year.
AQMEN is a premier quizzing event hosted by PSBB Millennium school. CIRS has been a finalist in this quiz for the last 2 years in a row. This year, our team comprising of Sri Vaibhav D of std X and Yohan K. of Std IX secured first place in the event held on 26/6/19. They cleared the prelims with a score of 18.5 out of 20. The final was a nail- biting event as the difference between the first and second place was not more than 1 point. Our team won a cash prize of Rs.5000 besides merit certificates.Suryanarayanan, the seasoned quiz master from Catalyst conducted the quiz which had 6 rounds.

An Antakshar programmei with the aim of rhythmic interaction was organized on 23.05.19, where in 6 teams (gradewise) competed against each other. The melody was sensational as was the electric atmosphere at the amphitheatre.
There were various rounds – Traditional round, word round, situation round, audio/video round etc. All the children participated with a lot of enthusiasm and involvement. It was a grand successful event with the 12 grade girls winning the competition. 12th grade girls emerged as the winners of the friendly night. Towards the end of the programme all the students together tapped their feet to songs ranging from Arabic to patriotic to Bollywood.
A group of thrilled eleventh and twelfth graders, bubbling with curiosity, set out for a walk on 21st April 2019 at 7:00 am in the morning. After a refreshing cup of milk, the students walked along the road and finally reached the woods led by Mrs. Dhivya, Mr. Shiva Shanmugham and Mr. Srinivas. Even while walking on a path that had both ups and downs, the students never got tired but refreshed after the 45-minute walk. They finally reached a delightful reservoir where they had a reviving bottle of juice. After a short break under a shady tree planted by our late-former president Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the students set out towards the Amman Temple. After offering their prayers to the Amman, they walked back to the school, cherishing the wild memories of their walk.
Raising a Mathematician Foundation (RAM Foundation) is a Charitable Trust registered under the Bombay Trust Act. The objective of the Trust is to spread the beauty, knowledge and application of Mathematics to people of all ages.
Four of our students attended this 7-day camp from 19th May to 25th May at in the Ram Ratna Vidya Mandir in Mumbai. Exploring new concepts, solving complicated problems and above all interacting with mathematically talented individuals from all around the country were some of the many aspects of this camp.
The sessions started off with the introduction to the concepts given by Euler - a great mathematician of the 18th century. The sessions extended to almost 11 hours a day. A wide range of topics consisting of Prime numbers, Proofs, Induction, Geometry, Spherical Geometry, Number Theory, Cryptography, Lucas numbers, Fibonacci Numbers were covered. The sessions were conducted by Mr. Vinay, Mr. Hariharan, Mr. Bhas Bhamre, Mr. Atul and other renowned mathematicians from around the globe.
The students were divided into groups named after some great Indian mathematicians after the time of Ramanujan. They were also introduced to other branches that involved Mathematics such as Quantum Physics, Cryptology and many more.
Overall, the camp was a wonderful experience not only in terms of learning but also in terms of socialising with people who love Mathematics.
The IB students of the Second Year were given an experience of understanding the various aspects of ART through a much awaited retreat which began on Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 6:00 in the evening and went through the night on to 7:00 am Sunday May 19, 2019. Through an activity packed evening, the students were given an overview of the various considerations of Art as an area of knowledge.
In the first activity, the students had to place a thing which could be considered as an art piece inside a circle drawn at the centre of the amphitheatre. Each student had the liberty to remove the things which was not an art piece in their opinion or put it back. This activity helped the students to distinguish between art and craft.
Following the activity, a briefing was given about the various art styles practiced by ancient India and the changes brought in art by the British. Based on this information a group activity was conducted. Each group was given an art style as a topic. They had to click random pictures in the amphitheatre, collage them and connect it to the art style given to them as their topic. It was an interesting activity as each group came up with a fascinating collage and a story behind it.
After the activity an auction game was held wherein each group betted their points. Two images were presented and the possible correlations were put up as options. Each group had to stake their points on one of the options. This helped the students understand the Ways Of Knowing that were used in making a choice in the game.
Other activities included fashion show wherein each group was given a theme based on which the students dressed some of their group members. The fascinating part of this activity was that each was given a pile of newspapers and using them they created patterns and dresses for their models. This helped them unleash their creativity and perspective towards materialistic glamour.
The students were also asked to create a skit based on an image shown. This activity helped them develop an understanding of the various perspectives that an artwork needs to be viewed with. Later, four music and four advertisements were presented to the students. They had to choose the music that deserved the Grammy’s Award and also the advertisement that deserved the Oscar’s Award. This activity was conducted in the form of a game. This involved a lot of debates and opinions and finally the teams made fair assessment.
The students went for a night walk where they heard sounds produced by the various insects, the soft rustling of the leaves and their own murmurs.
A fictional movie named ‘The Artist’ was shown on the next day at one in the morning. It was a silent, black and white movie which gave a different experience altogether. The interesting part of the movie was that it was released in the year 2011 and was based on the life of actors of the 20th century.
Overall, the students not only had a learning experience, but also enjoyed the entire procedure.
On the afternoon of 16th May between 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm, Mrs. Athira a fashion designer and illustrator had taken a short session on fashion design for both I year IB and II year IB Visual Arts students. She gave a brief introduction on the history of fashion and showed her interesting fashion illustrations to the students. Though the session was short it was very informative. The students got a brief understanding of fashion designing as a career. They got introduced to how a fashion illustration is done. They alsorealised that research is needed for their work to have more substance. Overall, it helped broaden the students’ mind in understanding the concept of fashion.

On 13/5/19, an open forum session was held for the students of std X to XII @ the Amphitheatre. The session was named "Multi-flavoured quiz". It was held between 7.15 to 8.10 PM. Students were seated grade-wise. This was done to encourage active participation. The quiz covered a wide range of topics such as
Civic sense,
Harry potter and
Wild life.
On the whole, 60 questions of varying difficulties were shot. Audio visual questions were aimed at testing the greatness of Indians who had made outstanding contribution in their chosen fields. The quiz had two rounds. Round 1 was anchored by Swarna maam and round 2 was anchored by Diwakar sir. The main objective of this quiz is to expose the students on a range of topics that can stimulate their interest based on their expertise, exposure and natural inclination towards an area of fascination/specialization.
Even though there was a provision to pass the questions, the participants saw the event as a battle of prestige and tried their best to answer the question.
On the whole, the session was highly interactive. Many of them were on their toes. It gave the students an opportunity travel an extra mile in pursuit of knowledge. Smt. Rajeshwari, the officiating Principal, summed up the session.
CIRS organized a 2-day trip for the students of Visual Art (IB) and KTPI to Thanjavur, the cultural head quarter of Tamil Nadu for the Visual Arts and KTPI Students from 11th May to 12th May 2019.
11th May
Students visited the Brihadeswara Temple where a good knowledgeable government employed guide Mr. Selvam helped the students in giving an insight about the temple. He gave them valuable knowledge and understanding of the temple history and its construction. Later the students visited the Saraswati Library and the Thanjavur Palace. After a good Thanjavur meal, The students visited the Dharasuram Temple and a silk weaving place in the evening.
12th May
The students went to the Gangaikondacholapuram Temple in the morning. They saw with curiosity how light from the Nandi reflected on the Shiva Lingam. The students then visited the place where they saw the process of the lost wax method used in order to create beautiful, intricate Bronze statues and also the process of Thanjavur painting. After gaining knowledge and enjoying their stay in Thanjavur, students left for Coimbatore by train and reached school by about 10:45pm.

On 8th of May, CIRS got together to celebrate the birth anniversary of the astounding luminary, Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda. This auspicious day began with Gurudev’s Paduka Pooja. Every student and teacher attuned themselves with the higher as they performed the pooja with utmost devotion.
As with every year, the Gurudev Yatra was based on this year’s theme, “Storm to Perform”. From a haunted room to exciting games, students, in groups, went around 8 stations set up by some of their own peers and got to witness different ideas and participate in versatile activities. Each station provided a solution to improve our performance in the game of life. The result was a school full of fatigued but inspired students and teachers.
The evening had its own surprise. Instead of the regular visual treat, the ears were in for a feast. In front of twelve hundred keen eyes, a small band of aspiring musicians, led by their music masters, performed a variety of musical compositions in the name of our Guru. Their music was about the best of both worlds, the east and the west. The students worked tirelessly to create this cultural bonanza as a show of love for our Guru. As the music interwove the subtle slokas of Sanskrit, instrumental solos and English melodies, the souls and minds of all rested after a hectic day. The day ended on a patriotic note, as an unparalleled rendition of ‘Vande Mataram’ was played. This day, all in all, will remain fresh in the memories for a very long time.
Gurudev Paduka Pooja was performed by the students of II Year IB on May 2nd 2019 praying for their success in their final examinations. It was performed under the guidance of Swami Anukoolananda. It is CIRS tradition that Gurudev Paduka Pooja is performed before all the major examinations seeking His blessings.
After a lot of considerations, deliberations and scrutiny, it was decided to organize Model United Nations in our school and thus “CIRSMUN” originated. With a vision to provide a constructive pathway for having a global perspective for the youth of our school and promoting the idea of Universal Outlook, CIRSMUN took off with its first ever session on “Peace and Strong Institutions” on May 1st 2019.

The logo, certificates and medals were designed especially for CIRSMUN. A schedule was made for the research work which lasted for more than 25 days.
The response from the students was immense and more 250 students took part as the committee delegates and about 100 more students participated in various roles like, Administrators, Art Team Members, Logistics Team Members and so on.

On the whole it provided a rich experience to all those who were involved in it. Though it was a maiden attempt by the school to organize a Model United Nations conference, it emerged as a huge successful event with the blessings of Gurudev Chinmayananda, Guruji Tejomayananda, Swami Swaroopanandaji and Swami Anukhoolananda, the Resident Director. The guidance and support given by the Director – Academics and Admin, Mrs. Shanthi Krishnamurthy and the officiating Principal Mrs. Rajeswari shall always be remembered.
The committees were as follows:
- Disarmament and Security Council (DISEC),
- Special Conference (SPC)
- The General Assembly-Legal (GA3)
- The environment Commission (GA4)
- NITI Aayog
- International Press Corps (IPC)
Following students constituted the secretariat and the chairs of different committees.
- Secretary General – Maheswar
- Deputy Secretary General – Rathan
- Director General – Thejas
- Under Secretary General Operations – Sagar
- Under Secretary General Administration – Suhan
- Under Secretary General Committees – Aparna
Committee |
Head Chair |
Assistant Chair |
Maheswar |
Abhay |
| Thejas |
Rithu |
GA3 |
Suhan |
Tejaswini |
GA4 |
Rathan |
Jyoshitha |
NITI Aayog |
Bhavya |
Raag |

The whole credit goes to the secretariat who worked relentlessly for the successful accomplishment of first ever CIRSMUN 2019.
The true spirit of sportsmanship of the CIRS students was revealed during the Chinmaya Cricket Knockout Tournament, which was held on 29th and 30th April,2019. The Cricket quench started with the trailers of each team being presented in the assembly for the full school. The feeling of sportsmanship dwelled in every CIRSian supporting their teams. The banners made and the Jerseys designed by each team stood class apart and was well appreciated by everyone.
The results are as follows:
I position – Amigos - Winners
II position – Banana Squad – Runners-up
Aditya lath (Amigos) |
S Suhan (Banana Squad) |
Naivedya Tulsyan (Dholakpur Decepticons) |
Man of the series |
Best Batsman |
Best Bowler |
Dholakpur Decepticons’ jerseys of grade X were declared as the Best Jersey for its unique design.
5 x 5 Soccer is one of the most awaited events in CIRS. The soccer Tournament was conducted on the 25th and 26th April, 2019 in the Dronacharya field at CIRS. It was inaugurated by our beloved Swami Anukoolanada and our officiating Principal Mrs. Rajeshwari Sathish. A lot of new children participated enthusiastically in this tournament.
Eight different teams participated in the tournament in 4 different categories.
Sub-Junior (Boys & Girls) -5th & 6th
Junior (Boys & Girls) – 7th & 8th
Senior (Boys & Girls) – 9th & 10th
Super Senior (Boys & Girls) – 11th & 12th
The matches were conducted for two days in two sessions. Our school physical education teachers were the referees for the tournament. The tournament provided a platform for students to come as one, for their house and compete. House points were added to the respective houses that won.
The results are as follows:
Category |
Winners |
Runners up |
Sub Junior Boys |
Vishwamitra |
Vyasa |
Junior Boys |
Valmiki |
Vyasa |
Senior Boys |
Vishwamitra |
Valmiki |
Super Senior Boys |
Vasishtha |
Valmiki |
Sub Junior Girls |
Vasishtha |
Vishwamitra |
Junior Girls |
Vasishtha |
Vishwamitra |
Senior Girls |
Valmiki |
Super Senior Girls |
Valmiki |
Vishwamitra |
CIRS general elections are held every year to elect the class representatives. Every class room turns into a constituency and every student turns into a voter.This hands-on democratic exercise gives the learners an opportunity to experience the essence of democracy. In the morning assembly, a power point presentation was shown on the procedures involved in conducting the elections.
This year, the CIRS class representative elections was held on 25th of April.
NCC cadets were deployed to ensure that the election process took place in a smooth way. NCC cadets placed the election kit in every class. After the polling got over, they collected the ballot boxes to the Maths lab where the counting of the votes took place. Class teachers and assisting class teachers played a key role in every stage of the election starting from the nomination to the counting of votes.
The results of the election were announced in the assembly. In some classes, the result was neck and neck while in some other classes candidates won by a huge margin. A team of poll observers comprising of Smt. Rajeshwari, the officiating Principal and Sanatan Chaitanya visited each and every constituency and took stock of the poll scenario. They appreciated those who spoke confidently. A team of student photographers covered the creative posters and slogans which were seen in the bulletin boards of the class rooms.
During the campaigning, the candidates spoke about the changes that they would bring in their respective classes. It was heartening to see the contenders focussing on what they would contribute to make their class secure best class award. Election speeches were precise, pointed and it reflected the core values that the candidates stand for.
Click here to view the gallery.
The Interhouse basketball tournament is another awaited event during summer school in CIRS. The basketball Tournament was conducted on the 22nd and 23rd April, 2019. It was inaugurated by Swami Anukoolanandaji and Madam Shanti. The tournament was conducted separately for boys and girls under Senior and Super Senior categories. The results of the tournament are as follows.
The results are as follows:
Category |
Winners |
Runners up |
Senior Boys |
Vasishtha |
Vyasa |
Super Senior Boys |
Vishwamitra |
Vasishtha |
Senior Girls |
Vasishtha |
Valmiki |
Super Senior Girls |
Valmiki |
Vishwamitra |
Hanuman Jayanti is the pious day on which Sri Hanuman descended on earth in order to serve the purpose of his eternal master, Lord Ram. Hanuman Jayanthi was celebrated on 19th April 2019 with great devotion at CIRS.
The day started with an enlightening culture talk which stated the importance of Lord Hanuman. The students were told to write japa of hanumanji which was later made into a mala. The students were told to keep hanuman close to their hearts throughout the day.

The celebration started in the afternoon with a puja to Lord Hanuman and Swami Anukoolananda ji explained the salient significance of Hanuman Jayanti. Following that the students of CIRS were chanting Hanuman chalisa for 54 times in various allotted batches. In the evening special aarati was organized for our children. With lot of excitement the students were gathered in MPH. The program was started with puja and bhajans dedicated to Lord Hanuman. A beautiful backdrop was which displayed the Ramayana was put up by the art department.

Thus the celebration came to an end filling the hearts of the students with great reverence to Lord Hanuman.
Civic pulse is an initiative through which issues of utmost day to day importance are discussed. The module has been designed in such a way that the student body will first listen to a basic talk which is followed by a question answer session.
First segment of the civic pulse for this academic year took place @ the MPH on 17/4/19. Diwakar Sir addressed the students on the topic “The other side of social media”
The presentation revolved around the need to be cautious in using social media failing which the user will be in trouble. Videos pertaining to how the FB CEO was confronted in the Singapore parliament owing to the issue of sharing of data with Cambridge Analytica was shown.
An appeal was made to the students to ensure that their digital foot prints are not controversial and anti-national.
On the whole , the students participated with a great deal of enthusiasm. It was heartening to see that many of them have a higher degree of knowledge on a wide range of issues that were discussed in the course of the talk. Smt. Rajeshwari, the officiating Principal summed up the session and appealed to the students to stay alert as “intelligent users of internet” rather than getting trapped by fake news and hype. Swami Anukoolanandaji, the mastermind behind this initiative , graced the occasion with his benign presence.
“A day in the presence of a great teacher is equal to a hundred nights of diligent study”. This was the exact thought in the minds of all students as we were eagerly waiting for the arrival of Pujya Swami Mitranandaji.
A session was organised on 15-04-2019 along with our senior most students where varied topics of importance were discussed. Questions about global issues, world events, stereotypical problems and many more were asked with a force and answers rebounded with double speed. Thus the session ended with lots of valuable inputs and Swamiji became the inspiratio of many.
‘Vishu Kani’ was arranged in dorms with auspicious items like idol of Lord Vishnu, mirror, fruits, vegetables etc, decorated with ‘Kanikonna’ ( a golden yellow flower associated with Sri Krishna). Children were shown ‘Vishu Kani’ in the early morning with eyes closed guided by the RHPs and RHMs.
This was followed by a traditional and an aromatic lunch served by Sodexo on banana leaves, spreading a whiff of South Indian meals in the air. The students dressed up in their traditional dress for this special lunch, a feast which had food items consisting of roughly equal proportions of salty, sweet, sour and bitter items.
In the evening, the CIRS family was treated with a wonderful cultural program organized by the senior school.
The event started off with a traditional Kerala dance followed by silambam- a traditional Tamilian dance form.

The day's celebration ended with a wonderful play that narrated the story of Velu Nachiyar, the first queen to fight the Colonial rule in British India. Thus, an auspicious and a memorable evening marked the entry of CIRS into another year of joy and happiness.

Sri Rama Navami was celebrated with lot of devotion and reverence, taking the name of the Great God at CIRS. All the students assembled at the MPH for the celebration of His birth. Swami Anukoolananda Ji explained the significance of the birth of Sri Rama. He revealed the greatness of His love towards His devotees. Swamiji exclaimed Lord Rama as the Ideal of Life. There was a Pooja performed.
What could be a better way to express our devotion to the lord than chanting his name? There was a Nama Jepa from 5.00 to 6.00 P.M at Ram Arati Hall in the MPH. The children chanted Bhagavan’s name with utmost devotion.
There was a special Arati in the evening wherein the children performed and dedicated the entire show to Lord Sri Rama. It was a unique program comprising of two battles, namely - a singing competition between the 9th and 10th grade, and a dance faceoff between the 11th and the 12the graders. The vibrant musical and dance performances set the mood of the audience seated in the multipurpo
se hall and they were completely drowned in devotion. The judges indeed had a hard time choosing the winners and finally the 10th and the 12th graders bagged the prize.
Thus Ramanavami was celebrated bringing Bhagavan Sri Rama in the hearts of everyone.
(Click on the picture to zoom)
The Book Lovers’ Program for Schools (BLPS) is a reading program designed to get children to love reading story books. BLPS uses storybooks and storytelling to make children want to read. Contextual activities are also used to reinforce learning.
As part of BLPS programme, the BLPS team conducted a two day event BIBLIOS 2019, a unique literary festival, in our school on 11th and 12th of April for the classes five to eight. On 11th March, at 3 p.m. the program was inaugurated by our officiating Principal Mrs. Rajeswari, at MPH. The guests and BLPS Team members were introduced to the students by Mrs. Lakshmi Mohan, BLPS Coordinator. THE BLPS team consists of Ms. Bhagirathy, a theatre actor and a story-teller, Ms. Srishtika, an award winning poetess, and Ms. Merrin, a theatre artist.
Following were the events that were conducted by them.
Students had an exciting interactive session -“The Publisher Interaction” with Ms. Deepti, an Editor at Ms Moochie Books, Chennai. She has also written children's picture book like 'I want to see a tiger!' and "Playing the Good Witch” etc. Various other activities such as Craft Work – Mask Making, Colouring a Scene, Treasure Hunt, Relay Race etc were planned and conducted for the children.
Theatre class on Voice, Character Building (Pantomime), developing a setting, a character, finding a plot, Psychodrama (using stories to understand people) and a workshop “Master class with illustrator” was expounded by Ms. Marva, a travelling storyteller, who has written a children's book "Foodie from out there" and multiple short stories.
Our students had an exciting interactive session with the BIBLIOS team. They had power packed sessions that were welcomed by each and everyone. Everyone had a chance to take part in these activities with great zeal. The session was truly mesmerizing as our students sat glued to the show.
At CIRS the new Academic Year commences with the Gayatri Havan performed at the quadrangle of the Mathura Block. On 8th of April the students of CIRS participated in the Gayatri Havan seeking the blessings of the Lord before beginning the new session.
Gayatri Havan is a unique way of offering prayers to Surya Bhagwan, the Lord of the Brilliance of the Intellect.
Holi, the festival of colours, is celebrated with great enthusiasm at CIRS. On the evening of 20th March, the Dronacharya field was lighted up for a wonderful show. Before the program was started, Puja was offered to Lord Krishna. . Students of grade 11 narrated the legend of Bakth Prahlad and Hiranyakshyap to the entire CIRS family. The story was narrated in an exceptional way, enthralling and holding the audience. With the power of their voice and the acting talents, the students were able to conjure a mood and created a sense of devotion bringing to life the entire story among the audience. Following the narration , Holika Dahan was performed by the CIRS family, signifying the victory of Lord over the evil. Prasad was distributed.
21st March was most awaited for playing with colours. Students were assembled in Dronacharya. After offering puja to Lord Krishna, the holi celebration started at CIRS. Every child was provided with the color packets individually and the children enjoyed the celebrations of Holi to the core. The colors on everyone indicated the oneness.
In the evening, there was special arathi. A cultural skit was put up by the 11th grade students. The program witnessed the fusion of the famous story of Prahalad with ideas which were related to contemporary problems that our country faced. The skit was set up in the contemporary world were Prahalad and Munna (a representative of the evil king Hiranyakasipu) were contesting for elections. It was a classic example of a battle fought between good and evil were good triumphs in the end. Similarly, Prahalad ended up winning the elections because of his pure intentions in providing service to the people of this country.
Thus the Holi was celebrated in a meaningful way in CIRS enriching the thoughts of the children with values.
Click here to view the gallery.
Shivarathri was observed on 4th March 2019 with great austerity and auspiciousness at CIRS. The day started with the mrithyunjaya Havan for the junior and the senior school children. The children participated with complete devotion and dedication in the Havan.
They were taken to the Chinmaya maheshwara temple at CRDC in different groups. Each of them were blessed to do Abhishek for lord Shiva. They were engrossed in chanting different shlokas of lord Shiva. Prasad was distributed to them in the end. There was a special Arati in the evening. The Arati was filled the hearts of the children with devotion.
Then came the most awaited Mahashivaratri Pooja at 10.30 P.M. at MPH. The children were continuously chanting the name of the Lord and the Pooja was performed to the Great God. The Maha Arati at 12.00 A.M was one delightful and blissful scene of the day. The Maha Shivarathri 2019 enlightened and illuminated the knowledge of the great truth in everyone.
CIRS is known for many processes and systems that aim at evaluating and appreciating the inherent potential of the students at large. "Best class award " is one such initiative which has been in vogue for the last few years. Ever since it took off, it has captured the attention of the students who want the special "Prefix" before their class. This award carries with it a lot of significance as it recognizes the over-all ambience of the class to which each student needs to put in his or her best efforts.
The first phase of the award got over in October - 2018. The second phase of the assessment was done in the second week of January- 2019. A well laid out criteria was shared with the students. A team of judges was constituted and it comprised of Smt. Manjula and Smt. Gayathri. The judges went around the junior block and observed the salient features as well as the areas where there is a scope for improvement. Based on the points awarded in every segment, the points were consolidated to ascertain where each class stands with regard to each assessment criteria as well the class that stands apart in the over-all points.
On 27/2/19, Smt. Swarna Kamakshi showed a presentation in the junior assembly through which she shared the points secured by each class under each criterion. This evoked cheers and jubilation from all sections audience as they came to know that every aspect has been noticed and acknowledged. She also compared the points secured by each class with regard to their scores in the first assessment.
Smt. Rajeshwari, the officiating Principal, handed over the most awaited award to “VI C “. Class representatives reached the stage in no time to receive the award. It was a proud moment for the class teacher Smt. Dhivya and the assisting class teacher Smt. Vennila.

India has been vulnerable to the natural disasters on the account of its unique geo-climatic conditions. Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes have been a recurrent phenomena. Even as substantial scientific and material progress is made, the loss of lives and property due to disasters has not decreased.
Understanding the objective to reduce loss of lives and property and restrict socio-economic damage, CIRS students took an initiative and organized a rally – “Run for India” creating awareness on approaches towards disaster management. Together, 104 cadets from the junior and senior school participated in the rally. The rally started from Coimbatore NCC Group Headquarters 4 TN BN – Coimbatore and terminated at Chinmaya International Residential School. The event was flagged off by the Commanding Officer Col. Manoj PV.
This event highly attracted the vicinities. For better understanding of the rally, students handed over pamphlets regarding disaster management to the onlookers. Our students started the rally and crossed through various areas such as Singanallur, Ramanathapuram, Sungam, Ukkadam, Selvapuram, Perur, Alandurai, and Irutupalam and reached CIRS. On the command of our school NCC officer, Siva Shanmugam the NCC cadets passed on the National Flag to our Principal Smt. Rajeshwari, NCC flag to our NCC officer, Siva Shanmugam, and the school flag to our IB Coordinator Mr. Ganesh and completed the rally. All through rally, the police and the traffic policemen extended their support and cooperation in the success of the rally. At the end, the students shared their reflections on the whole awareness campaign and they thoroughly enjoyed the rally.

Anokha is an Amrita university initiative which aims at conducting a series of activities that are intellectually engaging for school students. As part of Anokha, an inter-school quiz titled Schoolwiz was conducted on 14/2/19. Teams from different schools took part in the event. CIRS was represented by teams. Two of our teams made it to the finals. This quiz is a prestigeous battle for us as we are the defending champions in the same event for the last two years in a row.

Seshank Bharadwaj of Std X and Yohan K of Std VIII clinched the first position while Abhigyan Patni of Std X, Bhavya Agarwal of IB second year secured 2nd position. Both the teams won individual medals and merit certificates. Securing two positions in the same event is yet another cap on our feathers.

Hindu Young Quiz is a much awaited quizzing extravaganza for quizzing aspirants. CIRS has already established an unassailable lead in terms of the successful performance in this event. This year, it was held on 8/2/19 @ Perks sports academy.
In the sub-junior category, there were 100 teams. CIRS was represented by 5 teams. The team comprising of Anuradha of std VI and Mrigaraj secured the 4th place in the event. They won a wrist watch and a trophy besides merit certificates.

In the senior category, there were 168 teams. CIRS was represented by 8 teams. Two of our teams qualified for the finals with a healthy score in the prelims. The prelims covered a wide myriad of topics including googlies and trivia.
Sri Vaibhav of std IX and Yohan Kartikeyan of std VIII secured 2n place while Rishwant and Nikhil Subramani of std VII secured the 4th place in the event. They received a wrist watch, trophies and merit certificates. All the finalists in both categories received a bag of goodies. The performance was clinical and professional on many counts. With lot of points at stake, our finalists competed in the last two rounds with a great deal of confidence in their quizzing skills. With so many ups and downs, the quiz had many twists and turns in terms of fluctuations in the scoreboard. The happenings on the stage kept the audience intellectually engaged. . In the audience round too, our students were on their toes answering questions to the best of their abilities.

It is noteworthy mention that quiz covered a wide range of topics and themes starting from Indian culture and spirituality to Universal outlook. The quiz master V V Ramanan made an explicit reference on the performance of CIRS students in both categories.
The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is an organisation based in New Delhi. ‘The Green School Program is an environmental education programme directed to subtly sensitizing students to the environment through hands-on and thought provoking activities. It is also an environment management system that audits, through students, the consumption of natural resources within school campuses and helps schools become good environmental managers by deploying pragmatic solutions to reduce wastage of precious resources.’
CIRS, participated in the Green School Audit and our school has been rated as a ‘Green School’ for GSP Audit 2018. CIRS received a certificate for being a Green School on 6th Feb 2019 at New Delhi. This year, only 118 schools from across the country have been awarded as ‘Green Schools’ out of the total 1696 schools that participated in the program. We like to congratulate the teachers and students who took efforts to conduct the audit of the school.

(Click on the picture to zoom)
The Xyo Math quiz, an inter-school quiz for classes 5 to 7 was conducted at Suburban Academy of arts, Shastri Road, Ramnagar, Coimbatore on 3rd of February, 2019. From CIRS, 12 students from grade 5, 6 and 7 participated in the competition. The students were selected based on the preliminary written round which was held in the month of April, 2018. All the three teams gave an outstanding performance and the team which represented class 5 bagged the second position in the competition. The winners were awarded with Medals , Certificates, Trophy and Gift hampers worth Rs.500 each. Out of 19 Schools , Our School secured the 2nd position in the class 5 category (G. Sarvesh, Amarjeet Singh Dhothar, Shaswat Agarwal, Manya Mehrothra).

January 30th is observed as Martyr’s day. To instill a spirit of selfless service above self, a common message was delivered to the students in the form of a talk. in the morning assembly. The talk was presented in the form of an informal conversation between Bhakti and Isai Karthikeyan of std VIII. The message revolved around the life of Gandhiji and the principles that he stood for. The primary objective of the talk was to encapsulate Gandhian values to a generation that has an inherent craving to know the path of freedom that was full of turmoil and brutality of unimaginable proportion.
A right blend of analogies and anecdotes added more vibrancy to the speech as well the message that was conveyed. The speakers urged the need to follow Gandhian values in the current scenario. Many would have raised their eyebrows when they heard that Gandhiji had walked a distance in India that is almost similar to that of crossing the globe to and fro. The anchors also made it amply clear that every single thing associated with Gandhiji is priceless even though it fetches a higher gain in the auctions. Duty to the nation and commitment to the task on hand were the two powerful undercurrents of the talk.
The talk ended with a fervent appeal to express unwavering loyalty and exhibit fierce pride on the nation which is so endearing to us as well as to those who sacrificed their lives for breaking the shackles of the colonial rule.
In the end, students were told to observe a minute silence as a mark of respect to the departed souls whose martyrdom has scripted the post independent era.
The 26th of January dawned with a high patriotic fervor amongst the CIRS family, we were greeted with a downpour of rain that delayed the ceremonial march past but this wasn’t a hindrance for the students of CIRS while they unrelentingly went on with their athletic and aquatic events. The grand march past was conducted with pomp and show. This was followed by the welcome address by Karthik.M of Class 10 and Neha.S also of Class 10. Sri. Diwakar, HOD of Social Sciences enlightened the youth of the nation with many thought-provoking and often hidden facts about our mother India.Following that, CIRS choir presented patriotic songs.
Sweets were distributed to all the students.
Later that evening we were introduced to the most awaited and exiting part of the day, the ending program. Masterfully organized by Mr. Ramesh Kulkarni, the program included a magnificent dance and another melodious song by the school choir. This year’s artistic backdrop was a novel idea displaying the Indian outline surrounded by the various countries the students of CIRS have come from. Undoubtedly the highlight of the day was the enticing short film prepared by our students named “BOSE – THE MIGHT OF INDIA” which also served as a preview for the upcoming Independence Day celebrations. To wrap up the festivities we were presented with an array of wonderful delicacies as part of the food festival organised by the school. Over all it was a memorable day that instilled a true sense of patriotism in our hearts, minds and souls.
As a mark of respect and thanksgiving to this saint, the Thyagaraja Aradhana, a music festival, was celebrated in CIRS with great reverence on his Aradhana day, 25th January 2019. Around 30 children (both juniors and seniors) participated in this program. The program started with a great composition”Marugelara O Raghava” set in Jayanthashree ragam and Adhi talam. This was followed by a solo, by Parvathy Prajesh of class 9 who sang the famous kriti “Manavylakincharadate” set in Nalinakanti ragam and Adhi talam. The third was the most awaited group rendition of Pancharathna Kriti “Jagadhanandha karaka”, which was beautifully set in Naatai ragam and Adhi talam. As a traditional way of completing any concert in the Carnatic music, the mangalam, “Pavamana Suthudu” was sung along with the mangala arati for Saint Thyagaraja.
Mr. Sounderajan and Mr. Ganesh accompanied the children in Mridhangam and Kanjira respectively.

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Storytelling is an ancient and valuable art that extends around the globe. To build confidence, enhance speaking skills in different languages and to stimulate one’s imagination, the Department of Languages conducted a ‘Story Telling’ competition for the students of junior school. This was a new venture as the competition was conducted in all the four languages namely, Hindi, French, Sanskrit and Tamil. It was conducted as a House Event and the students took part in it enthusiastically. Four students, each for one language, took part from each house. Thus sixteen students entertained the audience with sixteen stories in all the four languages. The participants made the art of storytelling enjoyable with their body language, voice modulation and suitable language expressions. The competition went on well and the winners were awarded certificates and gifts. On the whole it was an enriching experience for one and all.
The story telling competition for the sub juniors comprising of 5th and 6th graders was conducted on the 18th of January 2019. The competition was organized by the teachers of the English Department. 2 students from each class were selected and they presented their stories in their own way.
Raahi of grade 6 was adjudged first while Dhisana came second. Sritulsi (grade 6) and S .P. Thanvi (grade 5) got the third and the fourth positions respectively. The winners were awarded certificates and gifts.
The English Recitation Competition for the students of classes 7 & 8 was also held on the same day. With a lot of zeal and enthusiasm, the Preliminary round was conducted in the class room from which 8 children were selected for the Final Round. Students were judged on parameters like confidence, voice modulation, pronounciation and on the overall presentation.
Bhakti of grade 8 stood first whereas Aasna Kohli (grade 7) came second. Trishaanth (grade 8) and Prakriti (grade 8) bagged the third and fourth positions respectively. The competition provided a platform for the students to enjoy the beauty of classical poems. It was a wonderful learning experience not only for the participants but also for the audience.
Two judges Ms. Marva and Ms. Jhanvi from BLPS (Book lovers programme for Schools) were invited to witness the competition. They appreciated and applauded the performance of the participants and the children enjoyed the competition.
CBSE awards Certificate of Merit in each subject to the top 0.1% of the successful candidates in order to recognize their qualities and outstanding performances in the Board Examination.
6 of our students (2018 batch) received CBSE Merit Certificate for their outstanding academic performance.
 Priyam MoonkaBusiness Studies |
LAkshmi AnnamalaiBusiness Studies |
Risheek KandoiEconomics |
 Kripa PalaniappanEnglish |
 Shailja Sharma
English |
Aravind Nair
Physics |
2 of our students (2018 batch) received CBSE Merit Certificate for their outstanding academic performance.
L. R. Rithu
Mathematics |
Shubhi Agarwal
Mathematics |
In order to inspire all the youths of country towards the philosophy of Swami Vivekananda and his ideals, his birthday is celebrated as “National Youth Day”. On the 12th of January, CIRS celebrated the birth anniversary of this great spiritual master. In spite of the busy schedule, the students put their heart and soul in preparing a grand tribute to this inspiring leader, expressing his ideas through short yet meaningful plays. The assembly presentation consisted of two anecdotes from Swami Vivekanandaji’s life which inspired and motivated our students to practice and imbibe the lofty vision and ideals of this visionary. This concluded the day ’s festivities. Though brief, the events managed to leave a mark on every student and teacher alike.
Brainfeed magazine is one of the pioneers in the field targeting the entire education sector from primary to high school education. Each year, the eminent jury of School Excellence Awards selects Top schools scrutinizing them on various areas such as Innovative Practices, happiness quotient index, Academic excellence and much more and award them.
The Brainfeed National Conference serves as a platform to showcase best practices and solutions on
Teaching, Learning and Leadership for the K-12 academicians.
This year, our school has been selected as one of the best schools in India. We are happy to share with the parents that the school excellence award was presented to our school during their 6th Annual Educational Conference which was held on 31st January in Hyderabad. The award was received by Mrs Shanti Krishnamurthy (Director of Academics& Administration).
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BW Education Leadership Summit (ELS) focuses on recognising applauding the quality of education in India by uniting Institution leaders and regulators to explore how they can leverage technologies, strategies and Management tools with each other to help create a world class Institution.
BW Education Leadership Summit's (ELS) unrivalled blend of speakers, exhibitors and delegates creates a unique and powerful platform for anyone needing to identify best education brand and those wanting to make connections with potential investors, suppliers and regulators.
We are happy to share with everyone that CIRS has been awarded the ‘Most Inspirational School Award’ by the Jury for BW Education Leadership Summit Awards. The Jury comprised of an eminent lot of personalities from academia and industry. The award was received by Mrs Shanti Krishnamurthy (Director of Academics& Administration) on January 14th, 2019 at Four Seasons Hotel, Mumbai.
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PONGAL @ the traditional way . ...
Pongal at CIRS is as always awaited and happiest occasion for one and all. The celebrations were scheduled for three days for the children to know our good old traditions of Mother India. The children painted and decorated their Pongal pots on 14th January evening. The children in their different groups brightened up their venues with their colourful rangolis. They illuminated the whole place by their beautiful traditional dresses. The students prepared delicious sweet pongal and salt pongal and offered as prasad to Sun God.
A special ‘aarthi’ programme under the guidance of Br. Sanathanji supported by the Music and Art department was enjoyed by all.
On the third day “Mattu Pongal” was celebrated at the ashram. All the junior school students along with the teachers joined the celebration.
Our school participated in an inter school art competition on January 11th 2018 conducted by Times of India sponsored by Nippon paints at Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. There were two categories - juniors and seniors. There were 250 participants in Junior Category and about 300 in the senior.

Five prizes for first 5 positions and 5 consolation prizes were given for each category. In the senior category, Kushi Amruth of 9 A won third prize (a trophy and a Samsung mobile). Harini Siva of 9 A and Haritha Ramesh of 9 D won consolation prizes. In the junior category, Ushma Ketan Shah of 8 C won a consolation prize. Entire CIRS family appreciates all the participants for their efforts and achievements.

Social Science quiz for juniors was conducted by our school which was held on 9/1/19. There were five rounds in the event. Many questions were framed to inculcate a sense of pride on mother India and Universal Outlook. The students gave an outstanding performance.
Valmiki secured the 1st position with 100 points and Vyasa the 2nd with 90 points.

Education Today is an online Education portal based in the IT hub of Bangalore. On December 8th 2018, Education Today conducted the 4th National Conference for K-12 leadership and the School Merit Awards 2018 at The Chancery Pavilion, Bangalore. Eminent educators from all over India attended the one-day conference.
Around 2000+ schools and 150+ Preschools submitted their nomination across various categories like CBSE, ICSE, International schools, Montessori, etc. The awards were presented across multiple categories like Top 20 CBSE and ICSE schools, Top 10 International schools, Jury‘s Choice and Parent’s Choice award, city-wise school ranking and upcoming schools.
At CIRS, we are happy to share with everyone that CIRS has been awarded again with the Jury’s Award at the School Merit Awards 2018. CIRS has been awarded as the 3rd top boarding school in the country. The award was received by Mr Ganesh on behalf of the school.
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The spirit of the new beginning after winter vacations, on 4th January 2019, filled the air at CIRS. a two days programme was meticulously planned and organised in different sessions. A CVP workshop was organised in the form of a CVP run which was more thrilling and exciting for the teachers. There were stations allocated for each aspect of CVP.
The first station was on Physical development, wherein all the teachers jumped, hopped, crawled and did many physical activities after a long time. From this session, teachers learnt how physical development could be easily incorporated in the lessons thus making the class livelier and interesting for the students. This station also changed many of the beliefs such as Physical development of a child is usually the task of PE department and not subject teachers’ role.
The second Station was the most inspiring station – Intellectual Development. This station had few activities like solving Sudoku, solving some mathematical problems etc. At the beginning of the session, few questions like what is the difference between Intuition and tuition? were asked. These questions were really thought provoking and gave a different view to ponder on. The core take away of this session was “What to think” is not as important as “How to think”. At the end, teachers realised how they need to improve and update their intellectual skill on a regular basis.
The next station was on Spiritual Development, conducted by Br. Sanatan Chaitanya. He shared the Golden circle of WHAT, HOW, WHY and then to approach this, first one need to change their vision, if the vision is clear then the WHY becomes clear, followed by the other two. He showed a small video, which emphasized on MBA, [Mind Body Alignment] to reach our goals. He also mentioned on how the roots of the trees are unknown but the glory of the tree is visible in similar way we as teachers should know to tap the unseen talents in our children to make them better.
align="justify"The fourth station was on Emotional Development. On the outset, the importance of not just concentrating on the information we deliver in the classroom but to concentrate more on the mind set was stressed. As the teachers provide input every day to physical growth, we need to provide inputs to mind too [Sanskar]. If we don’t provide then it may pick up on its own which may be harmful many times [Vikara]. Two case studies were provided which brought out the importance of being approachable teacher at the same time being firm with the students. It also reinforced on the need to create a society of students who are not just toppers in the class but more emotionally stronger, able to face failures in life and overcome them.
The next station was on Patriotism. In this session, the teachers were made to realise the importance of being proud of our country and impart this feeling in the students too. The session started with a small note of how we all have turned too narrow these days, by quoting a simple fact of being obsessed with our own profile pictures in mobiles. A small activity to realise how we get easily distracted by small events and forget the value of most precious things was conducted. This activity was a reminder to all, to realise and appreciate the treasure of our country. The idea of Knowing, feeling and doing which is the core aspect of the CVP was stressed.
The next station was on Universal Outlook wherein a greater insight on the need to grow higher in order to overcome the differences was shared through an apt video of Google map. The importance of interdependence between each country is indispensable in this era, to understand this the teachers were made to do a small activity on some aspects that we have learned in field of sport, medicines, music etc., from different countries. Also there was a good discussion on how we actually learn lot of good happenings, ideas and culture from other countries.
The final station was on Indian culture where three different activities based on various Indian rituals, festivals and practices was conducted. The activities and the explanations of why we do certain things in our culture was truly mind provoking.
In every station at the end everyone received a feedback form which had few questions to answer and rate themselves based on the answers provided. This was very useful personally for every teacher as they came to know where they stand and what they need to improve. It was also stressed that the CVP is not just for teaching the students but most importantly for them too. This made them to realise the need for having MVP [My Vision Program] and not just CVP.
On the next day morning there was a session on clinical Psychology by Dr. Sunitha. The workshop went on for two hours. In this session, she gave a complete insight on the problems which are undergone by today’s teenagers and how to handle these issues. The issues were quite shocking and surprising to many of the teachers. She exposed the crowd to various problems like drug abuse, emotional imbalance, relationship setback among teens and so on. She quoted various examples of the patients she met, how she handled the cases and how they came out of the situation. This session was very useful and helpful as it gave a better understanding of the students’ issues and also how to handle it in a smooth way. She stressed on the point that acceptance of these students is the most important aspect to rectify these problems, when you accept them as they are then they may open up and respond.
The same day, the teachers of the Management department shared their learning experiences of the Vanijya Goshti with all the other teachers.
Vanijya Goshti, a seminar on commerce was conducted by CCMT education cell during the month of December for all chinmaya school teachers. It was held from 3rd Dec to 7th Dec 2018. About 66 teachers from 27 Chinmaya Vidyalayas, 4 Chinmaya Colleges and 5 Vision Schools attended the seminar.
The main objective of the seminar was to share and learn new teaching pedagogies, adopting technology in class room, incorporating CVP in lesson plans and to upgrade the teaching skills.
The Vanijya Goshti was inaugurated by Swami Anukoolanadaji with flag hosting. Mrs Shanti Krishnamurthy, Director of Academics & Admin, also the director of CCMT education cell, welcomed the Chief Guest of the event Mr. Venkata Ananth Nageswaran and the special guest Mrs. Gowri Maulikar.
Many informative sessions were conducted by eminent persons on various areas. To name a few among them:
1. Past, Present and Future of Economics in India – Mr. Venkata Anath Nageswaran
2. Ethics, Integrity & Human Capital in Business – Mr. Sathya Kumar
3. Brain & Commerce – Kum. Shweta Adatia
4. Principles of Chanakya – Dr. Radha Krishnan Pillai
Swami Anukoolananda’s session on Business/ Economics and Spirituality was thought provoking and gave a new dimension to Commerce subjects.
The seminar had Ice-breaking session, Business Quiz and Management run purely based on Management concepts. Teachers from various schools displayed charts in the seminar hall depicting various Business/ Economics theories and ideas.
We had sessions done by our in house teachers on CVP in Economics/Business, technology in classrooms and handling high achievers and low achievers.
The seminar concluded with a Plan of Action being formulated by each school which was to be implemented in their respective school.
CIRS receives ISA Award 2015-2021
CIRS received the ISA Award 2018-2021 from the British Council for its exemplary practices of internationalism in terms of nurturing global citizenship in young people and enriching teaching and learning methodologies. The certificate was collected by Madam Sandeepa on the school’s behalf in Bangalore at a function held on 3rd December.
As a part of the ISA Award, 7 activities were taken up by different departments and teachers in the school.The British Council has acknowledged the efforts of the teachers involved in this journey. Mrs Annapoorni (for coordinating the ISA program in CIRS), Mrs Preslin (for coordinating the ISA program in CIRS) and Mr Nagarajan (for his deep involvement in establishing and sustaining the many international partnerships) have been awarded a certificate for their initiative.
Mrs Namita, Mrs Sangeeta, Mrs Vennilla, Mrs Shailaja, Mrs Lakshmipriya, Mr Satheesh S, Mr Parthiban, Mrs Sreedevi and Mrs Rajeshwari are the other teachers who were actively involved in the successful completion of the 7 activities taken up.

Preshna quiz was held on 1/12/18 at Amrita University. M.R.N. Aditya of XII CBSE MGMT and Pranav Ram of std X secured the first place in this prestigious event. The team received a cash prize of Rs.5000. In the same event, Sri Vaibhav of std IX and Yohan of std VIII secured the sixth place. Sahiti of XII CBSE MGMT and Pranav Gupta too secured the required cut-off in the prelims. Yet they did not qualify due to the rule that only two teams can represent an educational institution. This duo answered many questions in the audience round. Hats-off to the seasoned quizzers for ending the quizzing calendar with the same passion and vigor with which they began the proceedings at the dawn of 2018.
CIRS Masqueraded from the 25th to 28th November, 2018. We Masqueraded and we participated in the Inter House Masquerade Spectacle.
On 27th of November, Vyasa house presented their fantasy skit, IQUIBIA. This play plotted the essence of happiness. The skit depicted that one cannot search their happiness in others. This was beautifully put up the Vyasa house and it was truly mesmerizing. They projected the act in a unique way which captured the eyes of the crowd and made them awestruck.
On next day, Valmiki house took the crowd to the world of fantasy. It was an enriching experience for all the students entertaining fantasy musical play, ETHEREAL. It was a wonderful fairy tale put up by them which depicted that one may never know what results come out of their action. Either it is good or bad, one has to enjoy the result of their action. They also showcased that real and unconditional love has the power to save a person in any type of situation. The students of this house also composed two of their own songs. The hidden talents of the entire team was brought out by the council members and they put in all their efforts to entertain the audience.
The last day skit was performed by Vishwamitra. Their skit had a unique genre compared to others. It was a thriller story, “Nocturn”. The story explained that one should not be selfish concerning about their own means. The result of such action will not yield positive result. Over all it was enriching experience for all the students.
It was Vasistha house who presented the Masquerade first. They took the crowd through the experiences of their protagonists as they discover the beauty of the unknown world within the screen. ZLOKOBAN a forty two minutes play by the Vasishta house members was premiered on 25th of November. They depicted that the choices made by an individual defines their destiny.
On the last day the best actors were recognized.
- Best Actor: Aryan Kalaria – Vyasa house
- Best Actress: Aishwarya S – Valmiki house
- Best performance (Male) : Arjun of XI Mgmt
- Best Performance (Female): Sakthi of I IB
Three teams took part in two open quizzes held on 24th November to mark Coimbatore day as well as the Open business quiz hosted by the AMUL. Coimbatore day quiz was held ATSNR auditorium while the Business quiz took place @ CAG pride hotel. In both the quizzes, CIRS teams put up an impressive performance. Vaibhav and Yohan secured 14/25 in the Kovai quiz while Seshank and Abhigyan secured 11/20 in the business quiz. Competing with the seasoned quizzers of varying age group was a great experience to cherish.
The 20th International Child Art Exhibition 2018 was organized by Kshitij, an art society based at Gurguan founded in 1994, during the month of November, 2018. About 1,44,290 students participated in this exhibition. There were two categories: - Open topic and Nature. 6 of our students have won the gold medal. In open topic, the following students secured the gold medal.
- Krish modi from 6A
- Arnav Avinash from 8A
- Ayush Satani from 8C
- Parth K. Makati from 8A
In nature category two of our students won the gold medal.
- Shruti Krishnan from 6A
- Jwalit N. Panchal from 11 Science
An inter-school quiz was organized by Rao Hospitals @ Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Auditorium on 18/11/18. This event was meant for the students of std VI to VIII. CIRS was represented by 2 teams. Our team comprising of Mitansh Kapadia of std VIII, Mukund of std VIII and Aditya Hriday Saraf of std VII secured third place in the event. Our second team narrowly missed their chance to the finals by a slender margin of 1 point. The team secured a cash prize of Rs.1500. The team that could not make it to the finals proved their quizzing mettle by answering questions in the audience round.
Hats-off to the budding quizzers of the Junior schools. We hope this victory will boost their morale to perform well in the forthcoming quizzes in the next calendar year.

Bhai Dooj is a prominent Hindu festival when sisters pray to the Gods for long and prosperous lives for their brothers. It is celebrated two days after the popular festival of Diwali. This year, Bhai Dooj was celebrated on 9th November, 2018.
At CIRS, Bhai Dooj was magnificently celebrated. To signify the purity of siblinghood, the students are provided an opportunity to express their love and respect towards their brothers. To make their brothers feel special, the sisters together made surprising programs. Grade wise, students were provided different venues where they put up variety of program for their fellow brothers. Girls expressed their love through music, dance, skit and poems. Boys were moved by the adoration showered by their sisters. The program was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone reminding everyone to respect the divine brother-sister relationship.

DIWALI in a memorable way
Diwali is celebrated in CIRS with great pomp and fervour. In the morning, we were all blessed with the divine words of Swami Swaroopananda followed by a pooja of Lord Krishna. This created an atmosphere of devotion and instilled a feeling of oneness with the lord. As Diwali brings joy and happiness in every being, the 11th graders of our school had prepared a play bubbling with humour and laughter. They used their creative minds to put up an enthralling and entertaining experience!
Diwali Carnival – ‘Find Rama, Love Rama and Live Rama’:
Later on, the students were thrilled with a variety of games prepared for them by the combined efforts of the teachers and the 11th graders. Each grade had their own taste of fun and the theme was ‘Find Rama, Love Rama and Live Rama’. For the 5th and 6th graders we had prepared an array of activities which had a lesson to teach at the end. The 7th and 8th graders got an opportunity to explore their artistic talent! The boys had to make a collage of Lord Rama with the help of newspapers while the girls played with colours to make a beautiful Rangoli. Their vibrant displays were judged by their teachers, while the students explained the significance of their work. And our 9th and 10th grade boys were huffing and puffing their whole way around the school. This was due to the wearisome but exciting treasure hunt which was designed for them. This treasure hunt was no ordinary one. The clues were based on the glories of Lord Rama and his accounts. Upon reaching their destination, they had to complete tasks which required abilities like team work, concentration, determination and agility. While the boys were going through these gruesome exercises, the girls expressed their love for Rama with face painting. In the evening, the winners of the competitions were declared, and everyone received a small prize. This was followed by the bursting of crackers which not only lit up the night but our hearts as well! The students had a delightful and enriching Diwali!
Diwali, the festival of lights was celebrated in an impressive way at CIRS. The celebrations started on 5th of November, with the Dhanvantri Havan in the morning. Children rendered their sincere prayers to Bhagavan Dhanvantri, an avatar of Lord Vishnu and the lord of Good Health. There was an Arati in the evening in the Dhanvantri temple. Swami Anukoolanandaji enlightened the children with the true essence of the festival. Swamiji explained that the continuous churning of the mind would remove the negativities of the mind with the blessings of the Bhagavan.
As part of the subject enrichment activity, the grade 12 Biology students were taken for a one day field trip to AMD Dairy and poultry farm located at Perundurai, Erode on 3rd. Nov.2018. The group comprised of five students and one teacher. Students got acquainted with the sequence of steps followed in dairy farms right from milk collection, testing, pasteurisation and homogenisation to packaging & storing of milk and milk products. The significance of various breeds of cows and buffaloes reared for these purposes along with their fodder requirements and milk yield were shared with the students. They also got useful inputs from the poultry farm on different breeds of layer birds, their feed preparation, stages of growth starting from the first week till the egg laying period, immunisation schedule etc. Students were quite interactive and showed eagerness in asking pertinent questions to clarify their concerns.
The Management Department celebrated the “Management Week” from 30th October to 3rd November 2018.
A session was conducted by the 12th standard students for the 1st to 4th standard students of Sishu Vatika on the concepts of “Advertising and Consumer Rights”. The children were very receptive and responded well to the session.
For Classes 5, 6 and 7 a session on “Art Therapy in Psychology” was conducted by class 12 Psychology students and volunteers. A Kinesthetically charged Balloon game, dance therapy and a tour into their intrinsic personality was done. It was fun-filled and the students had a good time and learnt something useful.
An Open forum discussion was organised for Classes 9-12 on the topic “I-Management”, herein it was highlighted that the one who manages their three instruments – Body, Mind and Intellect well, can alone Master the world.
During Assembly culture talk - “Management in Indian literature” was discussed. Qualities of a great leader was pointed out from various texts. Also Smt Santhi during her teacher talk emphasized on “Time Management” and gave around 15 simple tips to be followed for managing our time better. The Vashista house conducted a Management themed quiz for the week.
The students of Class 11 and IB 1st year who had set up their business, “Vidana” shared their experience of the business journey, the challenges and the learning. This was part of the Entrepreneurship Challenge- Silver award taken up by them.
On 2 nd November, we had COMQUEST-2018 - an Inter School Business Quiz, wherein 65 teams comprising 130 students participated from in and around Coimbatore. We had various theme rounds on Logo, currency, personality, Advertisement, finding connections, connecting cause and effect etc. These rounds checked their Knowledge, Business Strategies, Concepts and team work. It was well received by each and everyone. Chinmaya International Residential School team, consisting of Abhigyan Patni and Bhavya Agarwal, was the overall winner of Comquest 2018. Vidya Niketan Public school emerged as a 1 st runner up. They also took away the rolling trophy for COMQUEST 2018.

We had 28 of our students appearing for the National Economic Olympiad Test organized by Sri Ram college, Delhi on 3rd November. During Saturday movie, classes 7 to 12 were shown a movie – “ The Founder” portraying the life of Kroc Ray and his creation of the McDonald's fast food chain.
All-in all it was a satisfying week filled with lots of learning in Management related areas.
Boys Category
Coimbatore Sahodaya 41st Inter School Swimming meet was hosted at Nava Bharath National School, Annur on 31st October, 2018. There were around 450 students who participated from 45 different schools. Our school was represented by 18 participants. All the boys participated in different categories and they bagged a total of 7 medals - 1 silver medals and 6 bronze medals, in the competition.
The results are as follows:
Under 14 Category
Boys Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Poobalan M |
50 Mts Butterfly
100 Mts Butterfly
50 Mts Free Style
100 Mts Free Style |
Under 16 Category
Boys Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Vaishnav G. B |
200 Mts Free Style
400 Mts Free Style
Under 19 Category
Boys Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Harsh Anish Shah |
200 Mts Breast Stroke
Bronze |
On 27/10/18, Sundari shankar memorial quiz was held @ Sarojini Auditorium which is in the premise of Kikani School. The quiz was hosted by the seasoned campaigner Shri. Sylendra Bhansali, a chartered accountant who has a flair for quizzing. 200 teams from various schools took part in the event. Our team comprising of Srivaibhav of IX and Master Yohan of std VIII bagged the third position in the event. Considering the twist and turns in the rounds, it was a nail-biting event.The team also received a cash prize of Rs.10,000 besides trophies and merit certificates. Today, the winners were honoured during the course of the morning assembly.

On 26/10/18, a quiz with a special focus on Election scenario and the History of India was held @ GD naidu auditorium. The quiz was hosted by the renowned quiz master Prof. Rangarajan. The event was organized by the rotary club metropolis. Our team comprising of Srivaibhav and Pranav Guptta of std IX bagged the second position in the event. The team received a cash prize of Rs.8000. Today, the winners were honoured during the course of the morning assembly.

Considering the future prospects and the benefits of aspiring design students, the visual arts students from the 1st and 2nd year IB, were taken on an educational visit to DJ Academy of Design. DJAD is the 2nd best Design School from South India.
Ms. Kanaka, a professor of the college expounded with PPT the importance of universal design.
Students also had a unique opportunity to visit the exhibition, of the industrial design students of the academy. A variety of sculptures in different materials were displayed. Each sculpture represented one human quality like the elite, the adventurous etc. They explained their works to our students. Students realised the importance of material in sculpture and learnt how to use ‘MOOD BOARD’.
Children also interacted with the budding animators at the animation studio of the college. They observed their workspace and enjoyed their animation videos.

Our school Annual Day, Anand Utsav 2018 started in the afternoon on the 22nd of October with the arrival of hundreds of our parents and ended with their departure by 11 o’ Clock on October 24th.
Immediately after the Inaugural function in which the Shishu Vatika students gave a scintillating performance, the VidyaVaibhav (Project cum Exhibition) and Parents Teachers Meet started.
The VidyaVaibhav, [Class and Department Projects] showcased the talent of our students. There were twelve projects cum exhibitions comprising 4 class presentations and 8 department projects. All projects were based on the Chinmaya Vision Programme. Each class and department had a venue to put up their work on display.
The Department of Management had stalls to sell different items so as to collect charity and also had a project venue. As part of the school enterprise challenge program, an in-house business named as "VIDANA" had been formed. Our own students made all the range of items showcased for sale.
English Department worked on the School Magazine ‘Awareness’ with IB student-editors and IB student-sub editors who brought out a comprehensive school magazine that stands proof of the journalistic skills of our students and staff.
Music Department enthralled the visitors with their soul stirring songs of different languages to show the beauty in each language of our nation.
Our school library hosted an exhibition cum sale bookstall “Chinmaya Vani” by CCMT (Central Chinmaya Mission Trust) Publications and made a huge sale of books.
Huge amount of project requirements were procured by the administrative department which worked tirelessly to arrange the project venues, food stalls, Main stage, Vehicle Parking area, Material supply, etc.
The first day of the utsav started with the special assembly wherein the students of Shishu vatika presented a theme dance on JUNGLE BOOK. The Subhashi award winners were honoured with the Subhashi badges in the assembly. Swami Anukoolanandaji did the honours to these children who valued values. In the afternoon, the CIRS gates opened to welcome the parents. The School deans expressed their delight in welcoming all the parents. Swami Swaroopananandaji inaugurated the Anand Utsav 2018. The beautiful ‘Anand Utsav Song’ lighted the onset of celebration mood for the next two days to the parents. Our Shishu Vatika children mesmerized everyone by their cute and bubbly dance.
On October 23rd, the evening program started with the delivery of Annual Report by our Principal Smt. Shanthi Krishnamurthy. A number of awards were conferred on the students in order to motivate and encourage them to strive for excellence in various fields.
It was followed by the cultural program in which hundreds of our students exhibited and exploited their dramatic skills. The cultural program named “The Line” was largely applauded and recognized by the parents. The play emphasized on the barriers that hinders the growth and development of individual, family, society and the Nation as a whole. The play with the digital backdrop was ably directed and the student-participants were exquisitely trained by our spiritual Acharya Swami. Anukoolanandaji with the help of a number of staff members.
On 24th of October, the last day of the annual day celebrations many of our parents were moved to tears in the morning during the Mathru Pithru Pooja wherein our students got an opportunity to worship their parents. In the afternoon at 12 o’ clock, the Annual Day celebrations came to a close and the parents took their wards for an enjoyable and well-deserving outing.
NAVARATRI - the festival of victory over evil
Navaratri at CIRS was celebrated with intense devotion and adoration of the mother in different forms. Students were enlighten with the knowledge behind the tradition of worshipping mother as Goddess Durga, Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Sarasvati for the nine days. They chanted “Medha Suktham” with complete reverence in their hearts. All nine days started with the Arati of the Mother Shakti. Remembering the mother Goddess all day, they also chanted matrustavanam followed by the bhajan in the evening Arati. Culture talks were given on the 9 different forms of the mother.
Children worshipped Mother Sarasvati by worshipping their textbooks. Pooja was performed for all the vehicles and machinery that we use every day. On the auspicious day of Vijayadashami, Swamiji explained the significance of initiating the process of education on Vijayadashami in our Indian culture. All the language teachers made the children repeat the vowels of the language.
Our children of CIRS performed Dandia Raas with their colourful traditional dresses and bamboo sticks.
Finally, the most awaited event of Ravan Dahan was performed in the evening signifying the victory of Rama, the Goodness over Ravana, the evil. Thus, Navaratri was truly an auspicious and devotional experience for everyone at CIRS.
Our School boys Participated in the CBSE SOUTH ZONE SWIMMING MEET from 14th to 16th October, 2018 held at Poooja International Techno School, Cuddapah. Around 550 participants from 85 different schools participated in the swimming meet. From our school 16 students took part in the competition. Our students gave a wonderful performance won various events.
Our School Girls Participated in the CBSE SOUTH ZONE SWIMMING MEET from 22nd to 24th October, 2018 held at Poooja International Techno School, Cuddapah. Around 400 participants from 55 different schools participated in the swimming meet. From our school 16 students took part in the competition. Our students gave a wonderful performance and won 38 medals to school.
Under 14 Category
Girls Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Shalini Deepak
Shivalikaa Govind
Poorvajha P.
Hazel Garg |
4 * 100 m Free Style
Shalini Deepak
Shivalikaa Govind
Poorvajha P.
Hazel Garg |
4 * 100 m Medley Style |
Under 17 Category
Boys Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Arjun Naresh Agrawal
Vaishnav G.V.
J. A. Nithin
Naman Gupta
Prakhar Khandelwal |
4 * 100 m Medley Style
Girls Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Sitara A Karthikeyan
Prachi Dokania
Ishika Madaan
Diya Patel
V. Harsheni |
4 * 100 m Free Style
Sitara A Karthikeyan
Prachi Dokania
Ishika Madaan
Diya Patel
R. Deepika |
4 * 100 m Medley Style |
Girls Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Prachi Dokania |
Bronze |
Under 19 Category
Girls Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Padmashree Pratap |
400 Mts Free Style
800 Mts Free Style
Kirtana Anantharaman |
100 Mts Butterfly
200 Mts Butterfly |
Bronze |
Nandini Haresh Jagtiani |
100 Mts Breast Stroke
200 Mts Breast Stroke |
Silver |
Ami R. |
200 Mts Back Stroke |
Bronze |
Prakriti Gadodia |
200 Mts Free Style |
Girls Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Padmashree Pratap
Kirtana Anantharaman
Ami R.
Vanshika Singhania
Prakriti Gadodia |
4 * 100 m Free Style
Padmashree Pratap
Kirtana Anantharaman
Nandini Haresh Jagtiani
Ami R.
Prakriti Gadodia |
4 * 100 m Medley Style |
India quiz was held on 14/10/18 at Kumaraguru institute of technology. CIRS was represented by 6 teams. The event began with the low-scoring prelims. The final was altogether a different battle. 4 of our teams qualified to the finals which depicted the endless diversities of India in the form of quiz questions. As per the existing norms, not more than 2 teams from the same school are permitted to take part in the finals. As an exception, the organizers permitted 4 of our teams.
The team comprising of Sanjay Srinivasan ( IB 2nd year), Deepansh Mundara (XII Sc) and Nithin Doni (IB 2nd year) won the 2nd position. They were awarded a shield, cash prize of Rs 1500 and merit certificate for each member.
The team comprising of Srivaibhav (IX), Seshank Bharadwaj ( X) and Aditya M.R.N. (XII Mgmt) ) won the 3rd position. They were awarded a shield, cash prize of Rs 1000 and merit certificate for each member.
The other two finalist teams comprising of Abhigyan Patni (X), Bhavya Agarwal (IB 1st year) with Irith Chaturvedi (IX) and Gaurav XI mgmt, Kishan ( XII Science) with Rahul Tharun (XI Science) won the 4th and 5th positions respectively. They were awarded merit certificates.
Our students took part in the Stanes inter-school “Inquizitive” held on 13/10/18. Uur quiz team comprising of Sri Vaibhav of std IX and Seshank Bharadwaj of std X represented CIRS and they gave an excellent performance which made them secured the 2nd place. They won a cash prize of Rs.1000 each. The event had 8 rounds. Besides the cash prize, they also received individual shields and merit certificates. In the audience round, Abhigyan Patni of STD X and Irith Chaturvedi of STD IX secured the first place. another feather in the cap of the quiz club made the school proud.
Creafest is a premier inter-school event hosted by Ramakrishna Polytechnic. This event gives an opportunity for the students to hone their skills in their field of expertise be it art, scientific inquiry or quizzing. This year, the event was held on 10/10/18. In the Inter-school quiz, 250 teams took part in the event. Our quiz team comprising of Thaneermalai, Sourya, Agbhigyan and Seshank of std X advanced to the finals and secured 1st place in the event. The team won a cash prize of Rs.3,000. They also received merit certificate and a team-shield.
In the inter-school art competition held in the same venue, 220 participants took part in the event. Master Arnav Ghurde of std IX secured the 1st place in the event. He received a cash prize of Rs.1000 besides a merit certificate and a shield.
To promote civic consciousness among students in CIRS, Shri. Diwakar and Shri. Satheesh of the Social Science department anchored a session on “Civic Pulse”. The session was held at AV room on the 9th October, 2018 for class XI and XII students. Keeping in mind the age and exposure of the students, topics such as judicial activism and a host of other relevant topics such as housing loan formalities and change of name in the gazette, tatkal booking, nominee change methods and electoral laws were taken up for discussion. The session had two segments. The first segment covered various aspects of the legal system and its day to day implications. This was followed by a question answer session in which the following questions were thrown open to the participants.
1. What is MFN? Which ministry issues “Travel advisory” in India?
2. What is suspended animation? Article 355
3. Which civil offence was committed by Ajmal Kasab @ CST?
4. Procedure to initiate “STOP PAYMENT” option in the current day banking
5. What is ISBN number? What is expropriation?
6. Why does the law enforcement agency arrest the VIP offenders at wee hours?
7. What is the most common 3rd alphabet which appears in the PAN card in India?
8. Why “exchange of soiled currencies” is not done in regular banking hours?
9. Can a Journalist be arrested if he/she shoots an episode of “candid camera” in a Cantonment?
Procedures to apply for pass port, notary public provisions, flag code of India, issues concerning annual maintenance contract and insurance claims were explained with real, hypothetical and journalistic examples. Students were also persuaded to take up internship in NGO’s which will help them to improve their civic quotient and add more value.
On 9/10/2018, Tuesday, the Department of Languages organized a Hindi Debate for the senior school students. The Debate started at 7 pm in the Multi-Purpose Hall after the Chinmaya Aarti. There were two participants from each house to speak in favour of and against the topic. The topic was ‘Social Media Is Showing the Youth a Positive Direction for Their Future’.
The participants presented their arguments convincingly and made the evening lively and interesting. We had Ms.Sandipa Bhattacharjee (Hod), Smt. Meera Nair from the Department of English and Raghav Agharwal from class XII Management as the judges for the programme.
The Director (Academic & Admn.) Smt. Shanthi Krishnamurthy and Sw. Anukhoolananda gave away the prizes for the first and second positions the same evening along with consolation prizes. Aditi Agrawal and Mugdha Sultania took the audience through the debate with some exceptional anchoring and their efforts were also recognized as they received a small token of appreciation.
In this debate, a new feature of rebuttal from the audience was included and it made the whole
programme quite exciting and it involved the audience also.
The Fine Arts Week was celebrated from 1st of October to 7th of October 2018. The week was celebrated with few activities, performances and workshops.
On 2nd October a talk on musical theory was given to the students during the assembly. A music workshop was conducted from 3rd till 5th October by Smt. Ramani Natarajan, a Carnatic musician from Chennai for a selected group of 54 junior school students.

On 6th October during the evening aarti, students attending Music classes performed 4 songs in different languages starting with Hind desh ke nivasi, O kuna beeje (Rajasthani Folk) Ee mannu nammadu (famous Kannada song) followed by A Tamil song Composed on the great poet Subramanya Bharatiyar.
On 5th October, the Kal Aaj Aur Kal musical programme was organized for the juniors. 10 children presented movie songs with Karaoke on the theme of Parents, and it was enjoyed by everyone.
On 7th October from 10 am to 5 pm a special workshop for a group of 80 students (who are appearing for Trinity exam) was held by the Trinity team who had come from Chennai. The team comprised of Mr. John Satya, Mr. Donald and Mr. Abhilash who conducted sessions on Vocals, Theory, Keyboard and Guitar. It was an enjoyable learning experience for the students and they also got an insight on how to face the Trinity Examinations.
Art galleries have always been an inspirational thing for all art lovers. Students from the 1st year IB were taken on an educational trip to visit the “The Kasthuri Sreenivasan Art gallery and Textile Museum” in Coimbatore. This cultural centre holds a treasure trove of paintings and textile related heirlooms. In the textile museum students could vividly see the chronological portrayal of the growth of the textile industry. Models of charkhas, spinning and knitting machines, a wide selection of stitches, weaves and knits where displayed. They saw and admired the Indian folk and Tribal art that were displayed in the museum. Works of both modern and contemporary Indian artists like Baskaran, M F Hussain works were exhibited, along with prints of famous artists abroad like Monet, Degas. There was a collection of antique sarees, a display of history of costumes in India from the time of Mohanjadaro down the 19th century were all of great interest to our students.
Students also went to the art gallery and were let explore various kinds of ancient art works and statues. Students were able to see various Tanjore paintings which were around 100 years old. They also saw displays of Moghul art, Terracotta head of the Gupta period and a stone figure from Gandhara which were few of the remarkable ones.
Students also had a unique opportunity to visit an on-going exhibition, in the Museum on Kerala Murals that depicted episodes from the ‘Mahabharata’. The students got ample opportunities to interact and learn from the artist.
Best class award is an initiative that has been in vogue for the junior school. This facilitates and accelerates the key areas that are needed for overall development of the class. Starting from cleanliness to Academic excellence, a wide range of parameters such as black board maintenance, and Notice board decoration are given due weightage. This is to ensure that no key area is left out. The classes were assessed for a period of three months starting from July to September. After consolidating the points, the result was announced in the junior assembly on 10th October 2018. Prior to this, a presentation was shared with the students which highlighted the areas of marked improvement as well the grey areas where more focus is needed.
A panel of judges comprising of Smt Lakshmi Mohan and Smt Vaishali Panchal went round the classes and assessed each class and awarded points for each criteria. Photos taken during the assessment were incorporated in the form of a presentation. This time there was a photo-finish. 8A, 8B and 8C were the leading contenders for the top-spot. With an incredible margin of difference, the award was bagged by 8B. Students received the prestigious banner which was placed in front of the class. Class teacher Smt Sharmila.T and assisting Class teacher Sri Karthik Ragunath , along with the class representatives, received the banner from the Officiating Principal Smt Rajeswari . It was a proud moment to cherish for all those who have contributed to the success in their own ways. The new initiatives taken by the class representatives by assigning different tasks to different students has resulted in enhancing the quality of the content. It has also resulted in showcasing the latent abilities of the child be it an art-work, birthday chart, puzzle, riddle or compilation of fascinating facts.
A Workshop was conducted on the 25th of September at Fortis Hospital, Bangalore. It was headed by Akansha Malhotra, a counselling psychologist. The students were thrilled to attend it as they had a lot of expectations. After attending it, they found that it had not only met their expectations but also served as an eye opener for their dreams in their career.
The sessions started off with an interactive session on the types of mental illness, followed by therapy. The students then had an active session on identifying their own self, which they found to be lively and very useful.
The CIRS students celebrated Teachers' Day on 5th September 2018, to express their gratitude towards all teachers and in memory of the great teacher Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the second President of India.
The XI Grade Children went to the different junior classes and surprised the teachers by taking classes for the students. Both students and teachers enjoyed this unexpected surprise. The Children also conducted games for the teachers in the evening. Teachers thoroughly enjoyed the joy of playing the games. It was completely a fun filling session with the students.
That was not the end of the Day. CIRS Children presented a skit for the teachers depicting the importance of a teacher and the efforts taken by the teacher to manage and give her/his best at everything in a day. A beautiful video presentation was made by the students. Teacher’s day at CIRS was celebrated by the students expressing great reverence and abundant love for the teachers.
CIRS took up an initiative to organize a flood light swimathon event on the 1st of Sep to collect funds for the Kerala victims. The event was reported by the "Times of India" in their Coimbatore edition.

Geeta Chanting for the year 2018 was successfully conducted in our school on 23rd of August. 20 students from CIRS were selected for the final round and the final round was held in Chinmaya Vidyalaya Vadavalli on 2nd of September.
The finalists are as follows.
Category A (Classes UKG, LKG, Class 1 )
Bhavani Kulkarni (1st)
Bhavapriya (1st )
Ananya Raveendran (1st )
Category B (Classes 2nd ,3rd and 4th )
A Ragunandhan (4th )
S Aniruddha (2nd )
Sree Varshini (4th )
Category C ( Classes 5th , 6th and 7th )
Rohit Choudhary (5th )
Yash Bavishi (6th )
Samariddhi Iyer (7th )
Category D (classes 8th ,9th and 10th )
Manit Ravi Malani (8th )
Ashutosh Khemka (8th )
Atul Prasanth (8th )
Open category ( Class 11 and above)
Rithu L R ( I IB)
Sadhvika Ramji (I IB)
Samriddhi Tulsyan (11 Mgt.)
Siddharth Mohan (11 Mgt.)
Akjil Sarawgi (11 Mgt.)
Aishwarya S (11 Sci.)
Varsha Manoj (11 Sci.)
Tejaswini Satish (11 Sci.)
The final round winners are as follows:
Category A
- Bhavapriya of class 1 bagged the 1st prize.
- Bhavani of class 1 received the 4th position.
- Ananya of class 1 received the 5th position.
- Rithu of 1st year IB bagged the 2nd place in the open category.
Hindu in-school National Final Quiz was held @ the National Library, Kolkatta on 31/08/18. The event was co-sponsored by the National insurance company. Regional champions from 10 cities besides 2 home teams from Kolkatta took part in the event. It was a clash of titans as every quiz team had already proved its supremacy in their respective city rounds. There were 2 semi-finals. This was done to select 6 out of the 12 teams.
CIRS team comprising of Sri Vaibhav of std IX and Seshank of X took part in the second semi-finals and secured second position with a score of 116. This ensured their entry into the finals. In the finals, they secured 6th Position. They received a cash prize of Rs.1500 each. Besides this, they also received individual trophies, wrist watches and merit certificates. On the whole, it was a quiz that the participants will relish for a considerably longer period.

A story telling session was organised by our school on 24th August 2018, for classes 1 to 8 in the Multi-purpose Hall.
The stories were narrated by two agile and cheerful storytellers, Jackie Kerin from Australia and Vikram Sridhar from Bangalore, The hall was transformed into a fairyland when the story tellers narrated the stories with action, sound and voice modulation. The students profoundly enjoyed the stories as it was an interactive session where the students were not passive listeners but a part of some stories when they assumed the role of some characters like lion and so on.
While Vikram Sridhar from Bangalore narrated folk tales and gave a glimpse of the rich plethora of Indian folk tales and stories, Jackie Kerin from Australia used simple things like a paper and thread, as a prop to narrate the international stories.
It was a fun filled and enriching experience for the students.
Trishnah inter-school quiz is a much awaited event in the Quizzing circles. This year, it was held on 21/08/18 @ Hindustan College of Arts and Science. The event was co-sponsored by The New Indian Express.
CIRS has a good track record in this event. This year too, our quizzers lived up to the expectations by storming into the finals.

The quizzing duo comprising of Sri Vaibhav of std IX and Seshank of std X secured the first place in the event. The winners were given individual trophy, medals and Cash prize worth Rs.3000. A rolling shield was handed over to the winning school.
Atul of std VIII and Rathan Rishi of IB 1st year made their first appearance as members of the quiz team.
Every year 15th August is celebrated as a national Holiday, to invoke patriotism in our hearts and remember the struggle our freedom fighters went through to get freedom. In the morning, the assembly was conducted in MPH where a miniature flag was hoisted. Swamij, Shanti madam and Mr. Parthiban gave a short talk with which our hearts were filled with patriotism. Several patriotic songs and sweets were distributed. The Art Department organised an Inter House Art Competition - Splash of colours. In the evening, a special program based on various aspects of Indian culture was presented. The day ended with patriotism heavy in the hearts and love for the nation.
The IIMUN Championship Conference 2018 took place at The Retreat Hotel & Convention Centre, Madh Island, Mumbai from Friday, 10th of August 2018 to Monday, 13th of August 2018.
The Championship Conference is a congregation of young and bright-minded student from across 160 cities of India and 22 countries worldwide, to get an experience of the proceedings for United Nations.
20 of our students took part in the MUN conference in different committees and representing various countries after a rigorous training and research work for more than fifteen days. Quite a group of stellar personalities gave erudite speeches as guest speakers.
Our students did exceptionally well in the conference and for the second consecutive year, we bagged four awards.
We got one High Commendation, one Special Mention, one Best Journalist and one Best Delegate awards.
It was a proud moment for us when our students received the awards from the dais.
On 11th August 2018, the grade 11 management and IB year 1 students were taken to Addons labels in Thirupur for a factory visit. The product range offered by the company consists of Garment Labels, Woven, Printed and Die-Cut Badges. The company manufactures different kinds of labels for many clients all around the world. The CEO of the company Mr. Loganathan welcomed us and introduced us to the Mr. Ramanan, Who assisted us throughout the visit. He took us to different departments and explained the entire process stage wise.
Firstly, we saw different varieties of labels manufactured by the company. There were labels of School names, football clubs, IPL teams, cartoon characters and brand labels. We were taken to three major department – purchase, production and designing department.
The first section was the Purchase department, where we saw raw materials which were yarns of different sizes and colours. There were 2000 different shades of colours. The selection of yarns to designs is sometimes order specific done by the customer and at times done by Addons on behalf of their customers. The raw materials are supplied by Reliance, Sunrise etc.
In the next section, we saw the production department. Very Superior technologies were used to stich the labels. We were amazed to hear that in one minute 600 stitching are done. Everything from designing to cutting the labels was computerized. The machines were majorly imported from Germany.
Finally, we visited the designing section, where designing was done using CAD (Computer Aided Design), the software MoQc, used for designing labels was imported from Switzerland.
Overall, students enjoyed the entire trip, as it was a great learning experience for them.

SPIC MACAY (Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth) is a non-political, nationwide, voluntary movement which works to inspire youth through experiencing the mysticism embodied in the rich and heterogeneous cultural tapestry of Indian and World Heritage. They promote Indian classical music and its culture in various schools and colleges through their performance. One such performance was organized in CIRS on 10th August 2018. The SPICMACAY introduced Flute performance by Pandit Ronu Majimdar accompanied by Sri Ajeet Pathak on Tabla and flute support by Sri Rishikesh Majumdar S. Their performance was really a great experience to our students and teachers.
As part of the Social Science week celebrations, the department of Social Science organized a series of activities that can stimulate and sustain interest in Social Science, as a whole. The following are the objectives of the Social Science week celebrations.
- To revisit the glories of the past in order to gauge the prevailing trends
- To reiterate faith in the vitality of the vibrant present
- To lay emphasis on a social-centric approach
Students of std V were shown a presentation called “A to Z” in Social Science. (8/8/18) This presentation unveiled the fascinating facets of social science such as Amphora, Candi tooth temple of Buddha, Bimbetaka Cave, Ziggurates, Fatehrpursikri, Grand Canyon, Osaka, the cotton hub Nile and so on. A myriad of topics were covered in order to make the leaners think beyond the frontiers.
Students of std VI were taken for a Heritage walk. (10/8/18) The walk began at the commemorative inscription that has been placed outside the academic block and ended in the respective class rooms. During the course of the walks, how the school had progressed over the years was communicated. A series of handi-craft items made of palm leaves were kept on display. In addition to this, a quiz was conducted on the habits and customs that are in vogue in India with regard to hospitality, spirituality and various other day to day occurrences and their significance. An oath was administered in the end which reiterates the need to upkeep and sustain the digital and intangible heritage for the posterity.
Biopic poll and auction in action (9/8/18) the two activities that brought the creative quotient from the students of std VII. From a list of given personalities which covered sports, entertainment and social service, students were asked to vote for the personality of their choice. In the auction segment, precious items such as Gandhiji’s spectacle, rare photo of the dodo bird and Mr. Bean’s car were put on sale. Fragments of red fort were also auctioned. This was done to test the extent to which students possess knowledge on the antiquities and its value.
Decode global citizen (6/8/18) was an activity which was primarily designed to make the learners aware of the diversity that exists in the present day world. Students were asked to spot the uniqueness, nationality, flora and fauna dress materials, cuisines and the monuments across the world. This activity also brought the ‘brand-consciousness’ – a domain about which the contemporary generation knows a great deal. This activity was carried out for the students of std VIII.
National Motto analysis was done for the students of std IX. (09/8/18) National mottos of at least five countries in every continent was chosen. While discussing the motto, the historical backdrop was factored in. Learners came up with certain stunning commonalities in the national motto of the countries which were the victims of colonization. In the end, a quiz on trivia was conducted. The learners realized the need to adhere to the undercurrent of the national motto which can take the nation to the pinnacle of glory.
Music in History (7/8/18) has become a permanent feature for std X students in the social science week celebrations. This activity aims at highlighting the historical value that is present in the musical albums that were released at various points in time. Songs such as Candle in the wind, Italian hall massacre, 99 balloons, Change of guards in Buckingham palace, INA national anthem , times -they are changing and when the nylons will bloom again were played. Songs were paused at regular intervals and the learners were asked to come up with their views on the content, tenor, tone and the historical connotations of the song.
A series of biographies and autobiographies of great personality were displayed in a prominent place in all three libraries and students were encouraged to read these books.
Social science related articles and news items were displayed in the IX /X block. T
Social Science quiz for Juniors (6/8/18) revolved around the “values” that can be learnt from the lives of great personalities and unsung heroes while the senior assembly quiz revolved around the theme “transcending limitations.” Social Science quiz for seniors held on 8/8/18 had five interesting rounds. Vyasa house emerged as the winners, followed by Vashishtha, Vishwamitra and Valmiki.
Tiny tots of Shishu Vatika (8/8/18) were engaged in activity called Liquid flag formation in which they were made to form the flags of different nations of the world by choosing the right mix of colours from a tray in which the basic colors were placed. This was followed by an activity named “Judgment in your hands”. Situations were read out and children were asked to lift the sign board “guilty” or “not guilty”. Most of the situations are based on the day to day experiences. The third activity is called “Token of gratitude” in which students were given three tokens. Green token is worth thousands, while red token is worth 1 lakh and blue token is worth 5,000. Each student was given 3 tokens of each color. After a scenario is discussed, the students were asked to contribute money for a cause highlighted in the situation. While the contribution is made by one student, others were not allowed to see how much has been contributed by the other person. All these activities were aimed at promoting a fierce sense of pride as well as civic consciousness.
Efforts are on to create a new game called “Diplomatic Chess. A core committee comprising of 6 students of std IX has been set up. This committee will have one or rounds of deliberation and design the rules of this game. Once the final shape is given, the game will be demonstrated in the presence of the students. This game aims at inculcating diplomatic qualities which are essential at every level of human interaction.
Social Science department has deployed the concept of crowd sourcing for a logo for the department. Three entries have already reached us. After a week or so, one of the log’s will be chosen as the logo of the Social Science department @ CIRS. Other logos receved from the student body will be incorporated in the form of a collage. An announcement to this effect was made in the morning assembly on 6/8/18.
The department of Social Sciences urged the teaching fraternity as well the non-teaching members to send scanned copies of newspaper clippings or their first- hand experience through which the department intends to project the positivity to a large extent.
Designing of an appropriate duty-list for the social science week and the senior student talk on the value of freedom added more vibrancy to the social science week celebrations.
The department has stated collecting words that describe the glory of the nation. 72 chosen words will be used in the material that will be read out by the anchors of the forthcoming republic day. Words that encapsulate the greatness of India will resonate across the Arjuna athletic field on the eve of the flag hoisting.
On the whole, we managed to create an impact that will be sustained in due course of time with periodic follow-up activities.
The Coimbatore Sahodaya Chess Tournament 2018 for Boys was held in Coimbatore Public school, Coimbatore on 7th July, 2018. Around 200 students participated in the competition in and around the Coimbatore. From CIRS, 3 students (Harsh Anish Shah - Class 12, S. Sukesh - Class 10, Madhav Drolia - Class 7) participated in the competition under three different categories. They played well and made it to the finals.
The Science Week was celebrated with fun filled activities along with experiential learning for the students.
The Shishu Vatika students had a nature walk and scrap book making.
On 3rd July, 2018, Students of Grade 6 were taken to Gass Forest Museum. The museum exhibits wildlife, arms used in olden days, wood crafts, huge collection of insects, cultural artifacts and many more. Our children visited the main attraction of the museum which is preserved and stuffed animals, birds and reptiles. The students enjoyed the visit thoroughly. The students of grade 7 had a session on astronomy and they were shown videos.
On 4th July, students from Classes 7 & 8 had a quiz program. The quiz had questions with various combinations like current affairs, general knowledge, activity based, technology, audio visuals, etc. The participants as well as the audience took part with full keenness and gave an outstanding performance.
The students of the Vasishta House took the risk and were able to score maximum points. The Valmiki House came second followed by the Vyasa House.
On 5th July, science run was organized for the junior school students. The run had various games and activities to play and solve. Through those games students learnt a lot.
On 6th July, the students of class 11 were shown video on Asimov Lectures. These lectures debate on various aspects of the universe, existence, science and technology. The students had gained more knowledge and insight about the universe.
On 7th, an attempt was taken bring out the inventors in our school by conducting an innovative session. In this session the students were asked to experiment with the equipments available in the lab and to come up with new ideas. The students expressed their creativity and enjoyed inventing new things. After dinner, the students were shown science based movie.
On the last day of the week, early in the morning, the students were taken for bird watching & nature walk. They enjoyed the scenic view.
Thus science week came to an end with lot of learning and fun.
15 of our NCC cadets from 9th grade participated in the 4(TN) Battalion NCC camp that was held during the period of 29th June to 8th July, 2018 in PSG TEC College, Coimbatore.
The 10-day camp brought a change in them, both physically and mentally. They learned how to live and interact with people coming from different places of varied lifestyles. They experienced a true way of living life.
They understood the lives of the soldiers in the Indian Army, Navy and Air force. Out of the 15 students who participated in the camp, 12 of them were honoured with prizes for their achievements in various fields such as rifle shooting, drills, sports and cultural performances. Each cadet has been awarded a participation certificate.
They underwent rigorous training through various activities every day that made them stronger and tough. They returned with fruitful memories. On being questioned about their experiences they replied “It was definitely one of the most mind blowing and unforgettable experiences we have ever had. We finally understood the true meaning of life…. and what life teaches us.”
Dear Parents, |
28th June 2018 |
Hari om, Namaste! |
You may be aware we run summer School for the students of classes 11 and 12 for two weeks every year. This year onwards we have decided to include classes for the students of class 10 also. Hence the current students, who are in class 9, will have their summer vacation starting from 25, May 2019. This will help us to guide them to prepare for the Board examination they will be taking in March 2020.
Kindly make a note of the change in the schedule. The summer vacation for the current class 9 students will start on Saturday, May 25, 2019 after 9 am. While planning the vacation travels, Please note the dates.
Seeking your cooperation,
Best Regards,
Shanti Krishnamurthy |
Rajeshwari |
Director- Academics & Administration. |
Officiating Principal. |
Humming Bird Commerce Competency Olympiad is an International level Commerce Olympiad that includes Accounts, Business Studies and Economics for Classes 11 & 12. The Olympiad is based on the Multiple Choice Question Pattern which helps the Children to be more precise & careful while attempting the Questions of Olympiad.
Class 11 Management students took part in the Level 1 examination held in the month of November 2017. The results are as follows:
Gold Medal Winners
Medhanshi, Mehul Arya, M. R. N. Aditya, Raghav Agarwal
Silver Medal Winners
Srishti S., Trishala K.
Bronze Medal Winners
Sri Supritha, M. Geetanjal
All winners received a merit certificate in addition to their medals and rest of the participants received a participation certificate.
Out of the students that appeared for the Level 1 exam, 6 students (Gold medal and Silver medal recipients) qualified for the Level 2 examination which was held in the month of February 2018. The results of Level 2 examination are yet to be announced.
A bridge course is designed to help the students who are new to Hindi with a view to enhance the understanding of Hindi. The fundamental topics / concepts of Sanskrit that are necessary for understanding the language will be taught in this course. Classes will happen on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7.45 pm to 8.30 pm in the language room.
The following students will be attending the course.
Sl.No. |
Name |
Roll No. |
Class |
Sec |
1. |
Mahalakshmi S. Naidu |
3195 |
VI |
A |
2. |
Bhavika Bazaz |
3081 |
VI |
A |
3. |
Sairamkrish Nataraj |
3071 |
VI |
B |
4. |
Manit Agarwal |
3125 |
VI |
B |
5. |
Shalini Deepak |
3146 |
A |
6. |
Kesav Rakesh Pillai |
3131 |
B |
7. |
Thrisaanth Senthil Pandian |
3123 |
B |
A bridge course is designed to help the students who are new to Sanskrit with a view to enhance the understanding of Sanskrit. The fundamental topics / concepts of Sanskrit that are necessary for understanding the language will be taught in this course. Classes will happen on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7.45 pm to 8.30 pm in the language room.
The following students will be attending the course.
Sl.No. |
Name |
Roll No. |
Class |
Sec |
1. |
Kshiti Dinesh Thummar |
3198 |
VI |
A |
2. |
Kshiraj Dinesh Thummar |
3179 |
VI |
A |
3. |
Shiven Agarwal |
3162 |
VI |
A |
4. |
Shreyash Reddy |
3120 |
VI |
A |
5. |
M. R. Rejyeshwanth |
3187 |
VI |
C |
6. |
Monish Shancar |
3153 |
VI |
C |
7. |
Karthikeyan M. S. |
3021 |
C |
8. |
Yashasvi Saran |
2872 |
C |
9. |
Divyaj Dhawal |
3183 |
A |
SWAGATHAM 2018 (Grade 11 & 1st year IB)
CIRS was all set to welcome the new students and the parents of Grade 11 & 1st year IB on 8th April, 2018. It was a one day orientation program organized to provide a welcoming atmosphere for the new students and families. By 10:00 am the CIRS gate was opened for the new parents. With excitement the parents and students reached MPH. At MPH, the initial admission formalities were completed and the students were admitted in the respective dorms. After completing all the formalities, all new students and their parents were seated in the MPH for next session. The CIRS had a traditional welcoming with a dance performance. An introduction on life at CIRS was presented in nutshell by our senior students. Following that, Resident Director and Director of Academics and Administration inaugurated the program. Director of Academics and Administration, madam Shanti addressed the gathering and warmly welcomed the new parents and students to be a part of CIRS family. Subsequently, arrived a most awaited session, “Ice-breaking” for parents as well as students. To break the ice between the new students and to bring in the bondage, the students were together taken out of MPH for group activity and games. Various activities were conducted for the parents as well, making them to open up and have a positive experience. Following that, the team CIRS was introduced to the parents to be familiar with the CIRS family. After that, special lunch was arranged. After lunch, the parents were gathered in MPH where they had group discussion on various topics based on vision and mission of CIRS. For IB students and their parents, a session was conducted by IB coordinator introducing the IB learner’s profile and other aspects of IB making them understand IB curriculum. In parallel, the students were taken to open area and they had games and activities. After the session, the entire program came to an end. We had Madam Shanti summing up the whole event.
Thus, the one day orientation Program, Swagatham 2018 came to an end, Successful and Meaningful.
To welcome the new students and to make them feel comfortable with the surroundings, an orientation program was organized for the new junior school students. A schedule for a week was meticulously planned from 3rd to 8th April, 2018 and executed.
On day 1, the new students were taken for a tour around CIRS by the junior council students from 3:15 to 4:00. The children were excited and they were enjoying the sights. After the dinner, the students had a relaxing session handled by Smt.Swarna and Smt.Sreeja. The students were shown funny videos and they thoroughly enjoyed it.
On day 2, the students were introduced to the rules and regulations to be followed in the dorm during their stay at CIRS. This session was handled by RHPs and RHMs of respective dorms.
On day 3, the students had a beautiful session on “SWAD-School with a difference” conducted by Madam Rajeshwari. She explained how CIRS stands as a school with a difference following the holistic Chinmaya Vision program.
On day 4, the new students had special entertaining program organized by their fellow students in the respective dorms. The old students beautifully presented various programs like singing and dancing. The new children completely enjoyed the show.
And on the last of the orientation program, the new students were taken for a walk into the nature at 7:00 AM. As they were walking into the nature, they enjoyed the fresh morning sun rays, the scenic Mountain View and the chirping of birds. The students were pleased with the nature in CIRS. Following that the students were engaged with fun games and team activities.
Merit certificates were awarded to children of (Class V - IX, XI CBSE - SCIENCE, XI CBSE - MGMT and IB I Year) for their outstanding academic performance in II Term Examinations 2017 - 2018.
Class |
Name |
Rank |
Hazel Garg |
1 |
S. Anuradha |
2 |
Prisha Dalmia |
3 |
Aditya Hriday Saraf |
1 |
Lakshya Somani |
2 |
Samay Pradhwani |
3 |
Ushma Ketan Shah |
1 |
Atul Prasanth |
2 |
Priyal Saraf |
3 |
8 |
Minakshi Madhukumar |
1 |
Bhushit Sardana |
2 |
Pranav Senthilkumar |
3 |
Prakhar Khandelwal |
1 |
Nihar Mukund |
2 |
Surtarangini Devi |
3 |
11 Sc
L. K. Ridu Varshini |
1 |
Hemant Khemka |
2 |
Abhishek Menon |
3 |
11 Mgmt
Mehul Arya |
1 |
Medhanshi Vishal Mandawewala |
2 |
M. Geetanjali |
3 |
IB I Yr |
Vishweshwar Ramanakumar |
1 |
Rajit Rajpal |
1 |
Vedanshi Mitesh Bhalodia |
1 |
Sri Chaitanya Techno School organized “SpellBee International”, a National level Examination held for the students of Coimbatore district on 1st April, 2018. From CIRS, 23 students of grade 5 and 6 were taken to write the exam in the specified slot.
The students enjoyed writing the test. They commented that the paper was quite challenging and expecting an entry to the internationals. It was a great experience for the children they did their best.
Taking Angla Goshti Forward – 2018 was a three day orientation programmed conducted for the English teachers of CV schools Coimbatore region. This was an initiative taken by CIRS to reach out to as many CV schools detailing about the 21st century approaches to teaching and learning. The orientation was held from 26th March 2018 to 28 March 2018 at CIRS. The English teachers of CIRS and CV Vadavalli attended the three day programme and benefitted. The resource persons were Ms. Sandipa B., Head of the Department English and Mrs Sumathy V., Faculty in English.
Some of the topics that were covered in the three day session include, ‘Planning a Lesson with 4Cs’, 21st Century Skill Development’, Grammar and Activities’, ‘Language and Technology’, and ‘Creative Writing’. It was a great learning experience and the inclusion of 4Cs, i.e, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication will bring in a lot of positive change in the classroom teaching opined one of the teachers.
The teachers found the programme very useful to take English forward in creative ways.
The orientation program for Grade IX was scheduled for three days from 26th to 28th March, 2018. There were different sessions conducted to make the children comfortable and have a fresh start in the senior school. The proceedings of the different sessions are as follows.
Day 1
The session was started by Br.Sanatan Chaitanya on very important topic, “Good Student”. He explained the qualities of good student. Good student is the one who respects teachers and don’t take them for granted. A good student is always alert, thinks out of the box and always humble. The session was very interesting and interactive. The students were inspired. Following that, they had a session by Madam Principal, where she explained what it is to be in senior school. She explained, being in senior school, the students should take charge of themselves. They should know their limits and have self-control. Later, they had a session by Swami Anukoolananda ji where he had explained importance of creativity and logical thinking for the student. They were given exercise sheets which had question related to mental concentration, multiple intelligence observation, logical and lateral thinking. They students had lot of fun and learned equally.
Day 2
The 1st session they had was with Mr. Diwakar. He explained the importance of being updated with the current affairs and facts. He also gave few tips for our children to be updated. Following that the students had a session on social/ethical issues one can face through technology. A documentary face book follies were shown to the children. The students were exposed to dos and don’ts of social networking sites. Later, they had a session by Smt Sumathy. She explained the student importance of being focused in their studies and she also gave some tips for organizing their study time wisely. With that their second day came to an end.
Day 3
The day started with a session by Smt. Gayatri where the students were exposed deeper into Indian Culture and its heritage. Following that they had a session by Mr. Ganesh guiding them to choose the right career.
Thus, with lot of learning and experience, the three day orientation programe came to an end. The students had fruitful experiences throughout the sessions.
HOBBY CLUBS 2017 – 18
In the last academic year 2017-18, hobbies were offered for all classes except IB students. The duration of each hobby was one hour. On every Wednesday, the junior students had their hobby from 3 to 4 pm whereas the senior students had their hobby from 4 to 5 pm.
Hobby classes were organised with the intent of grooming the multifarious potential and capabilities of each child so that he or she develops into a multi-dimensional personality who is versatile.
According to the class and age of students, different hobbies were offered to cater to their interest and potential.
Shivanjali music hobby clubs were extended to classes 9 and 10 also. Handwriting and Quiz hobbies were conducted as separate classes this academic year so as to accommodate more number of students and also for giving them ample training in it.
From three preferences given by each student, one hobby was allotted to them so as to train and guide them in that particular art.
Classes V and VI
Along with Shvanjali’s hobby clubs Veena, Guitar, Flute and Violin, the following hobbies were offered to the students of classes 5 and 6.
Quiz club, embroidery, Comic, music and instrument, paper craft and English poetry and song writing.
Classes VII and VIII
Students of classes 7 and 8 got training in the following hobbies.
GK club, electronics, band, kid’s craft, spoken French, and chess.and Shivanjali Music Classes.
Classes IX and X
Manga, Gardening, Photography & multimedia, Astronomy, Tie & Dye, Ornamental Craft, GK Club, Commercial arts, and MUN along With Shivanjali Music Hobby Clubs enriched the students of classes 9 and 10.
Classes XI and XII
Classes 11 and 12 students had the opportunity of training themselves in the following club:
Electronics, dramatics, Painting, chess, math club, cookery, 3D clay word, Music, jewelry making, MUN.
On the whole more than 30 hobbies were offered to the students to cater to the varied interests and passion of our students and each hobby was allotted with a maximum of only 25 students
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure.” Through the adventure students can learn life’s lesson. To make the students seek the beauty with their eyes open, an adventure trip to Yercaud was organized for the students of Grade X.
The students packed their things and got ready for the trip on 26th March. 90 students and 6 teachers started from CIRS with full excitement and landed in “Youreka Adventure camp”, Yercaud. Immediately after landing, the students had a short meeting briefing about the activities and rules and regulations to be followed during the camp. The students were grouped into four. The excitement about adventure camp is staying in the tent. For the students and teachers tents were allotted. After lodging their luggage, immediately the students were called for activity. On day 1, the students were taught to navigate with a compass to find the path when they walk through the forest. The students thoroughly enjoyed finding the direction. Following that, they had a reflection session and the day came to an end.
On day 2 and day 3, the students were involved in various adventure activities like rappelling, friendship ladder, trekking and night out. Talent show was also organized where they exhibited their talents and after that they also had DJ night where they danced until they exhausted. With more beautiful memories and learning they all went back to their tent.
On day 4, the students had final reflection about the entire camp and shared their experience and learning during the camp. The Youreka camp acknowledged the eminence of each student by distributing various badges.
An adventurous camp was conducted from 26-03-2018 to 30-03-2018 in the school organized by National Adventure Foundation, Tamil Nadu and Puduchery chapter for the entire students of (Classes V to VII)).
Children were divided into different groups and were involved in various activities inside and outside CIRS. The activities like Sumo Wrestling, Archery, Bungee, Russian Ladder, Paint Ball, Boxing, Zorbing, River Crossing, Snorkeling, Jumaring, Treasure Hunt and various team games were planned and executed inside the CIRS campus. They were also taken to Trimurti Dam for the several other activities like Commando net, Jet Ski, Mechanized Bungee, Kayaking, Lake Swimming and other water sports and trekking.
Camp fire was set up for the children on 30th march, 2018. Children enjoyed the campfire and actively participated in the fun of campfire. 3The students were honoured with various prizes such as Best Student (Boy/Girl), Best Team Player, etc.
Gurudev Paduka Pooja was performed on 2nd March 2018 by the students of XII CBSE and X praying for their success in their final examinations. It was performed under the guidance of Swami Anukoolananda Saraswathi. It is CIRS tradition that Gurudev Paduka Pooja is performed before all the major examinations seeking His blessings.
Coimbatore district tennis association conduct Coimbatore district tennis league from 24th January to 18th March 2018. The matches were conducted every week end. A team comprising of the following players represented CIRS.
The team comprised of
- Swami Anukoolananda (Residential Director)
- E. Ganesh (IB Coordinator)
- Vijay (Tennis Coach)
- Anish Murugesan (Grade XI)
- Rohan B. Mahendra (Grade IX)
- Vagis S. Kumar (Grade IX)
- Stuti Chovatiya (Grade IX)
- Aarayan Bhandari (Grade IX)
- Arush (Grade VIII)
- Dhruv (Grade VII)
Our team played under Division F and they emerged as second runner-up with 18 points.
Orientation for grade 10 was conducted from 6th to 8th March, 2018 to create an atmosphere that minimizes their anxiety, promotes positive attitudes, and stimulates an excitement for learning.
Day 1 started with a session by Ms Sandeepa. The topic chosen by her was “Curiosity” and made the students realize how curiosity leads to new avenues of discovery and innovation. They were also shown a video explaining the importance of analyzing the situation from every angle. The session was engaging, interesting and really tested their questioning skills.
Followed by, they had a session titled ‘Extra Effort” conducted by Sumathy ma’am. The session reflected on the importance of going that extra mile and was capped by a video which beautifully summed up what she had said.
After dinner, they had an open forum session by Mrs Rajeshwari, who as usual captured the hearts of the children by teaching them the true importance of implementation through humorous yet thoughtful anecdotes. It was an interactive and thought provoking session.
Day 2 started off with a mind blowing session of 2 hours by our Resident Director, Swami Anukoolananda. Swamiji’s session was on the importance and aspects of intellect. His session had them all put on their thinking hats and rigorously test their intelligence through various form of mental exercises.
At night they had a session with Diwakar sir titled, “Update Oneself or Remain Outdated”, explained the necessity of GK in everyone’s life through 10 points of information.
On Day 3, Madam Shanti took them by storm with a talk on the necessity of discipline interspersed with stories that really caught their attention. Her talk was somber and made them realize the critical juncture they are in.
Then they had a session by Mrs Bhuvaneshwari and Mrs Saranya. They made the children question their perspective and preconceived notions by showing them interesting images and videos.
Overall, it was an experience full of learning and fun for the children which provided them a great series of knowledge.
The Hindu STEP English Olympiad test is developed in association with Cambridge English Language Assessment institution that sets the standard for English proficiency across the world. Specially tailored for school students, the test covers the entire spectrum of English language which includes their reading, listening, and grammar and vocabulary skills. The test was conducted in our school on the 11th November 2017. All students from Grade 5 to 8 participated. The results were declared on March 2018. All the children were given certificates with their scores. Their areas of improvement were also highlighted. Out of the 18 prizes, in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry zone (excluding Chennai), 6 children from our school, got the prizes in the zonal level. They were given cash prizes as given below.
- V. Manassa of 5B (1st Winner
- Rs 12500/-)
- Lokeshwar Reddy Thota of 5A (2nd Runner up
- Rs 3000/-)
- Haardhik M. Arani of 6A (1st Winner
- Rs 12500/-)
- Aditya Drolia of 7C (1st Runner up
- Rs 5000/-)
- Mitansh Raxesh Kapadia of 7B (2nd Runner up
- Rs 3000/-)
- Pranav Senthil Kumar of 8C (2nd Runner up
- Rs 3000/-)
“Spelling is important because it aids in reading. It helps cement the connection that is shared between sounds and letters.”
A Spell Bee Competition was organized on 20th February 2018 for classes 5 to 8. This competition was one out of the numerous enjoyable competitions that give students a platform to learn spellings in different ways. As a result, children are able to read and write more effectively and score well in tests. Children participated earnestly in the competition. Their efforts and initiative were appreciated by one and all. Each participant was so well prepared that made the competition difficult and it took a tie breaker round to decide the winner.
All the rounds of the Spell Bee held the audience ‘spellbound’, with almost all of the 41 participants spelling each word correctly. Even the toughest words of the tie-breaker round were spelt with unflinching ease by the spelling wizards. It was a nerve-wracking task to reach to the two final contestants.
In the Sub juniors category S. Anuradha was adjudged first while Haardik came second. Third position was shared by Shreyas and Meghna. In the juniors category Malini Kalliyath was adjudged first and Madurandhan secured the second position. The winners were awarded certificates and gifts.
CIRS took part in a contest for greenest campus award organized by Kovai Green League. It is an initiative by Brookefields, Bosch, Rotary Club of Coimbatore, WWF-India and Suryan FM with an aim to increase green cover of Coimbatore and create awareness on environment conservation. About 100 schools took part in it and 10 schools were short listed based on the tree cover, sources of water and utilization, gardening activities, birds spotted in the campus and alternative energy sources used at school. We are happy that our school won the best green campus award and the same was presented to the school at a function held at Coimbatore on 7th February, 2018.

The National Cyber Olympiad is a cyber concepts and knowledge competition for the students of class 1 to 12. The exam was conducted in the month of January. The entire CIRS students from grade 5 to 12 took part in the competition. Out of which, 24 students have been ranked as 1st, 2nd and 3rd under the “School Category”. The prize winners were awarded medals and certificates.
We are happy to announce the results as follows:
5 |
Annanya Agarwal |
1 |
5 |
S. Kavin Bharathi |
2 |
5 |
Lokeshwar Reddy Thota |
3 |
6 |
Jai Shailesh Uttamchandani |
1 |
6 |
Aadishree Devi |
2 |
6 |
J. K. Siddharth Ganesh |
3 |
7 |
Aadhya Bhartia |
1 |
7 |
Dhivyan P. |
1 |
7 |
Aditya Drolia |
1 |
7 |
Srijan Varma Vegeshni |
2 |
7 |
Bhavya Chirag Yagnik |
2 |
7 |
Nishchay Manish Hirpara |
2 |
7 |
Devansh Goenka |
3 |
7 |
Atul Prasanth |
3 |
7 |
Ashutosh Khemka |
3 |
8 |
Vikram R. |
1 |
8 |
Charan Aditya Ravinchandran |
2 |
8 |
Arnav Alok Ghurde |
3 |
11 |
Harsh Anish Shah |
1 |
11 |
Aryaman Parekh |
2 |
11 |
Anish Murugesan |
3 |
12 |
A. Charan |
1 |
12 |
Chidambaram G. |
2 |
12 |
Nikhil Anil |
3 |
District level, 2nd TCE Tamil Nadu chess tournament was organized and held at Tamil Nadu College of Engineering, Palanisamy Ravi Nagar, Karumathamppatti, Coimbatore. 8 students from CIRS participated in the tournament. The results are as follows:
- Harsha secured the 10th position out of 34 participants.
- Deepika, Sukesh and Dipra secured 10th, 11th, 13th positions respectively out of 153 players.
- Pranav Senthilkumar won the 13th position out of 203 players
Science Olympiad Foundation conducted 8th International English Olympiad (Level 1) in the month of October 2017. The results were declared in the month of January 2018. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals were awarded for the first three class toppers in each class. 34 of our students were selected for the Second Level and they have given their exams on 11th February 2018.
In the first level two of our students Arnav Alok Ghurde (Zonal Rank 25) and Anagha Subhash Nair (Zonal Rank 11) have been awarded with Medals of Distinction. This medal is awarded to the students for achieving Zonal ranks between one and twenty five.
Other Gold, Silver and Bronze medal winner’s details are as follows:
4 |
G. Sarvesh |
1 |
5B |
Aarya Venakta Garimella |
1 |
5B |
S. Anuradha |
2 |
5A |
Lokeshwar Reddy Thota |
3 |
6A |
Haardhik M. Arani |
1 |
6B |
M. Ankitha |
1 |
6A |
P. Sabharish |
2 |
6B |
Shreyas Medasani |
2 |
6A |
D. J. Ciranthan |
3 |
6B |
Guhan Senthil |
3 |
7A |
Smrithi Vikram |
1 |
7B |
Thulirmathiyan J. K. |
1 |
7C |
Aditya Drolia |
1 |
7A |
Tejas Prakash Tewani |
2 |
7B |
Hari Haran S. |
2 |
7C |
Manit Malani |
2 |
7A |
Anshika Rahul Mundra |
3 |
7B |
Ayush M. Satani |
3 |
7C |
Yohan K. |
3 |
7B |
Mitansh Raxesh Kapadia |
3 |
8B |
Malini Kalliyath |
1 |
8D |
Madhin Prabhas P. |
1 |
8C |
Minakshi Madhukumar |
2 |
8D |
Charan Aditya Ravichandran |
2 |
8D |
J. Pranav |
3 |
8C |
Tanay Uttam Parekh |
3 |
9A |
Nihar Mukund |
1 |
9D |
Abhigyan Patni |
2 |
9A |
Siddhesh Natarjan |
3 |
10A |
Aparna Shivangi Arikarevula |
1 |
10A |
Samriddhi Tulsyan |
1 |
10B |
Mrithika V. G. |
1 |
10C |
Kavya Manoj |
1 |
10A |
Pulkit Dalmia |
2 |
10B |
Vigneshwar Kandeeban |
2 |
10C |
M. R. Rohith Krishnaa |
2 |
10A |
Akshit Sudheer Kumar |
3 |
10B |
Yogeshwar Mishra |
3 |
10C |
Aadhithya S. Mallya |
3 |
10C |
Anssh Anand |
3 |
11 Sc |
Madhav Jay Karthikeyan |
1 |
IB I |
Vishweshwar Ramana Kumar |
2 |
11 Sc |
Anish Murugesan |
3 |
12 Sc |
Ria Sali |
1 |
Yatharth Dhoot |
2 |
12 Sc |
Shailja Sharma |
3 |
iRoboChakra conducted Robofest 2018, an international robotic championship at Hindustan College grounds on January 28. Students from various school participated in the competition. From CIRS, Pratham Agarwal of grade 7 participated in the competition. He gave an outstanding performance and he won the gold medal and a trophy. He will be participating in the finals at Lawrence Tech. University, USA.
An Integrated Language Quiz for junior school students in Hindi, Sanskrit, Tamil and French was conducted on January 23 in MPH. A total of 64 students representing all the four houses took part in the quiz program. The quiz was held for duration of 1 hour. Each quiz had four rounds. First three rounds were on different topics and they were conducted with the support of PPT, audio and video clips. The fourth round was a rapid fire round in which each house was provided with 1 minute during which the house had to answer as many as questions possible.
The students put forth their effort and performed well. The Winners were recognized for their effort and contribution.
Gayathri Mantra is believed as one of the most powerful and supreme mantras in Hindu religion. According to the scriptures, Gayathri is the Mother of all the Vedas and has the power of destroying all sins.
Students at CIRS are privileged to chant and meditate on this mantra in their morning spiritual classes and evening aratis. On 21st January, our students attended a ‘Maha Gayathri Havan’ at the Chinmaya Gardens, Coimbatore. The chanting went on from 8.30 A.m. to 12.00 noon. The children devotedly chanted the mantra and received the blessings of Mother Gayathri.
Coimbatore Sahodaya school complex organized a workshop for Physical Education Teachers held at Chinmaya Gardens on 20th and 21st January, 2018. PE teachers from 30 different schools participated in the workshop This workshop gave an insight on developing a structured PE program for the children. Teachers were also involved in making lesson plan for PE. Few thoughts were shared with the teachers on monitoring and assessing students on fitness and skills. Mr. M. Siva Shanmugam, Mr. Srinivasan S., Mr. V. Sundaramoorthi and Mrs. S. Mahadevi participated in the workshop. Overall, it was an enriching experience for our teachers.
Swami Vivekananda Jayanti was celebrated with lot of reverence and devotion to the great master at CIRS. The celebration started off with a motivational speech and video presentation by Mrs. Manjula in the morning assembly. This was followed by an inspiring song by the students of grade 8.
Varun Naveen Iyer, Armaan Gupta and Karthik Ragunath, dressed up as Swami Vivekananda visited all the classes addressing the students with anecdotes from his life. It gave the children a feel of His presence amongst them. The whole CIRS family welcomed Swamiji with great respect.
The Social Science Department conducted a special quiz in the evening on the life and quotes of Vivekananda. The quiz highlighted the knowledge of the participants and enlightened the others. The winners of the quiz were awarded by Madam Principal.
And that was not the end. Madam Principal concluded the program for the day with an excellent talk elaborating on the idea of ‘YOUTH’ to the students. She energized the children to be good, never lose the desire for Learning, Hopefulness, Determination and their inner strength to remove the fear. Thus, Swami Vivekananda Jayanti was successful in instigating the children to imbibe the qualities of Swami Vivekananda.
IntelligencePlus provided a platform for children to discover and exhibit their ideas by conceptualized InnoVenture - India's 1st Ideation and Entrepreneurship Challenge for School Children ranging from grade 5 to grade 9. There were 3 rounds in total. At CIRS, around 75 children were selected from grade 5 to 9 and trained to attend the 1st round which was held on 6th October, 2017. 22 students were selected for round 2. The selected students had telephonic interview, which itself the 2nd round to assess their communication skills. Out of 22, Varun Iyer of grade 9 got selected for the final round which was held at Pune for 2 days on 26th and 27th January, 2018. On day 1, the children created solutions, models and presentations on the given real world challenges. A challenge statement along with a few tasks was given to the children for which they had to create innovative and sustainable solutions and present it in front of the judges. The children also underwent workshop and had hands-on experience on certain tools and techniques. Our student, Varun Iyer had a special honorary mention by the judges on his presentation. It was indeed a great experience for the child allowing him to gain lifetime experience on Entrepreneurship and Ideation. Varun was awarded with a certificate, activity kit and a voucher of Rs.800 for his participation in the final round.
Our school took part in the 17th All India HOPE Talent Contest in the fields of Art & Essay writing organized by Shoolsindia, Chennai. Stuti Murarka of Class 9 won the third prize and Trrishala K. of Class 11 got the consolation prize in Art.
Deepthi B. N. & Sriram Menon of Class 11 and Ria Sali & Shailaja Sharma of Class 12 got silver medals in the Art category.
In the essay writing competition, Swetha Arun of II Year IB won a silver medal. Poornima Jayaraj Menon of Class 9 and Aparna S. & Sushain Garg of class 10 won the bronze medal in the same category.
XI Chennai Model United Nations Conference was held at American International School, Taramani, Chennai, between 10th November and 12th November 2017. The theme for the conference was Isolationism and Internationalism. Twenty of our students had an opportunity to be the be part of the newly THIMUN reaccredited CHEMUN experience There were 9 committees this year: General Assembly, General Assembly (Legal), Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC), Human Rights Council (HRC), Special Committee (SPC), Advisory Panel (APQ), Security Council (SC), Environment Commission (EC) and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
S.NO. |
1 |
2 |
GA |
3 |
4 |
GA - L |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
EC |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
GA |
14 |
15 |
GA - L |
16 |
17 |
18 |
EC |
19 |
GA - L |
20 |
GA |
The National Science Olympiad is organized every year by the Science Olympiad Foundation to motivate students to strive for better and deeper understanding of scientific facts and data to enhance their reasoning, analytical and problem solving skills. It was conducted in the month of November 2017. All students of CIRS from Grade 4 to 11 participated in the science Olympiad.
Students gave an outstanding performance and following is the list of students who were awarded the Gold, Silver and Bronze medal for being the School Topper.
4 |
Anjali Raveendran Savi |
1 |
5 |
Lokeshwar Reddy Thota |
1 |
5 |
V. Manassa |
2 |
5 |
Hazel Garg |
3 |
6 |
Kavya Vishnu Kanteti |
1 |
6 |
D. J. Ciranthan |
2 |
6 |
Vanshika Garg |
3 |
6 |
Kirthi Sudhagar |
3 |
7 |
Amogh Sriman |
1 |
7 |
Mithansh Raxesh |
1 |
7 |
Manit R. Malani |
1 |
7 |
S. S. Manikanta Suryadeva |
2 |
7 |
Meghana Santosh |
2 |
7 |
Daakshi Singh |
2 |
7 |
Priyal Saraf |
2 |
7 |
Srijan Varma |
3 |
7 |
Pratham Agarwal |
3 |
7 |
Ushma Ketan Shah |
3 |
8 |
Maahi Agarwal |
1 |
8 |
Prashil U. Savalia |
2 |
8 |
Anirudh Agrawal |
2 |
8 |
Shivansh P. Mundra |
3 |
9 |
Dishta Singh Bhel |
1 |
9 |
V. Harsheni |
2 |
9 |
Mananshu Nilleshbhai |
3 |
10 |
Arnav Batra |
1 |
10 |
Aryan Manish Kalaria |
2 |
10 |
Pulkit Dalmia |
3 |
11 |
G. Raghul |
1 |
11 |
Hemanth Khemka |
2 |
11 |
L. K. Ridu Varshini |
3 |
Rathinam Technical Campus, Eachanari, Coimbatore in collaboration with Sri Veeramaruthi Yoga Centre, Coimbatore organized a State level Yogasana Competition on 25th November, 2017. Around 500 students from 40 different schools participated in the competition. Our students displayed an outstanding performance and won the following prizes.
Group-2 –V & VI (Boys)
Jay Shailesh Uttamchandani of V-A secured fourth Place
Group 3 - VII & VIII (Boys)

P. Adhav Ram of VIII-A secured third Place
Group 3 - VII & VIII (Girls)

Sahithya D. of VII-A secured third Place
It is also noticeable that our PE teacher, Mrs. Mahadevi also participated in the competition and won the third position.
An inter house debate was held for the senior school on the 3rd of November 2017, with the motion “What India needs today- Politicians or Soldiers”. Two students from each house took part in the debate, one for the topic and one against the topic. The debate went with high fervour as each side was strong on their points.
Finally as only one can be the winner, the Winner position ‘For the motion’, was bagged by Abhigyan of IXth grade, Valmiki House and ‘Against the motion’ was won by Aparna of Xth grade, Vyasa House. The runner up for ‘For the motion’ was Varun Iyer of IXth grade, Vishwamitra House and ‘Against the motion’ was Mrithika of Xth grade, Valmiki House.
The participants and the audience had an enriching experience through this debate which made them to ponder over the current state of our country. This was revealed through the rebuttal and the questions posed by the audience to the participants.
Katha Utsav is an initiative of ‘Search for Excellence’ in Creative Writing at school level across India. 15 of our students sent their entry in the month of September. Among them, four were selected for semi-finals for the south-zone Katha Utsav, children writer’s festival.
Name |
Grade |
Gayatri Nambiar |
IX |
Vigneshwar |
X |
Tarun Rajkumar |
X |
Vasika |
IB 2nd year |
Due to personal reasons, our children couldn’t attend the final selection and proceed further. However, they have proven their creativity and rose on top in the initial selection process.
The Sahodaya workshop for Mathematics teachers was organised by the Sahodaya Coimbatore on 16th of September, 2017 at National Model Senior Secondary School, Coimbatore. Around 72 teachers from different CBSE schools, in and around Coimbatore attended the one day workshop on Mathematics. The program was inaugurated by Smt.Navamani, Principal, Angappa Senior Secondary School. Smt. Geetha, Principal of National Model Senior Secondary School presented the welcome address and the overview of the workshop. The inaugural function was presided by Smt. Shanti Krishnamurthy, Principal, Chinmaya International Residential School.
Smt. Shanti Krishnamurthy, Smt. Sivagama Sundari and Smt. Bhuvaneswari conducted the workshop on different topics. The main areas of focus were
- Maths Phobia
- Real Life Situations
- Learning Maths through Activities and Games
- Question Paper Setting and
- Values through Maths
The workshop started off with a session by Smt. Shanti Krishnamurthy on Maths Phobia and Real life situations. The main focus was on how to remove the fear for Maths amongst children. The session also emphasised the need for introducing real life situations in teaching Maths. It was an eye opening session.

The second session was on ‘Learning Maths through Activities and Games’. All the teachers participated actively and learnt different activities and games that can be used in the Mathematics classroom. The next session on Question paper setting was dealt by Smt. Sivagama Sundari. It was highly informative and useful for the teachers. The last session on ‘Imparting Values through Maths’ by Smt. Bhuvaneswari focused on the different ways by which values can be imparted through Mathematics teaching.

All the sessions were very informative and the teachers learnt through activities, games, videos and discussions. Towards the end of the workshop, some of the teachers presented the verbal feedback of the overall session.
All the teachers expressed their appreciation towards Sahodaya for organising and conducting this enriching workshop and requested for more such workshops to be conducted in the future.
The Sahodhaya Commerce Workshop was organised by the Sahodhaya Coimbatore and was held on 11th of September, 2017 at Chinmaya International Residential School. 56 teachers, from 27 different schools, in and around Coimbatore attended the one day workshop on various subjects of Commerce Stream. The program was inaugurated by Smt. Shanti Krishnamurthy, Principal, CIRS who also gave the welcome address and the overview of the workshop.

The workshop started off with an icebreaking session, where, all the teachers got to know each other and the purpose of the workshop through 15 assigned Commerce related task.
Ms. Paramita, Smt. Annapoorni and Smt. Rajeshwari conducted the workshop for Accountancy, Business Studies and Economics respectively. The main area which was covered were:
- Activity Based Teaching
- Inquiry Based Teaching
- Approaches to Project Work
- Discussion on various aspects of Board Examination (Curriculum, Sample paper, Blueprint, etc.)
- Discussion on HOTS and Value Based Questions
- Using IT and Case Studies on Current Affairs etc.
The sessions were very informative and the teachers learnt through activities, games, worksheets, videos and discussions. Towards the end of the workshop, one teacher from each Subject gave verbal feedback of the overall session.

All the teachers expressed their appreciation towards Sahodhaya and CIRS for organising and conducting this enriching workshop and requested for more such workshops to be conducted in the future.
Ganesh Chaturthi at CIRS was celebrated in a glorious and an impressive manner hailing Lord Ganesha. Ganesh Pooja was done on all the 10 days in the morning followed by Ganesh Arati in the evening. Each Grade was given the opportunity to perform the Pooja and Ganesh Arati. They expressed their bhakti and love for Ganesha through their beautiful Presentations. The significance of Ganesh Chaturthi, worshipping the Great Lord in the form of Vigraha and finally witnessing Him everywhere as the Infinite was made clear to the students. Lovely and classy rangoli’s were also made by the students for Ganesh Ji.
On the final day the pooja was performed by the administrative staffs. Ganapati’s idol from ashram was brought to the school, and at the end of the pooja both the idols were taken in a procession accompanied by staffs and students. Ganesha was carried to Sadivayal Lake by the big team of CIRS teachers and Ashram Devotees. . Lord Ganesha, the Lord of five elements immersed himself in one of the elements, water. Thus the Ganesh Utsav completed with a happy note.
Click here to view the gallery.
ANCQ - 2017
The Australian National Chemistry Quiz (ANCQ) is a unique chemical education activity. It provides a major focus for secondary school students on the relevance of chemistry in an exciting and stimulating way. ANCQ 2017 attracts over 100,000 students from classes 7 to 12, representing around 1500 schools in 21 countries including India. As per the philosophy of the event top 40% of the children will get certificates of high distinction, distinction and credit.
From CIRS, the students of Grade X, XI and XII participated in the quiz. Out of which, three students got high distinction, and 14 received prize in distinction category. Many received credit as well.
High distinction
- Aman Surana of Grade XI
- Vishweshwae Ramanakumar of IB 1st year
- Bharath Santhosh of IB 2nd year
- Nithin Dhony of IB 1st year
- Vasika venugopal of IB 2nd year
The students realized the important role that chemistry plays in many of the fundamental processes which they encounter in their science course
KATHAI KALATTA - An International Story telling Festival
Story telling is the most interactive art of using words and actions, enriching and expanding listener's imagination, an ideal method of presenting a story and a great tool to convey an important message. This idea came alive in Chandrakanthi Public school, when Ms Jeeva from Chennai narrated interactive and interesting stories to a bunch of eager and curious students. Students of Shishu Vatika from Ukg to class 4, a total of 21 students attended the Kathai Kalatta, Fourth Edition of "Under the Aalamaram - An International Storytelling Festival" in Coimbatore at Chandrakanthi Public School, Tex Park Road, Peelamedu.
The session was quite interactive and the room was filled with the murmur, giggles and laughter of the little ones who actively sang and repeated the various songs and punches in the story. At the end of the session, the children become aware of their imagination and creative energies.
Man with his great gift of curiosity has always wondered about the secrets of the Universe, he has always tried to find his origin, has tried to trace back the very Beginning. On this quest, he has developed around logic and reason and reason has termed himself to be Scientific. Is he truly Scientific, or is the term itself a deception to satisfy his unfulfilled dream of tracing back to the highest. If so, is he truly scientific? There is always a conflict between Science and Spirituality rooted in our brain

People have vented out these thoughts in a variety of manner. Science vs Spirituality does seem to have found common grounds even today. This was the essence of the open forum conducted for grade XI and XII students of CIRS by Swami Anukoolananda, where they defied convention and looked at both the stands with an open mind. Questions were raised, “,"Is god Scientific?" or "Is science Spiritual?" The discussion was so deep which made the students to think higher. At the end of the discussion students understood that the bottom line is merely Faith and Belief. What we say as science is already exists. The scientists’ just discovered the ideas which were already there. And they had faith in their own discovery which paved way to give a form to the ideas and called it inventions. Similarly in spirituality, it is the faith that an individual have on the creator. When there are creations there should be a creator. Swami Chinmayananda quoted, “Faith is, ‘To believe what you do not see’, the reward of which is, ‘you see what you believed’.” This was a gist of the discussion which was obviously an enough dosage to steal their sleeps.
Krishna Janmashtami celebrations at CIRS started with the Lord Krishna Puja in the morning. Students were immersed in the puja and invoked Lord Krishna in their hearts.
Furthermore, this day become more remarkable as we, the CIRS family, had an opportunity to receive Kalam Sandesh Vahini: Vision 2020 of former president, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam which was flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on July 27 at Rameshwaram was received by CIRS on this auspicious day. The bus, jointly designed by House of Kalam and Chinmaya Mission is a project to spread the message of Kalam, making people aware of his contribution to the educational and scientific growth of the nation. The mobile exhibition dep-*icts the early life, education and different phases and accomplishments at ISRO including Pokhran II in which Kalam played a major role. It was an eye-opener to all the students and was very inspiring. Our students and teachers were motivated by the inspiring messages, presentations and pictures of the former President
The most awaited part of the Day, the Birth of Sri Krishna was celebrated midnight. When the love is towards something low, we FALL in LOVE. But when the love is towards the higher, we gradually RISE in LOVE. And there are nine forms by which we can express the love to the lord which was beautifully projected by our children in the form of dance drama. Thus they had a perfect caption for the skit “Rise in LOVE”. This heart-melting performance instilled the love and devotion for our Krishna. After that, we witnessed the birth of Lord Krishna and had a mid night puja. Later, our students also had pot-breaking session which they thoroughly enjoyed.
Click here to view the gallery.
To mark the occasion of the QUIT INDIA MOVEMENT RESOLUTION day (09-August), a presentation was shared with the students of Junior school and senior school. Morning assembly was used as a perfect platform to share the spirit of the day with the student community at large. Prior to a short presentation, two students delivered a speech that revolved around the circumstances that led to the launching of quit India movement.
Junior School: Kryta Iyenger and Anant Agarwal (Class VIII)
Senior School: Varun Iyer and Neha (Class IX)
The impact of this movement in the life of Gurudev was explained in the course of the presentation. The speakers also highlighted the impact of the movement with reference to states such as Bihar, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Andra Pradesh. In the end, they urged the present generation to cherish the noble ideals of the Indian freedom movement in their day to day life. The presentation ended with a statement that no nation can be enslaved if the citizens have higher levels of awareness, unity and patriotic spirit. This presentation was done to instil a fierce sense of pride on mother India and those who fought for the nation's freedom.
In Hindu religion, nature’s creature, plant, movable and immovable things are considered as form of God. Nag Panchami is a very important festival celebrated on the fifth day after the Amavasya in Shravan month, which falls in the month of July or August.

CIRS celebrated Nagapanchami with Naga Panchami Pooja in the ashram. Abhishek was given to Naga Devata. All the students participated in the Pooja with same vigor and devotion. They also offered milk to the Den in the ashram and were absorbed in chanting “Om Nama Shivaya”.

Grade V & VI students of CIRS started their trip to Hyderabad very enthusiastically with lot of expectations.
On day one, the students were taken to Lumbini Park. The students were mesmerized seeing the huge statue of Lord Buddha which was built almost in the middle of Hussain Sagar Lake. Not to stop there, they also enjoyed the Multimedia Fountain Laser Show. The rhythmic musical fountain was astonishing. It is the largest water screens in India which enthrals thousands of guests each night. No wonder it mesmerised out children as well.
On day two, the children were taken to The Birla Planetarium, one of the most modern planetariums of the country. This planetarium is the first phase of the Birla Science centre in Hyderabad. It also had the Dinosaurium. It was truly breathtaking facility which displays a rare and magnificent fossil of the Dinosaur, Kotasaurus, belonging to the Lower Jurassic age, going back to about 160 million years. The students also watched the 3D show on the 7 wonders of the space. Birla art gallery was amazing and had beautiful collection of art pieces as well.
On the next day, the students were taken to Salar Jung Museum. The Salar Jung Museum of Hyderabad is a repository of the artistic achievements of diverse European, Asian and Far Eastern countries of the world. The major portion of this collection was acquired by Nawab Mir Yousuf Ali Khan popularly known as Salar Jung III. It had the collection of sculptures, paintings, carvings, textiles, ceramics clocks etc. The children thoroughly enjoyed watching the historic artifacts. Students were taken to Snow world and they had lot of fun in the snow.
On the last day of the trip, the students were taken to Ramoji film city, one of the largest and glamorous film studios in the world. Ramoji Film City has also place in the Guinness Book of World Records. Grassy lands perpetual indoor shows; gigantic genie attracted our students very much. Then from there, the students were taken to Golkonda Fort. This fort has the world famous Kohinoor diamond. High-tech fashioned music and light show was stunning in that fort.
Finally, not even a single day went without Gurudev Arati. And everybody had a tasty and healthy food on all these days. Overall it was a different experience for the students as well as the teachers and they all enjoyed and came back to school with lot of memories.
The VIII Grade Educational Tour to Sidhabari was an enthralling and blissful experience for the students.
The students started from CIRS at 7.30 A.M and boarded to Delhi. They had an opportunity to visit Air force Museum and ISKCON temple at Delhi. Then they proceeded to Pathankot by train and reached siddhabari ashram next day afternoon.
After lunch and rest, the Inauguration of the camp was done. Mr. Arun Guptaji, Ashram administrator who gave an insight about the significance of Sidhabari ashram and Gurudev’s Kutiya in the ashram. There was an ice breaking session conducted by Swamiji. The ice was truly smashed to pieces and the students poured out themselves in the session. Chinmaya Arati was done at Gurudev’s Samadhi and the children experienced the power of silence and meditation at Gurudev’s Samadhi.
The second day began with Gurudev’s Arati at the shrine. It was followed by Swamiji’s introductory session on Transforming Indians to Transform India. Swamiji gave an insight on the purpose of Education and the need for having right vision. Swamiji’s session was followed by a session by Madam Bhuvaneswari on Patriotic Transformation. The session involved activities, quizzes and presentations on how to ACT Patriotically which kindled the patriotic feelings in the young minds. After having food for the mind, Children were served with the best food for the body and travel to Dharamsala started. Children were taken to a Tibetan monastery and visited the Tibetan Monks. Swamiji made them aware of the issues between China and Tibet.
Day 3 started with Gurudev’s Arati in the shrine followed by chanting Hanuman Chalisa 18 times in front of the Mighty Hanuman statue. Children were engrossed in the devotion for Hanumanji.Followed by that blissful experience, Parthiban sir conducted a session on Cultural Transformation. He emphasized on the significance of Indian culture and how important it is to be culturally ROOTED. After having a healthy food and a good rest, Children were taken to CORD, where they met Padmashri. Kshama Metre. Children had the privilege to interact with her and she shared her experience with Gurudev and CORD. After dinner children were taken into the forest to experience the silence of nature and to be with oneself.
Day 4 started with all the students performing Guru Paduka Pooja. Children were taken to the Yol cantonment where they visited the museum. They had a rare opportunity to interact with Captain. Akhil. It was an inspiring session wherein the children realized that “The service to our country is the service of the Lord of Lords”. They offered their salutations and respect for our army people. They also visited The Dharamshala Cricket Stadium. Children started from the ashram to their way, to Delhi.
The Students reached Delhi and moved to Chinmaya Mission Lodhi Road, Delhi. They performed Arati at Gurudev’s Shrine and visited the exhibition on Gurudev. The most awaited moment of Meeting Mrs. Anjali Singh Ji then happened. She shared her hilarious experiences with Gurudev. She also expressed how Gurudev blessed her and her family.
The children boarded from Delhi to Coimbatore with enriching, blissful, fun and happy memories of Sidhabari Camp.
The IX Grade Educational Tour to Cochin (CIF) was an enthralling and blissful experience for the students.
The students started from CIRS at 8.00 A.M and boarded the bus for Cochin. They had an opportunity to visit Athirappaly falls on the way to Cochin. At evening all landed in Chinmaya International Foundation in Cochin which was the destination of the tour.
The day began with spiritual and devotional mind by a spiritual session of Rajeshwari Didi..Honourable Swami Advaiyanandaji enlightened the session by his enchanted stories of Gurudev’s humble and humility. He was truly humble himself as he made all to learn the philosophy of “Ekam” the power of gratitude to God. After the session students went around the CIF campus and visited Adi Shankaracharya’s house where they were told about the incidents happened with Adi Shankaracharya. The students enjoyed meditating at Adi Shankaracharya’s birth room. They enjoyed their visit to the maternal home of Adi Shankaracharya In the evening children were taken to Chottanikkara Temple and Piravom Temple where children sang bhajans in the temple premise. While returning back to ashram they were taken to a hotel for dinner.
On 3rd day of the tour students were taken to Alleppy the backwater place. They were taken for the tour of backwater in a boathouse which they enjoyed a lot seeing the beauty of Kerala God’s own country. They returned back to CIF in the evening. They witnessed ancient art of Kalaripayattu. They learnt and enjoyed the different forms of Kalaripayattu - an ancient martial art. This ancient art introduced to the students the body’s incredible ability to maneuver flexibly. They saw how the warriors defended themselves against different weaponry like the Urali (Flexible sword), sword, Knife and baton. After that the students had put up an amazing talent show.
The day started spiritual discussion and later Sundarji,the campus director who addressed the students on the various programmes offered in CIF. They learnt about the different courses offered at the Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth . They had an interactive educational session with a CIRS alumnus, Sanskrit Scholar and Cambridge PHD holder, Sri Varun. Evening students were taken to the Hill palace museum where they enjoyed seeing the various types of artifacts, paintings and weaponry. After returning to ashram the students had lighting of lamps at temple. They lit up 1008 lamps in the temple. It was followed by Shingarimelam performance. All students enjoyed the Kerala’s traditional music show. It was followed by the workshop conducted by the teachers of CIRS.They learnt to accept and even admire each other’s varied personalities in the workshop conducted for them.
The day started with Gurudev’s Paduka Pooja. Students boarded the bus from CIF to CIRS. On the way they were taken to “Lulu” mall, which is the largest mall in India. Students returned back to CIRS with enriching, blissful, fun and happy memories of CIF in Cochin.
The word "Guru" in Sanskrit is translated as "dispeller of darkness." Hence the Guru dispels the darkness of ignorance and leads the aspirants on the path to enlightenment. The Full Moon Day in the month of Ashadha (July-August) is known as Guru Purnima. This auspicious day started with the Guru Poornima Pooja at 7- 8.20 AM at the MPH. The presence of the Guru was felt all through the hallowed halls of the School. The school rose as one to attend to the morning prayers, offering our humble salutations at the lotus feet of the entire tradition of gurus.
As the paduka puja was conducted by the spiritual guides presided over by Madame Principal. The students were immersed in the overflowing waves of devotion emanating from the divine name of Pujya Gurudev.
With the dawn of the evening, came a blast of energy and dynamism as the students adorned in their traditional clothes for the evening awaiting a program which would stir their very souls into ecstasy. A beautiful Dance Drama was put together by the students of our school depicting the ever glorious tradition of teacher and student using an adaptation of the Jonathan Livingstone seagull.
The Dance Drama portrayed the desperate struggles and final flight of a seeker into eternity with one of the most easily connectable examples of that of a bird taking flight. This was coupled with a most inspiring video presentation by the members of the Chinmaya Family to bring about the glory of our own tradition of gurus beginning from the Advent of Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji.
Thus the Guru Purnima celebrations concluded leaving behind an ecstatic fervor of devotion in the minds of the Children and teachers alike.
The language week for this academic year was designed from July 3rd to 8th and a number of activities were carried out throughout the week to mark the occasion of the week.
The Preliminary rounds of Poetry recitation competition for class 5 to 10 were conducted in the class rooms and the final round was conducted in different venues on 4th July, 2017.
The Creative writing competition was conducted for classes 5 to 10 in all the second languages and the best writings have been selected which would be published in the school magazine.
The assembly quiz on Tuesday was based on the languages.
Hand writing competition was held for classes to 5 to 8 and the best handwriting materials were put on display in the school notice board.
An activity called Visual Comprehension in which a video clip was shown to students and based on the content of the video various activities like debate, group discussion and quiz were conducted.
On Wednesday, a senior integrated language quiz was conducted in MPH in the evening and it was attended by all the senior school students.
Some of the select students were taken to GRD School, Coimbatore to take part in a Creative Writing Competition as a part of the language week celebration.
It was with the hope and intention of instilling a stronger interest in the students the activities was organized. The students liked the activities and involved themselves with interest and also enriched themselves.
12 students from grade VII - X participated in creative writing competition on Hindi, French and Tamil languages. The competition was held at G.R.D Public School, Coimbatore on 05.07.2017. The results of the competition are :
1. Shivansh Gogia - IIIrd position
2. Sri Vaibhav . D - Consolation
1. L.R.Rithu - Ist position
2. Mrithika . V.G - IIIrd postion
1. Naivedya Tulsyan - IInd posiiton
To help the new students of Junior School settle and accustom with the new CIRS environment and be a part of CIRS family an orientation programme was designed from 03rd to 09th April, 2017.
The junior school new students from grade V to VIII were taken for a CIRS tour by the student council from 3.00 to 4.00 P.M. The new students were thrilled and very happy to explore their new school. There was also a session in the evening conducted by Sri. Nagaraj on ‘Relax and Laugh’. The ultimate purpose of the session was to relax the children and make them laugh to take them into the new world.
The second day of the orientation was focussed on introducing the rules and regulations of the dorms to the new children. It was handled by the RHP and RHM in their respective dorms. The Dorm Induction was successfully done by the Second parents in the Dorms, our RHP and RHM.
The third day of the orientation was ‘Rama Navami’. There was a special Pooja and 54 times of Hanuman Chalisa Chanting in the evening. The new children were enthralled by the Rama Navami celebrations and actively participated in the program.
After the celebrations of Rama Navami, a session on SWAD. ‘School with a Difference’ was conducted by Madam Rajeshwari. She beautifully explained the vision of CIRS and our holistic approach in educating the child with Chinmaya vision program. She also made the children very proud that they are a part of CIRS, the chosen children of Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda.
The old students of CIRS prepared a beautiful entertaining show for the new students. They voluntarily took lot of effort to fill the air with joy and positivity for the new students.
The beautiful Sunday morning started with the new students walking with nature. Students were taken for a walk where they had few fun activities and enjoyed the beauty of Western Ghats and the CIRS.
As part of their Creativity, Activity and Service module of the IB curriculum, The IB Year One students of Chinmaya International Residential School hosted a TedxYouth event in their school premises on 31st March 2017. TED is an international organization which hosts speakers with ideas on scientific, cultural and academic topics.
Sessions were held by 6 marvelous speakers namely - Tushar Joag (an influential public intervention artist), Danish Kanagaraj (a brave disabled young entrepreneur), Rakesh Saha (the head of the Educational Support team of MAD or Make a Difference, an Indian nonprofit organisation which works to ensure better outcomes for children in the country), Vishnu Sharma (an educator with a very rich experience), Dr Parul Pareeek (a children’s psychologist and the director of ROPE, an organisation which strives to empower the young girls in India) and Anirudh Belle (the founder and Editor in Chief of You Speak India, an NGO working towards social awareness among the urban youth. He is also a CIRS alumnus.)
The theme of the TEDx Event was“Enisled Yet Connected”. The significance of being united not just within our community, but across the world through inspiring talks, through language was brought out beautifully.
The event started off by invoking Mother Sarasvati which was followed by the introduction of the event by the core team members and also the presentation of the “TedxYouth@CIRS:Dont blink” video.Chinmay, Vasika and Rohan were the hosts of the event. The first speaker of the event was Mr. Vishnu Sharma. His talk titled “Journey of a hyperactive student “illustrated the inspiring story of his life as he crossed the barriers to success. He gave examples of incidents in his life which triggered various thought provoking ideas which led to the turning point in his life.
This was followed by Dr Parul Pareek, who gave an enlightening talk on “emotions “and the importance of the Emotional Quotient. She explained the ABC model which stood for Activating Event, Belief and Consequences.
Danish Kanagaraj, the last speaker of the first session, shared his experience as a survivor of Muscular dystrophy and how he channeled his mind above the physical disabilities.
Tushar Joag commenced the second session with his talk about the interesting work he does with his NGO Public Work Cells, that creates works of art that seek to make interventions in the urban space, by designing and producing objects that while being functional and aesthetic bring into focus the various concerns of the immediate situation.
This was followed by Rakesh Saha, who captivated the audience with his speech titled “Role of Youth in Driving Systemic Social Change” which opened the eyes of the audience as to how to tackle social issues in the community and the vital role of the youth in doing so.
Anirudh Belle, the last speaker of the event marveled the audience with his powerful speech on Empathy and Citizenship. He used the incident of AFSPA and the unrest in Manipur as a trigger into his salient topic which was empathy and the idea of citizenship.
The discussion started with defining ‘value’ and citing various examples of values. This was followed by a discussion on how Value-based Education is different from Value Education. All parents agreed that both are essential for School education but it is Value-based Education which goes beyond academics and can be imbibed for a life time. Valued based Education brings about a positive transformation of the individual and this makes one contented in life. Parents recalled some great personalities like Dr. APJ Kalam who were known and remembered for their values.
Parents felt that CIRS has a rich culture of values as they observed the students respecting the elders, wishing ‘Hari Om’ and having a friendly approach. They were happy to know about the morning Spiritual classes and evening Arathi in their daily schedule. They very much appreciated the system of the Subhashi badge and the exemplary students of the Dorms, celebration of the important festivals in the campus, with an awareness of their significance and Seva week which involves community service.
Parents strongly felt that at home they need to lead by example by being a role model to their children and can support the School by sustaining the discipline followed at School. To conclude they were reminded of Pujya Gurudev’s quote: ‘Values are not taught but caught’.
The following were identified and discussed
- Adolescence issue cannot be avoided and the generation gap between parents and children make it more so.
- Nuclear family, were children are not occupied by parents
- Parents are not role models for their children.
- Changing Lifestyle and invasion of titillating media into homes
- Setting / explaining the limits and boundaries that a child cannot cross.
- Don’t drink / smoke in front of children. Parents have picked up the habit, however this must not be done in front of the children.
- Monitoring of the activities of the children and being aware of what they are doing and where they have been.
- Having patience while handling the issues.
- Parental access to be provided to electronic items used by children
- Guide the children like a friend.
- Parents need to provide good substitute for laptops / mobile phones in their homes.
1. Meaning of the terms Knowledge, service and efficiency.
- Parents expressed their view on knowledge. They said that there is a gap between what children learn and what they experience the world. So a parent suggested that CIRS must bridge the gap.
- They added children must be given right knowledge and not be pressurised.
- The highest form of knowledge was brought in and how CIRS moulds the children in different context of knowledge was discussed.
- On their views on seva, parents said that seva is any action done without expectations.
- The parents were of the view that service must start from home. Guruji's personal experience (which he once shared) was given as as example of seva. It was concluded that seva is a bhava or attitude behind any action.
- How the knowledge and seva leads to efficiency was discussed.
2. How the motto of CIRS related to " success" of the child?
A discussion was held on what ‘Success’ mean. The parents were of the view that success is related to happiness. Monitory benefits do not mean success.
3. Parents contribution in achieving the motto of CIRS.
- Parents felt that it is important for them to make the child realise that inputs provided at CIRS are not for a short period but for the life time. Thus the values of Knowledge, Efficiency and Service should stay through the life of the children.
- Parents can talk to the children more frequently and reinforce these values.
- Provide support to the children in following the values taught to them. They can be the role models.
- Children must be engaged in activities that help in inculcating values and occupy their time as well.
- Parents must spend quality time with the children.
- Parents must minimize the usage of gadgets and watching television and set an example.
- Everyone in the family must use a common computer and phone to stop children misusing them.
- Providing knowledge on good vs bad that the child automatically refrains from misusing internet.
- Having no password policy at home on all mobiles phones so that everything is open and ways of diversion can be checked.
- Parents must follow CIRS core values/principles.
- Periodic online submission of holiday assignment by the children will keep them positively engaged.
Are values valued today? - Regarding this, following questions were discussed.
- Are we able to showcase the relevance of the values in our day to day life?
- Parents are not necessarily a good example -some contradictions in what we say and what we do; Are we showing the right behaviours as an example?
- Specific discussion between parents/children on the values which are demonstrated in the world today is important ( politics, movies etc); Are we giving enough time with the children? Is this time used well for discussion?
- Are we promoting the right options of education, entertainment, fun for children?
- Have we educated our children to make the right choices?
- How do we remove the sense of entitlement from the children?
- Where is the balance? Are we in a rush to give all the things that we can afford to our children?
- What we as parents give,we get? Are we as parents being the right models/examples for our children?
The following points were shared by the parents during the discussion:
- To show value of Money, give the c hildren the ability to spend money but under guidance.
- We cannot POLICE everything that our children are expected to, but if we give the right principles to evaluate these options, the child will learn to make the right choices.
Values are highly relevant to this generation especially due to the vast exposure due to media and the internet.
(Click on the picture to zoom)
The Grade 12 students of CIRS had an exceptional experience in their educational tour. With the dynamic personalities- Swami Mitranandaji and Swami Anukoolanandaji, the students got the opportunity to travel to the much ignored yet breathtaking North East India. From the streets of Guwahati to the mystical hills of Shillong to the diverse Kaziranga National Park, the students witnessed the unsung beauty of this part of the nation. Swami Mitranandaji,with whom the students travelled with, was one man of a kind. Deep discussions on an array of issues and topics with him were also another highlight of the tour. The journey was truly edifying as students got the time to reflect, discuss and also appreciate the culture of the North East.
(Click on the picture to zoom)
As a part of the new parents orientation programme group discussions were conducted.
The discussion started with understanding the Sanskrit sloka which is the motto of the CIRS,which translates in English as Knowledge, Service , Efficiency.
- Knowledge (intellectual, physical, emotional) is to know, to do, to remember and to apply that in real life.
- Knowledge is also about making the right choices i.e. to understand and differentiate between right and wrong.
- Source of knowledge becomes very relevant. Instead of looking only at books as the source, Nature has a lot to offer. The traditional Indian system of “Gurukula” believed in connecting with nature.
- Efficiency is a skill as to how to use the one have in real life situations and it varies from one individual to another.
- Service starts at an individual level and then to nature/society and then to the entire humanity.
Parent’s role:
- Parents should teach the children to be positive and be thankful to the nature and the appreciation should begin by thanking nature for all that it gives us on a daily basis.
- Parents should avoid comparing one child to another.
- Child needs to communicate what is expected from the child.
- Parents should be a role model to children. Parents must model working seflessly.
- Parent should train the children to reduce wastage and procure only what one needs and not wants.
- Parent must also respect the independent thinking of the children .
- Parents maintain a positive environment at home
At CIRS a lot of independence is given to the children. Also the essence of CIRS is CVP- Chinmaya Vision Programme and its four pillars are Integrated Development, Indian culture, Patriotism and Universal Outlook.
The motto of the school automatically promotes qualities like kindness, humility, integrity, courage and so on. These qualities could be developed in a child with conscious effort and patience for a long period of time.
Initially Parents were initiated into a discussion as to why they have chosen CIRS.
- Why CIRS?
- Good education, experienced teachers. Child gets an opportunity to question, explore, discover and unfold talents.
- Overall development of the child
- To inculcate spirituality in the child
- Child celebrates each festival knowing why that has been celebrated.
- Parents witnessed positive transformation that CIRS makes in a child.
- Morality inculcation should happen at right time at right age in the right place and CIRS is the right place.
- Child is not interacting with people as they are attached to the gadgets. At CIRS, child will spend more time with people.
- Child should know the value and ability to discriminate.
- Parents strongly believe that CIRS makes a good impact on each child.
- How important values are valuable to present generation?
- Respect and responsibility is not taught to the children by the parents as the parents are busy with their works and finds no time to spend with the kids.
- Not realizing the value of people. Present generation is attached to the materialistic things like computer gadgets.
- Children do not learn value but they catch values. They reflect what they observe from their parents. If parents are using phone, the kids will also use some gadgets.
- The present generation is more knowledgeable. They learn more but there is lack of guidance on how to use that knowledge wisely.
- How can parents inculcate values?
- Anything that a parent conveys to a child will have an impact on them as the parent is their 1st teacher. So there should not be any conflicts between the input given by the teachers and the input given by the parents. Along with the child we parents and teachers should practice the values. Only then the child will get confidence.
- Having a parental control over the kids. Spending more time with the kids and make them share their daily activities. This will be a way to teach and correct he child.
- Keep the child away from TV and Internet.
- Value that can be included
- Compassion, Care ,Empathy,Emotional balance ,Sharing and Hardwork.
The following points were discussed:
- It was felt that the right age for deciding the career is 14 years.
- Suggested that the selection of a subject should be decided by the child.
- Child should be helped to understand the world before making a choice.
- Exposure to different careers and choice before making a decision is necessary. It is not necessary that a doctor’s son should be a doctor or engineer that matters. He should be imparted with the knowledge to choose a right career.
- Even if the career is changed in between but one with passion can supersede others and outperform in his/ her field.
- Earlier generation was very strict and never gave much of an opportunity but was forced to pick up their career what they are into.
- Often the children are confused and keep changing their career but this is the time parents and teachers play a role to give them the direction.
- Parents have to be considerate and give the platform to the children and should not be forced but supportive. Confidence and personality matters better than marks. They should not be influenced by the celebrities.
- Happiness and contentment is important in life.
1. Meaning of the terms Knowledge, service and efficiency was discussed at length.
- Parents expressed their view on knowledge. They said that there is a gap between what children learn and what they experience the world. So a parent suggested that CIRS could bridge the gap.
- On their views on seva, parents said that seva is any action done for the welfare of others without expectations.Service must start from home. Guruji's personal experience (which he once shared) was given as example of seva. It was concluded that seva is a bhava or attitude behind any action.
- How the knowledge and seva leads to efficiency was discussed.
2. How the motto of CIRS related to " success" of the child?
What does the term success mean to each one was discussed. The success was connected to Happiness and how children must consider success was discussed.
3. How Parents can contribute in achieving the motto of CIRS?
It was discussed that it is important for parents to make the child realise that what we give at CIRS is not for a short period but for the life time. Parents can talk to the children regarding this often and also support them in practicing the values taught.
4. How CIRS inculcates these values?
Different programs and activities of CIRS were shared with Parents to give an insight of the activities.
The following are the points of discussion:
1. What does the overall development of a child mean? What are its components?
Overall development aims at the overall unfoldment and gentle blossoming of the student at all levels of the personality, so that he or she becomes physically fit and well-groomed, emotionally balanced, intellectually alert and creative and spiritually awakened. The components discussed were physical development, mental development, emotional development and spiritual development.
- Physical development – games played and the sports trained in CIRS.
- Mental and emotional development – Nurtured well in the school by giving ample opportunities for self-introspection and all are equally put into equal situations to bring about their potentials.
- Spiritual development – Morning spiritual classes, value-education classes, celebration of all Indian festivals with its full vigor and glory, teaching them the Indian tradition and culture behind each observance.
2. Does the overall development hinder successful academics in the present education scenario?
- Students are monitored periodically by a team of teachers – from their dorm parents, dining table in-charges, subject teachers and to the class teacher and maintain a record of the positive and negative traits of the child.
3. What appropriate educational processes are implemented by CIRS for attempting this? How can parents contribute to the school in achieving this?
- Continuous evaluation and mentoring by team of teachers including spiritual guides, remedial supports, periodic tests. The various processes were explained to the Parents.
- Also the Parents role in partnering with the school was discussed.
When should it start?
- Start value education right at home.
- Parents could share stories from Puranas with children.
- Parents have to demonstrate values rather than instructing. Parents need to display the values in their life. Stop preaching…. set an example…
- Special emphasis to be given for values in a nuclear family since it becomes easier in Joint Families.
Why values…?
If there is no value imbibed the world will surely become barbaric.
- The parents have to align themselves with the values that CIRS promote.
- Education should also emphasize the evils of the world and equip them with the strength to avoid malpractices.
- Students should be given values in THEIR mother tongue language, making it palatable for them.
- Supplementary help can be given at home to reinforce values that are taught at CIRS.
- It is very important to get charged from within.
Success and values
- Success is short lived without values.
- Parents of CIRS must spread the values that they learn from the Institution.
- Success must be subjective not objective… That is where values play a big role.
- Explain the reason why do we have religious practices…
- Appreciate the kid when he does something good.
CIRS inputs
- At CIRS the glory of our culture is imparted…
- Outstanding emotional stability is aimed at.
- Here children are found friendly, interactive and kind. And are aimed at making them as role models in the society..
- CVP is the essence of the school which makes the difference setting Chinmaya Vidyalayas apart from the other schools.
- CIRS communicates …. greater vision and a highest goal are essential for everyone's life.
How can parents contribute?
- Reinforce the values taught at the institution.
- Spread the ideas of CIRS friends and family members.
- Follow CIRS routine when children come home.
- Each parent to support CIRS at their level best.
- What needs to be done (and what should not be done ) by parents to reinforce the school inputs at home?
The following points came up in the discussion on ‘What needs to be done (and what should not be done ) by parents to reinforce the school inputs at home?’
- Control on television timings
- Rouser time
- Emphasis on doing Evening Aarti everyday
- Planning appropriate activities (in line with the school) during vacations
- Parents to act as role models
- Discuss the areas of possible divergence in the value systems at school and at home.
- Food Practices
- Worship practices
- Handling Electronic Gadgets
- Sleeping habits
- Suggest ways of school and parent collaboration to achieve better reinforcement of school inputs.
- Conveying the expectations of the school to the parents
- What does CIRS do to help parents and children reinforce school inputs at home?
- Letter and Feedback form given by Swamiji during vacations
- Designed Holiday Home works
- Seva Activities
- Geeta chanting CD’s
Points discussed and the suggestions made by the group are as follows:
- Parents were of the opinion that since the students hail from diverse cultural, economical, social and lingual background there should be more interactive sessions organised between the students and RHPs so that the students feel free to express their emotions .
- A questionnaire can be given to the parents with questions pertaining to the likes, dislikes, achievements, strengths and weaknesses of the child. This may serve as an aid for the school to understand the child better.
- Regular updates of the child's achievements in academics and co-curricular activities to be communicated to the parents.
- Students coming from the same lingual and regional background to be made to talk to each other so that they can open up their concerns and dilemma to each other since they connect better due to their commonality.
- There should be a forum to encourage students who are shy and less interactive.
- There should be a detailed presentation of the school and its premises so that parents who fail to see the school on the scheduled days can get an idea of the infrastructure and the details of the school.
- Students should be encouraged to take care of their health by reminding them to keep themselves hydrated and to take care of their skin by using skin friendly lotions as students come from various parts of country ,these things will help them to adapt better to the new climate.
- Social Media distraction.
- Peer pressure
- Addiction to technology based distractions like Computer & video games / I Pad / Electronics.
- No physical activity
- No Quality Time spent with students by the parents.
- Comparison to be avoided.
- Misunderstood relationships
- Inquisitiveness leading to unwanted materials.
- Some of the parents felt that their guidance or advice was not paid heed to by their wards.
- Children are not willing to share their problems with their parents as the parents are not able to build personal intimacy with them.
- Not being able to talk to their children freely.
- Parents feel that they are not brave enough to talk about sex-related issues with their own children.
- Misunderstanding and quarrel between siblings.
- To have Sex education in school.
- Teachers to play the role of confidants and mentors so as to guide the students.
EXPECTATIONS from the Parents:
- Monthly feed-back for each student to the parent to be sent.
- Feed-back to contain disciplinary and behavioral issues too.
- School should motivate and encourage the students to follow school routine at home and carry forward their training and learning at home during the vacations also.
Feedback / Suggestions
What needs to be done by parents to reinforce the school inputs at home?
- Parents could prepare a flexible time table and encourage surdents to follow the same Schedule.
- Parents to spend more quality time with the child
- Parents should refrain from preaching and bribing to get things done.
- Parents should avoid junk food (At lease limit it)
Discuss the areas of possible divergence in the value systems at school and at home.
- Encourage speaking good language(words) at home.
- Provide a friendly environment in home.
- Patriotism and honesty should be demonstrated in the family.
- Family could plan field trips in and around India and ensure no littering done during travel.
- Time management should be aimed at home also .
Suggest ways of school and parents collaboration to achieve better reinforcement of school inputs?
- Parents requested to allow them to observe the school activities and classroom activities for one day to get a better understanding of school inputs.
- Interested parents can contribute in career counselling. (Provision to upload parents’ profile
Parents had the following Queries:
- Overnight stay with child during outing.
- Skype should be available for all the parents.
THEME : CIRS THEME OF THE YEAR 2017-18 “ Making Values Valuables”
Questions which were discussed :-
- What is the relevance of this topic to this generation?
Points which were discussed:
- This topic is very relevant to this generation all of us see the need and that is why we are at CIRS.
- Values make a person a good human being who makes a good family in turn making a good environment.
- Parents do not have time and hence, children are often easily distracted.
- Many children stay with servants all the time and hence, don’t share heart to heart time with parents
- Elders often offer valuable input hence, students must be encouraged to listen to them.
- Institutions can take up projects which take children around the real world where they get to see the sufferings of their fellow beings like taking then to old age homes and slums etc.
- Institutions must deal with students with proper strictness.
- What concrete / visible steps do we as parents take to craft our children’s character? Identify the conflicting inputs that we give to the child?
- Be polite, humble and patient with them.
- Fulfilling desires is not the answer to make them happy.
- Eg :- we take to late night parties and attend them ourselves but expect them to follow values like waking up early.
- Parents need to be good role models and behave the way we want them to behave.
- We give them things that they may need or not need.
- Rather than advice them all the time we must lead by example.
- Rather than tell them to DO GOOD we must BE GOOD.
- What is the parent’s role to support CIRS in further inculcating this motto in the children?
- Inculcate reading habit in children at home by reading along with them just as we would watch a football match on the television.
- We as parents must encourage outdoor activities and at least once in a week plan a vacation which involves interaction with the nature.
- Bring about a home atmosphere in line with the school right from waking up to jogging and prayers in the evening. This must be practiced even while the child is in the school thus enabling parents to tune in with the children’s lifestyle.
The points of discussion are as follow:
- Many parents were of the view that 9th standard is the right time to expose the child to a window of opportunities that the world offers.
- Some parents were of the opinion that strengthening the strength of the child should be the direction in which the school needs to go. Many were happy to know the avenues that CIRS offers Ain this connection.
- Almost all the participants echoed the view that mere academic excellence will not lay a foundation stone for a bright career.
- Participants of the discussion also threw light on the fact that effective coaching in the school will naturally lead to a scenario where coaching for entrance exams will be less. This was cited as a reason choosing CIRS as their desired destination.
- Many parents felt that pressure on entrance exam takes away the joy of learning.
- Hands- on activities and less pressure on children were identified by the participants as areas where school can play a constructive as well as crucial role.
In a nutshell many participants echoed the fact that children give many signals when they grow up. They were of the opinion that if these signals are comprehended in time and appropriate actions are taken, child’s career prospects can be explored. The participants reiterated that parents as well as the teachers should also observe whether these signals are changing over a period of time.
Points Discussed by the Parents:
- Frequency of the reporting system about the progress of the students to parents
- The trust and faith the parents have on the variety of reports generated by the school
- Anand Utsav PTM meetings
- Co curricular and extracurricular reporting system in the school
- Children to get access to make phone calls weekly once (at least junior school or new students) so that parents can know about the progress of the child.
- Frequency of reports sent to parents on variety of activities the students participate can be increased from 2 (Semester 1 & 2) to 4.
- Reports on the health and food habits can be also maintained and sent to the parents.
The following are the point summary we discussed.
- Even though the west lacks values, Children are interested to go abroad and pursue their studies.
- Peer influence leads to the value degradation many at times and the role of school to impart it.
- How do you live the paradox of being ambitious and yet live with values and spirituality.
- Since the schools are a small part of society and there the children live adhered to values and if they come out of the school and move in to the society how they manage the conflicts of values.
The discussion started with the analysis of what the value based education is. The discussion proceeded with the following points:-
- Values should be caught from the day they are born.
- Values should be inculcated through the family surroundings.
- Home is the most important factor to impact the values.
- Children should be taught to respect other religions and their culture as well as the culture of other countries.
- Culture of the country and our life style should go hand in hand, through education.
- Various values should be brought in, in all the subjects.
- The blend of our culture with the culture of other countries should be taught through our lessons.
- Our lessons should be taught through cultural anecdotes, on everyday basis to bring the impact in them about the values we have to follow in our day to day life.
- English is the main communication language but all other languages also should be given equal importance to get accustomed to our own culture.
- Children should be taken to various voluntary institutions of under privileged and make them feel their responsibility towards the society and in turn to eradicate the poverty of our country.
- All religious festivals must be celebrated to enlighten the students about our rich cultural heritage.
The discussion concluded with the following notes:-
- Value based education should provide social capacity to students, and equip them with social and relationship skills, intelligences and attitudes to succeed at school and throughout their lives.
- Value-based Education must help students to set in those values into their lives, personal behaviour and social interactions.
Suggested Questions:
- What is the relation between parent’s trust and faith (in school) with regard to frequency and variety of reports generated by the school?
- What kind of reports would denote progress of a child in school and what do you think is the feasible frequency of reports? Discuss its pros and cons.
- What is the reporting system in CIRS to denote the progress in the children?
The reports relate to the students were discussed with entire satisfaction.
Parents also suggested few points which was noted.
The following were identified and discussed
Parents expressed the following points:
- Children are maturing early – Hormonal change occurring quickly
- Children face peer pressure
- The generation gap between parents and children
- Nuclear families sees more problems than joint families
- As parents, we are not role models nor are there many good role models in the society.
- Lifestyle has changed over the years
- Electronic media like T.V/I pod/Internet/Mobile is one of the most important reasons for issues
- Lack of Sanskar / value systems in the family and society
- Control of mind – Children must be trained to control their thoughts are redirect it towards good thoughts and values.
- Setting / explaining the limits and boundaries that a child cannot cross.
- Don’t drink / smoke in front of children. Even if Parents have the habit, this must not be done in front of the children.
- Guidance of elders/Joint family members must be constantly provided.
- Monitoring of the activities of the children and being aware of what they are doing and where they have been.
- Having patience while handling the issues.
- Reading books: motivational and inspirational books to be given to the children at young age (with some % of their choice of book).
- Parental access to be provided to electronic items used by children
The Science Week was celebrated with fun filled activities along with experiential learning for the students.
Junior Science Quiz:
The week began with a Junior Science Quiz for class 7 & 8 students. The team were neck to neck in the first three rounds – General Round, Audio-visual Round and the Activity round. The Clue round, which was a buzzer round made all the difference in the end.
The students of the Vasishta House took the risk and were able to score maximum points. The Valmiki House came second followed by the Vyasa House.
Science Exhibition:
The students of Shishu Vatika, Class 5 and 6 put up a Science Exhibition in the Physics Lab. There were over 35 experiments displayed by the Shishu Vatika and class 5 & 6 students.
All the junior school teachers along with Madam Principal, Headmistress and Swami Anukoolanadaji visited and went through the exhibits.
Overall, the students had a very good experiential learning under the guidance of Smt. Sharmila and Sri. Nagaraj who initiated the exhibition and under whose guidance the students put up the show.

Science Based Movie:
The junior school saw a science based movie based on a true story called ‘October Sky’. This inspiring film follows the success and failures of four boys inspired to build and send rockets to space.
The senior school students saw a film based on the novel ‘Brave New World’ by Aldous Huxley. The film is based around the concept of individual chosen for a particular job/work based on their gene composition.
Bird Watching:
This was a new activity that was held this year during the Science Week. On Sunday, from 6:30 to 8:30am, interested students went round the campus to identify the different birds that are resident or migrate to CIRS. This was a thrilling experience as students’ had the opportunity to observe birds closely and also study their features up-close using the binoculars.
The response to this activity was so good that another session was conducted the next Sunday.
A Grade Spell Test was conducted under the English Enhancement Programme for the Junior School. 5th and 6th grades and the 7th and 8th grades comprised a group each. They had been given a spell list six months ago and had been tested on those words periodically by the teachers.
On the 21st of February 2017, each group went through a mass Spell Test conducted by Mrs. Roopa Gosain, Facilitator and Trainer of the English Enhancement Programme. Much competitive spirit was seen among the students and the underachievers too seemed to be triggered to perform. A discussion ensued after each session on the importance of learning spellings. The Programme definitely made the student fraternity understand the significance of the process of learning spellings.
The All India Chinmaya Khel Milan kho-kho Tournament for the year 2016-2017 was held at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kasaragod, Kerala. Totally forty schools participated from all over India. CIRS participated under two categories: Under 14 years (Girls) and Under 16 years (Boys). The match was conducted by league cum Knockout methods. CIRS teams played very well and bagged the V position in the tournament.
Few of our students participated in a film making workshop in the Chinmaya Gardens, Coimbatore, conducted by Chinh India, from 9th to 11th January. Around 10 Chinmaya Vidyalaya students from different states of India participated in this program. The workshop was inaugurated by Swamini Samprathishtanandaji.
Anirudh P.K and Anvith from grade IX & Dev Kalaria, Adithya Manoj and Sitara from grade VIII participated in the workshop. They had a great time learning about movie making and also learnt different aspects on critical analysis of a movie. With the guidance of the faculty members, CIRS children created their own short film 'Its buffering' which was well appreciated by all. Followed by their creative film making, Anirudh P.K and Dev Kalaria were invited to participate in Giffoni film festival held at Italy, in the month of August.
The CCMT-Education Cell organized JanJivan Goshti –Seminar on Social Science from 6th to 10th Dec 2015 at CIRS.
Experts and experienced people in the field of SS like Michele Danino, Dr.Ajay Prabhakar, Smt.Padmini, Dr. Shweta Adatia, Sanjeev Sanyal, and Anil Sethi took sessions. All members of the dept. of social sciences in CIRS were involved in different stages of the session. Madam Gita Rani, Satish sir, Madam Swarna Kamakshi and Diwakar organized games for the delegates. In addition to this, Smt.Rajeshwari, Madam Swarna and Diwakar Sir anchored specific sessions. Smt.Rajeshwari brought out the role of Economics in social studies. She cited the example of activities such as creation of a stock market and barter system to enhance the scope of economics in the class. Anirudh Belle, one of the ex-students of CIRS had a session on the need to highlight the glory of India in every sphere of action. The morning sessions of Swamini Amma were enriching and rewarding. These sessions became the most-cherished moments for the participants.
CVP and SS, Evaluation and Setting of QP, Past, Present and Future India (History, Political, Social, Cultural, Geographical), Brain and SS, Innovative Methodologies of Teaching-Learning SS, Careers in SS, Role of SS Dept., Integration of SS with other subjects, Training for Civil Services, Knowledge Traditions Practice, Confusions and Clarifications in SS Guiding the Gifted and the Weak, Sharing best Practices were the themes of various sessions.
The participants were divided into twelve groups. Each group was assigned with an activity. Map drawing, skit, cross-word puzzle, fashion parade and quiz were some of the most interesting activities assigned to the participants. One group was asked to come up with strange associations such as international liars association and hen-pecked husbands association and sleep-deprived association and so on. All the groups were given 2 minutes to put up their presentation on the stage.
A special feature in the session was the games that were organized to the delegates of the conference. On 7/12/16 between 9 to 10 PM, the department of Social Science/s in CIRS organized fun cum educational games for the delegates of the Social Science conference. There were 4 categories of games namely knowledge, understanding, application and value-based. In each game zone, participants were engaged in different activities.
Water is indispensable for the existence of life on earth. All our day today activities revolves around water. Though the fresh water available on earth is only 3%, Bhagavan is so kind in balancing the ecosystem with various cycles. Farmers in and around nallurvayal post organised a Varuna Pooja for rain and water at Chinmaya Gardens, Coimbatore. They gathered together for Varuna jepa chanting, seeking the grace of lord Varuna for water. Cirs children were part of the Pooja and jepa. They joined in the Pooja and prayers of farmers and other people gathered. Swamini Vimalananda Amma, Swami Anukoolananda and Br. SanatanChaitanya were also the part of the Pooja.
Karunya University conducted a district level inter-school competitions for students of class 8-12 at Coimbatore on 7th January, 2017 in Karunya City Campus. Over 200 students participated from different schools in Coimbatore. 19 students from CIRS participated in different events and brought laurels to our school. The events were conducted from academic as well as non-academic backgrounds for the children to choose and perform.
Our students participated in Rangoli Competition where they portrayed the theme “Symbol of Beauty”. Sankari of Grade VIII & Swathi of Grade IX bagged II position in Rangoli. Few students participated in drawing competition in which the theme was “Dr.A P J Abdul Kalam’s vision for India”. Pulkit Dalmia of Grade IX conveyed the theme very well and secured I Position. We had ore events like face painting and poster painting. The theme of the face painting is “A Flag”.
Our students presented in a creative way and they bagged the 1st and the 2nd place in face painting. Our students also enthusiastically participated in events such as Mehandi design & Signing. Aswini of class X secured 3rd position in singing.
They were also a part of the senior quiz competition. They performed well and secured 3rd place. CIRS children also bagged 1st in debate, 2nd in Tamil Elocution and 2nd & 3rd in Essay writing competition.
All the students exhibited their talents in most of the events and won prizes. Our school bagged II position in Overall Championship. We were awarded with cash prize of Rs.1750.
The students of Class 8B proudly presented their first newsletter “Unrevealing the secret of Mathematics”. The objective of this newsletter is to highlight the fun one can have with Mathematics and create an interest in the subject. This newsletter is a blend of fun, creativity and knowledge filled with lots of fun based puzzles, riddles, facts, Vedic mathematics etc.
Click here to view the newsletter.
Recently, the Mathematics Department introduced the “OUT OF THE BOX THINKING” club. The sessions started off with prelims on lateral thinking to test the students’ perception of understanding things. The students were given many mathematical puzzles such as Rebus, Lateral Thinking, Sudoku, etc. The sessions have boosted and developed the ability to view things from a different angle.
Our school participated in the 39th Coimbatore Sahodaya Schools Athletic Meet 2016, held at Nehru Stadium, Coimbatore from 24th November to 26th November 2016. 1798 participants from 77 schools participated and CIRS displayed an outstanding performance in all the events. The results are as follows.
Abhimanyu Gangwar of Class XI Secured the Individual Championship.
Girls Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Kovarthana K.V.
Mahak Sunil Bhandari
A.P. Sagarika
Pranathy |
4 * 100 Mts
Rithvika R. Murugaiyan
Harshita Pasari
Varsha R. Dev
Dhruvi Vinod Patel |
4 * 100 Mts |
Bronze |
Sitara A. Karthikeyan
Prachi Dokania
S. Akshita
S. Nandita |
4 * 100 Mts |
Bronze |
Girls Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
A.P. Sagarika |
High Jump
Mahak Bhandari |
800 Mts |
Gold |
K.V. Kovarthana |
800 Mts
400 Mts
Silver |
Rithvika R. Murugaiyan |
Long Jump |
Bronze |
Dhruvi Vinod Patel |
100 Mts |
Silver |
Sitara A. Karthikeyan |
High Jump
80 Mts Hurdles |
Silver |
Prachi Dokania |
400 Mts |
Silver |
Shruthi Krishna Moorthy |
Discus Throw |
Bronze |
Boys Individual Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Abhimanyu Gangwar |
Shot Put
Gold |
Discus Throw |
T.P. Ajay Shiv |
High Jump |
Gold |
Gowtham Raj N. |
Long Jump |
Gold |
Mitansh Raxesh Kapadia |
Shot Put |
Silver |
Krish Vinod Patel |
Long Jump |
Gold |
Our School Girls Participated in the CBSE NATIONAL SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP Organised by: Rajeev Gandhi Higher Sec.School, Bhopal from 15th November to 18th November 2016-17
Name of the students |
Class & Roll. No |
Events & Performance |
Mahak Sunil Bhandari |
10 |
Aquathlon (500 Mts Swimming +3000 Running) – 4th Place
4x100 Mts Free Style Relay – 7th Position
4x100 Mts Medley Relay – 5th Position |
Simran Deepak Ved |
10 |
4x100 Mts Free Style Relay – 7th Position
4x100 Mts Medley Relay – 5th Position |
Kovarthana.K.V |
10 |
4x100 Mts Free Style Relay – 7th Position
4x100 Mts Medley Relay – 5th Position |
Padmashree Pratap |
10 |
4x100 Mts Free Style Relay – 7th Position
4x100 Mts Medley Relay – 5th Position |
Geetanjali.M |
10 |
4x100 Mts Free Style Relay – 7th Position
4x100 Mts Medley Relay – 5th Position |
Trinity College of London offers graded exams for a wide range of instruments and singing, from Initial to Grade 8. The exams offer the choice and flexibility to allow candidates to play to their strengths, enabling them to gain recognition for their own unique skills as performers. The western music vocal exam was conducted by Trinity on the 10th of November at Karunya University, Coimbatore. Three children from CIRS gave their vocal exams under different grade levels. The participants were Kavya Kumar of IB II year, Aishwara S Grade IX and Sidhesh of Grade VIII. The children performed very well in the vocal exam. The results will be declared soon.
Children’s Day was celebrated in an outstanding way at CIRS. Teachers conducted the morning assembly and wished all the children. A quiz was conducted by Mr. Diwakar. The children thoroughly enjoyed the quiz. Teachers presented beautiful cards for each child in the class. Every child received an individual card from their subject teachers. They were very happy and deeply moved by the love of their teachers.
The teachers also presented a fascinating play for the children. They acted as different fairy tale characters in the play. There was also a dance performance by the junior school teachers, which was completely fun filled. Every teacher contributed in a different way to express their love for the children. It was entirely an entertaining and enjoyable show for the children.
Our school participated in the Tamil Nadu Junior and Sub Junior Inter School Swimming Championship 2016-17, Organized by Coimbatore Aquatic Association held at the Jenny’s Club, Coimbatore on 5th November, 2016. The CIRS Girls team took part under different categories and exhibited a remarkable performance. They proudly bagged 18 medals. The results are as follows.
Group I
Girls Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Kovarthana K.V.
Mahak Sunil Bhandari
Jhanvi Punjabi
Simran Deepak Ved |
4 * 50 m Free Style
Girls Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Mahak Sunil Bhandari |
50 Mts Backstroke
100 Mts Backstroke |
Bronze |
Jhanvi Punjabi |
50 Mts Breast Stroke |
Bronze |
Simran Deepak Ved |
50 Mts Backstroke
100 Mts Backstroke
Group II
Girls Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Padmashree Pratap
Sitara A. Karthikeyan
Prachi Dokania
Kirtana Anantharraman |
4 * 50 m Free Style
Girls Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Sitara A. Karthikeyan |
50 Mts Breast Stroke
Bronze |
Group III
Girls Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Prakriti Gadodia
Santhoshi Sirustikaa R.
Ishika Madaan
R. Deepika |
4 * 25 m Free Style
Chinmaya International Residential School organized an educational trip to Camp Kambre, located at the foot of the Sahyadri Hills in Maharashtra. The 11th grade students experienced an adventurous yet reflective stay at the camp as every day was packed with new challenges and experiences. The Four-day stay at the camp was brought to life by the instructors who accompanied the students on every endeavor that they undertook. Their energy and enthusiasm resonated in the students, spreading a positive vibe. Apart from the adventurous activities, the students were also taken to the Chinmaya Vibhooti Ashram, Pune. The students were taken on an awe-inspiring walk through Pujya Swami Chinmayananda Ji’s life in his Jeevan Darshan.
The English Department, in an effort to improve the writing skills of students and to expose them to various methods of enhancing their creative approach decided to conduct a series of workshops.
The first of this series was held for classes IX and X and Classes XI, XII, IB years I and II. The workshop was from 6:30 to 7:30pm on both days. The workshop was titled “Beginnings and Endings”. The students were exposed to various methods of beginning paragraphs and many examples were presented. The emphasis on all the sensory feelings and the necessity to include emotion to present a description were emphasized. Through visuals, audio tracks and video inputs students were sensitized to the world of creative expression.
The students found the workshop a very new idea and have expressed their excitement and their desire to attend more of the same kind. The time constraints did not allow everyone to express themselves and they hoped to be given a chance in the later workshops. There was loud appreciation for content and they left the workshop enthused to put their creativity to the test to achieve novelty in expression.
Acharyas and Centres of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide
Dear All
Hari Om!
The great grand day finally arrived on 12th April 2016. The whole Mission awaited with bated breath! After pranaams to Pujya Gurudev, Pujya Guruji accompanied by Swami Nikhilanandaji and Smt. Prarthna Saran reached the grand Rashtrapati Bhavan and were escorted to the Durbar Hall. It is a very historic hall where all great people, Viceroys, Queens, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers and so many other dignitaries have been received and honoured by our nation!
The President of India arrived at exactly 11:30am and was saluted by military drums and the National Anthem followed thereafter. The awardees were all great achievers in their own fields and there was huge applause for each one as the President himself pinned on the medals – Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri. Our Pujya Guruji was so simple, gracious, holy and divine among the other glitterati: Priyanka Chopra, Sania Mirza, Paresh Rawal, Rajnikant and others. It is a big moment of pride for the entire Chinmaya Mission worldwide! The award, by Pujya Gurudev’s blessings, bestows on the Mission National honour, prestige, pride of recognition and the fragrance of a country’s love and salutation. The President, the Prime Minister, Home Minister, Transport and Roads Minister, Power Minister etc. were all there including the top brass of the three defence forces and top government servants. The heart swelled with pride and the eyes were moist with gratitude, they all honoured our Chinmaya Mission in honouring Pujya Guruji. The function came to a close with the National Anthem, and tea hosted by the President in the Grand Old Ball Room and Ashoka Hall with its garden views and painted ceilings! Glory to Chinmaya Mission!
Back at the Chinmaya Centre for World Understanding, Delhi, Pujya Guruji was welcomed with dance, drums, aarti and flowers. Devotees danced their way to Pujya Gurudev’s Pratima sthal. Pujya Guruji first and foremost prayed to and thanked his beloved and revered teacher, Pujya Gurudev. It was so touching when he put the awarded Padma Bhushan and the citation at Pujya Gurudev’s feet and then in his lap with so much love and devotion. This selfless devotion was a great teaching to all Mission members on selfless service and graceful renunciation.
We share this historic and joyous moment with some precious photographs (Photographs 1-4 courtesy of the Honourable Government of India) and the video (courtesy of Doordarshan National) of the Civil Investiture Ceremony:
With Prem & OM!
In His Service,
Manisha Khemlani
Chief Executive Officer
This year, Chinmaya Mision all around the world is celebrating a Birth Centenary year of its founder, His Holiness, Pujya Swami Chinmayananda. This year is also the golden jubilee year of Chinmaya Education Movement.
We, at CIRS, undertook the project of spreading HIS extraordinary vision of holistic value based education through "Chinmaya Vision Program" among Sahodaya schools in and around the city of Coimbatore.

After visiting 6 schools and sharing this knowledge with them, on 27/02/2016, we at CIRS, hosted the "Value Based Education" workshop for the Sahodaya Schools of Coimbatore. 17 schools participated in this workshop with over 60 enthusiastic teachers from primary, secondary and senior secondary school.
The workshop started at 9:30 am with a key note address given by our eminent and dynamic speaker Swamini Vimalanandaji, Director, CCMT Education Cell. Swamini amma gave us an insight on the true meaning of Education and its Vision which is the need of the hour for our education system.
Experienced and inspired members of CIRS, Swami Anukoolanandaji (Spiritual Guide), Smt Shanti Krishnamurthy (Principal) and Smt Rajeshwari (Secondary School Coordinator) enlightened the teachers on the importance of the Holistic Education by exploring various aspect of Education through games, activities, worksheets, discussions and presentations. A demo class was also conducted, incorporating all the components of this Vision Program and towards the end of the workshop, all the participating teachers were asked to prepare their plan of action for their classes.

Every member who took part in the workshop, admired and appreciated the workshop and found it to be enriching, informative, an eye-opener and very unique.
Mr Lokesh from Camford International School said - "The CVP session did not just show me how to teach but enlightened me on how to live my life."
CIRS congratulates Smt. Alarmelumangai S., Mother of Sanjesh (6C) and Ritesh (8C) for qualifying for the Final round of CQ - The Education Quiz for parents of Chinmaya Vidyalayas. 38 parents have been selected for the final round based on the First Round of quiz held in Jan 2016. Final Quiz will be held on 15.5.2016 at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Thondamuthur Road, Vadavalli, Coimbatore-641041. CIRS family wishes her all the very best for her success.

CIRS has joined hands with the BLPS Program in the Academic Year 2015-16. Reading habits should be nurtured from young ages and hence our school felt the need for such an intensive reading program to enhance the reading population.
This program started with great zeal and enthusiasm, inculcating Grade 5 to Grade 8 students of our school into the vigorous efforts of making them voracious readers. We had two sessions of our BLPS representatives, giving immense insight into the program along with reference to teachers to how the program should go about. It was great success where all the graders got to learn books of different genre and writers.
Also, a workbook for given in lieu with the books they read just to make sure that the progress was happening in them and they had a wonderful time doing the workbook.
Children read all the books that were recommended for them and also suggested a few books that they would prefer in their grade, which was really encouraging for teachers and the BLPS program representatives. Our school is looking forward for many more events like these, and it would a pleasure to serve the student society with our efforts.

The XX Annual Khel Mela Athletic Meet 2015-2016 began on 2nd February 2016 with the arrival of the chief guest, Swami Swaroopanandaji and the prayer song led by Ashwini Athreya and Kaavya Kumar. A spectacular display of March past was put up by the students of CIRS for the chief guest and the parents as they were led by the Senior Sports Secretary Shravan M. The meet was declared open by the chief guest after the oath taken by the students led by the Junior Sports Secretary Ajay Shiv and the opening speech by Senior Sports Secretary Sagarika A. P.
After this, the junior students performed a drill on patriotism and the senior students performed on the theme "Unto Him Our Best".This was followed by the track and field events for the sporting stalwarts of CIRS who participated with true sportsmanship.
After lunch, it was time for the parents to show their sportsmanship and worth on the field.
The 1st day ended with Swami Swaroopanandaji addressing the parents and the junior school students performing a Shadow drill.
The Day 2 started with the Khel Mela song performed by the parents. It was followed by the Yoga drill, the house drills and the NCC drill.
Sports Secretaries led the students of CIRS and the Principal and the Headmistress led the contingent of teachers for the closing March past.
The Khel Mela ended with the prize distribution ceremony where Vishwamitra house emerged as the overall sports champions.
The meet was declared close by Swami Swaroopanandaji after the flag retreating ceremony done by the junior council and the NCC cadets and the closing speech by Junior Sports Secretary Mahak Bhandari.
Click here to view the gallery.

Mail from the Parent of K. KRISHNAVENI(2501) Class 6 A
Its a great news Madam!!
Our pranams to swamiji in this wonderful occassion!!
Thanks and Regards,
M. Kumaresh Murthy
Mail from the Parent of Dhruv Sharma(2379) Class 9 A
Congratulations Madam!
It’s indeed a great news and matter of proud for the entire Chinmaya family.
Best regards,
Neeraj Sharma
Mail from the parent of Niranjana(2315) Class 11 Engg
Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayanandaji
Hari Om Namaste!
I am extremely happy to hear the news of our Pujya Guruji being honoured with the Prestigious award of Padma Bhushan by the Indian Goverment. The award you are rewarded is for your effortless trying. I wish many more awards in your life. It is the beginning of journey and lots of things are yet to achieve. Congratulation for winning this award.”
Ramasubramania Raja
Mail from the Parent of Simran of Class 9
Dear Principal madam,
Our heartiest congratulations to Swamiji & Chinmaya Mission for this great national honor.
We are proud to be associated with you all & look forward to meet you next week.
Warm regards.
Deepak Ved
Few of our students participated in the All India Chinmaya Khel Mela Athletic Meet held at Chinmaya Vidhyalaya, Kochi from 19.01.2016 to 22.01.2016. Our students participated in the Under 14, Under 16 and Under 19 Boys and Girls categories.The Under 16 Girls team emerged as Section Champions. Our School came second in Overall Championship. The results are as follows:
Under 19 Category
Girls Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
K V Kovarthana |
400 Mts
800 Mts
Shreyah Pooranan |
400 Mts
Sejal Bahl |
Long Jump
100 Mts
Bronze |
Girls Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
KV Kovarthana
Shreyah Pooranan
Sejal Bahl
Deekshita Muthukumar
Harshita Pasari |
4 X 400M
KV Kovarthana
Shreyah Pooranan
Sejal Bahl
Deekshita Muthukumar
Harshita Pasari |
4 X 100M |
Boys Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Prerak Bhalala |
Shot put
Agasthya |
800 Mts |
Bronze |
Under 16 Category
Girls Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Mahak Bhandari |
400 Mts
800 Mts
C Pranathy |
200 Mts
Dhruvi Vinod Patel |
High Jump
Gold |
Girls Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Mahak Bhandari
C Pranathy
Dhruvi Vinod Patel
Rithvika R Murugaiyan
Amrutha S U |
4 X 100M
Boys Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Abhimanyu Gangwar |
Shot put
Discus Throw
Manan Bhanderi |
Shot put
Discus Throw |
J P Ajayshiv |
High Jump
Triple Jump |
Silver |
Boys Relay Event
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Karan Nair
Haswanth |
4 X 100M
Under 14 Category
Girls Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Sitara A Karthikeyan |
Long Jump
Neha S |
400 Mts
Boys Individual Events
Name |
Event |
Medal |
Anirudh P K |
High Jump
400 Mts
The overview of the five day workshop ‘Angla Ghosti’, conducted by CCMT cell was presented by the CIRS English department in the staff orientation programme on January 5, 2016. A condensed form of all the sessions was presented in a nutshell. The topics of the presentation were Critical Thinking, Story Telling, Etymology, History of English, Reading Proficiency, Careers in English, Integration of English with other subjects, Language and Brain, English and CVP, Communication Skills in English and English and Evaluation.
36 teachers from Chinmaya International Residential School received letters of appreciation from Union Minister of Human Resource Development, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani. The letter addressed each teacher personally and congratulated them for the performance of their students in the board examinations in their respective subjects. In her letter, she has mentioned the following lines:
“I firmly believe that it is the teacher who plays the most critical role in influencing the minds and personalities of young students, enabling them to discover their talents. I thank you for your commitment and dedication” .
The letter also stated that Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani is looking forward to work with teachers to ensure that the “culture of excellence and innovation that the teachers exemplify becomes synonymous with education in India.”

A math workshop organised by Coimbatore Sahodaya Schools was conducted for teachers handling classes 9 to 12. The workshop was held on 24th and 25th August 2015 at PSG Public Schools, Coimbatore. Mr. Prakash, Mrs. N. Bhuvaneswari, Mrs. Sangeeta Shukla and Mr. Karthikeyan from the Mathematics Department attended the workshop.
Mr. M. L. Aggarwal was the resource person for the workshop. The main objective of the workshop was to initiate logical thinking and analytical reasoning and bring about Conceptual Clarity in Mathematics classes.
The sessions of the IX and X category included How to bring in the Mathematical Thinking in the minds of the children, clarity on Teaching of Mensuration and sessions on Geometry and Trigonometry. Approach to questioning was also discussed.
The sessions of the XI and XII category included How to introduce a new mathematical concept, clarity on Teaching of Relation & Function, sessions on Permutation & Combination and Probability. On the whole the workshop was very helpful and interesting.
The sky was overcast and the drizzle threatened to continue as CIRS geared to welcome its spiritual Master and Guide Gurudev into its precincts. The air was writ with anticipation as Gurudev embarked from the Chinmaya Sandesh Vahini. HIS ‘Jyoti’ that burnt resplendent, HIS ‘padukas’ that echoed the blessings of a million miles of spiritual journey and HIS ‘vastras’ that had graced HIS human form were welcomed with prostrating hearts by one and all !
On 28th June, 2015, at 2:30 in the custom of the traditional Hindu welcome the great Sage was welcomed with the ‘Poorna Kumbha’ amidst Vedic Chanting and mantras by Swami Swaroopanandaji and Swami Anukoolanandaji. The vibrations of the Multi Purpose Hall wove threads of reverence in each one present and the whole fabric of the laity was an insignia of love and devotion. Those who hadn’t had the fortune of having met Gurudev in HIS life felt fortunate to be present to feel HIS benign presence around them.Gurudev our Master was amongst us in material form and all rejoiced as they revered the Great Master by performing a ‘pooja’ and cleansed the pirits by singing Gurudev’s ‘aarti’– a blessing, a benediction!
The spirit of Gurudev was so tangible that one felt it in every breath of air that one took in.The ‘Yagnatorium’ that paraded the pageant of Gods and revealed the significance of the ideal behind the idol, wherein the student scould connect to the Lord was spiritually edifying. In batches of 30, the ‘Yagnatorium’ was a pilgrimage for seekers the whole day and the warmth that the exhibition of the ‘meditation’ heralded by Gurudev in HIS own voice took the seeker onto a different plane altogether. The students soaked in the experience of becoming aware of higher levels of goodness and grace.
The lake that ornaments the bounty of Nature was the venue of the next agenda at 5:30 p.m, where piety of the spirit and the therapeutic balm of water synthesized into a festive celebration as Gurudev’s presence graced the waters. On the raft midst much chanting and dancing Gurudev’s aura exuded tranquil blessings upon the staff and student fraternity. The ‘aarti’ of Gurudev at the center of the lake to the chanting of ‘jappas’ and ‘bhajans’ reverberated throughout the concrete and natural edifices and integrated the past and the present into one whole cornucopia of sublime love.
At 6:30 p.m the procession from the lake once again entered the Multi Purpose Hall and the stage was set to perform the ‘Paduka Pooja’ of Gurudev, a blessing for the seeker. As the Principal and the Headmistress performed the ‘pooja’ of the Master whose knowledge made firm every step that sought direction, the hall was immersed in deep devotion . The students presented a Dance–Drama entitled ‘Footsteps’ depicting their gratitude to their beneficiary Swami Chinmayanandaji. It was a work offered in gratitude with the spirit of ‘Unto Him Our Best', the reigning motto of the year commemorating HIS Birth Centenary Year. The excellence of the performance was heard in the applause and that it was an offering ‘Unto Him’ that made it all possible.
The lighting of the Chinese lamps that adorned the skies of CIRS were a signature of the ‘Jyoti’ of Gurudev that illumines and makes bright each life touched by the presence of the sublime Master. The ornate skies of CIRS came alive with the magic of these lamps and one felt the uplifting echoes of the soul in unison with the Divine – Our Master.
Thus, began a new era in the life of CIRS where the blessings of Gurudev find redolence in all aspects. Be it in the touch of a blade of grass at Arjuna Field or be it in the whisper of the breeze caressing the waters of the lake or be it in the stoic strength of the quadrangle or be it in the vibrancy of the Multi Purpose Hall Gurudev’s benevolent presence resides and makes pure every sinew and every fiber of CIRS come alive and dance , with HIS Divinity. We at CIRS are indeed blessed and remain blessed!
Our dear principal Smt. Shanti Krishnamuthy received the Chinmaya Gaurav Award from Param Pujya Guruji on 22.05.2015 at a function held in CIRS.

“Not every reader is a leader, but every leader must be a reader.”
– Harry S. Truman
To elevate the spirit, to stimulate the thoughts, to foster the concentration, books are one of the best tools. To instill a taste for reading, to inculcate reading habit right from tender age, CIRS is joining hands with an organization “The Book Lovers Program for Schools”. BLPS is a reading program based on books and storytelling. To start with, to guide our students, BLPS conducted a training program for our English Teachers on 2nd and 3rd April in our Audio Visual Room. Team Work Games, what makes a good story, what makes a good story writing, theory of story writing, method of storytelling and so on were the topics discussed in the training program.

In connection with the Birth Centenary celebrations of Pujya Gurudev, and the golden Jubilee of the Chinmaya Education Movement, we at CIRS wish to pay our obeisance to this great master by spreading his extraordinary vision of holistic education among schools in and around the city of Coimbatore. By conducting the CVP seminar in the schools of Coimbatore.
This project was flagged off on March 26, 2015 in Little Kingdom School, Tirupur. The Prinicpal, Mrs. Shanti Krishnamurthy educated the teachers on the aspect of Integrated Development. Swami Anukoolanadaji introduced the vision program and shed light on imbibing importance of Indian Culture in education. Ms. Sandipa spoke on developing the need for developing patriotism and a Universal Outlook and Rajeshwari very enthusaistically demonstrated the thrill of incorporating these aspects in our lessons. A question-answer session concluded the program. It was very well received and very highly appreciated by the teachers and the members of the Management.

Vignana Goshti, a seminar on science, was conducted by the CCMT - Education Cell during the month of December for all the Chinmaya Vidyalaya Science Teachers. It was held at CIRS from 2nd to 6th of December 2014. About 160 Science teachers, from Primary to Senior Secondary school, participated in this event.
The main objective of the seminar was to bring about new dimension to teaching Science in schools. The aim to bring about a research based teaching was the highlight of the program.
The Vignana Goshti was flagged off by our dear Swamini Vimalanandaji and Smt. Ramani Thyagarajan, Administrator of CCMT Education Cell. The Chief Guest was none other than Dr. B.M Hegde, Ex Vice Chancellor of Manipal University.
Many sessions were conducted by eminent resources persons in the field of Education and Science. To name a few, some of the sessions were as follows:
1. New Paradigms in Science by Dr. B M Hegde
2. Research & Project Methodologies in teaching Science by Smt. Sheela Krishnaswami and Dr. Geeta Iyer
3. Science teaching through activities, Science for High and Low achievers by Sri. Surya Kumar
4. Ayurveda and Science by Dr. P Ram Manohar
6. Science in Ancient India by Sri. M Pramod Kumar
One of the most inspiring and insightful session was ';Science and Spirituality'; by Swamini Vimalanandaji.
The seminar also had innovative Ice Breaking session, Quiz on Ayurveda, Fun Games and Camp fire. There was also an Exhibition put up by the various Chinmaya Vidyalaya teachers.
The seminar concluded with a Plan of Action being formulated by each schools and this is to be implemented in their respective school.

CIRS has been involved in the Connecting Classrooms programme , a UK government and British Council education initiative for the last two years. During this period CIRS had the opportunity to exchange projects and ideas with various schools such as St. Cadoc's Catholic Primary School (Cardiff), St. Martin's School (Essex), Dogkennel Hill Primary school, East Dulwich, etc. On 4th November 2014 British Council presented a certificate to CIRS for sharing resources and expertise generously, thereby enriching education in the schools participating in the Connecting Classrooms programme.

"Marching Forward" - A comprehensive programme launched at CIRS towards guiding our class X and XII students in making right decisions by choosing the appropriate stream, college and career according to their aptitudes and interests.
Under this program, a number of sessions are planned and designed to suit the needs of the children. They are......
- Know Thyself (Aptitudes and Attitudes) – Swami Swaroopanandaji
- Discussion cum Activity - Swami Anukoolanandaji
- School Policies on Admission - Principal
- An Insight into Careers – Shiv Dewan of One Step Up
- Don’t Miss out - Scope of Science, Management and IB
- Admissions Abroad – Madam Sandipa
- Where are Our Alumni?
- Voice of Alumni – (Via Skype, e-mail, Meeting)
- Parents as resource in career guidance
A brief report on the activities undertaken is given below.
Date: 22.07.15
Swamiji inaugurated this program and blessed the students of class 10 and 12. He emphasized on making the right choices in life and choose a career according to ones swabhava. He explained in detail our school motto and how it helps in choosing the career.
Date: 15.08.15
Our Principal, Smt. Shanti Krishnamurthy addressed the class 10 students on CIRS norms and procedures for admission of students to class 11. She also emphasized the importance of academic performance and conduct as the basic criteria for admission of any student to any school. She motivated the students to perform well in not only their formatives but also their upcoming SA exams.
She also clarified doubts and queries of the students pertaining to School Based exam or Board exam, subject combinations in class 11, difference between IB and CBSE, etc. Students were enriched by this session and gained clarity on various issues.
Date : 22.08.2015
A session on marching forward was organized by Smt. Rajeshwari, Shri Satish Kumar and Sri Ganesh for the class 10 students from 3.00 pm to 4.00pm in AV Room. The students were given the inputs on the different streams available for class XI and also the career options. Mr. Satish dealt with the XI Science stream and the associated careers. Mrs. Rajeshwari discussed about the Management courses and careers. Mr. Ganesh shared the aspects of IB Diploma Programme.
Date: 13.10.2015
Mr. Shiv Diwan from One Step Up, came to our school with his team of resource persons and addressed the students of class 10 and 12. Through presentation and discussion, he touched upon various careers, their strength and weakness, the eligibility criteria, the entrance and admission procedures and their future prospects and cost involved. They gave various insight into different career modules and the careers touched upon were as follows: Actuarial Science, Medicine, Engineering , Civil Services, Law, MBA etc.
The representatives of the following universities visited our school during this term and interacted with students of classes XI and XII.
Date |
Name of the University |
Country |
Courses |
06.08.2015 |
University of British Colombia |
Canada |
Engineering and Management |
18.08.2015 |
Hong Kong University |
Hong Kong |
Engineering and Management |
26.08.2015 |
New Castle University
University of Exeter
University of Surrey
University of West of England
Royal Holloway University of London
Coventry University
Cardiff University
Northumbria University
University of Glasgow
Plymouth University |
UK (Organized by British Council) |
Management, Art, Humanities and Sciences |
02.09.2015 |
Miriam University
University of Waterloo
London Metropolitan University
London South Bank University
Swansea University
University of Leeds |
UK |
Management, Engineering, Art and Humanities |
07.09.2015 |
University of Alberta
Trinity College Dublin |
Canada |
15.10.2015 |
ESSEC Business School |
Singapore |
16.10.2015 |
NYU - Abu Dhabi |
19.10.2015 |
SP Jain School of Global Management |
Australia |
22.09.2015 |
IE University Spain |
Spain |
On the eve of Teachers’ Day, the Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Smt. Smriti Irani, felicitated the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Teachers and Mentors for their contribution to the field of education. Commemorating the birth anniversary of former President Dr. S Radhakrishnan, the Board acknowledged the role and impact of the teachers in strengthening future generations. Our Principal Smt. Shanti Krishnamurthy is one of the 15 principals across the country who have received the Mentor Award. The Mentor Awards recognise principals who go an extra mile in their endeavour to promote excellence.
Mentors are selected on the basis of their training experience, professional guidance, positive role-modelling, collaboration with mentee schools and initiating innovative practices.
The HRD Minister congratulated all the awardees and highlighted the importance and role of teachers in inculcating values in children in building a society and a nation.
(Click on the picture to zoom)
Newsmakers Broadcasting and Communication Pvt Ltd (NBC) hosted the fifth annual 'Newsmakers Achievers Award 2014' on May 1, 2014 at the Trident Hotel, Nariman Point, Mumbai. This year Pujya Guruji, Swami Tejomayananda received the award in the category of Lifetime Award, Spiritual Leader. As Pujya Guruji was unable to attend the ceremony, Swami Bodhatmananda received the award on Pujya Guruji's behalf. Swami Bodhatmananda was accompanied by Trustees and officials of Central Chinmaya Mission Trust and Chinmaya Seva Trust, Bombay.
Pujya Guruji's was introduced as follows: “He is an Indian spiritual leader and Head of Chinmaya Mission. He is a living portrait of simplicity with depth, humility with courage, and wisdom with devotion. Always jovial, smiling, and welcoming, he is readily accessible and approachable to all who seek the knowledge of Vedanta from him. After attending a couple of talks of Swami Chinmayananda on the Bhagavad Gita, Sudhakar Kaitwade was inspired to join Chinmaya Mission's residential Vedanta course at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya in Mumbai. Upon completing the course in 1975, he was initiated as Brahmachari Vivek Chaitanya. On October 21, 1983, Swami Chinmayananda initiated him into sannyasa, bestowing upon him the name, Swami Tejomayananda. As the Head of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide, Swami Tejomayananda-now known in the Mission as Pujya Guruji-has continuously and dynamically pursued his guru's grand spiritual and organisational vision.”

CIRS is happy to share with the parents on the introduction of in-house College Counseling Program. This program provides guidance to those students interested in applying to school outside of India. With proper support and advice, your child will surely succeed in the challenging and cumbersome endeavor.
We have two exceptionally qualified CIRS faculty that have designed this beautifully structured program:
Ms. Sandipa Bhattacharjee |
Mr. Ganesh Eswaran |
Head of English Department |
IB Coordinator |
IB/CBSE English Educator |
IB Physics Educator |
Regular sessions will be taking place weekly, covering a variety of topics from the 'intricacies of the college application process' to 'writing the perfect personal statement' to 'advice on staying focused while in college'. Throughout this process, the students will be guided in all aspects of the application process. The team will also ensure timely submission of all requirements. As always, we encourage Parents to have candid conversations with your children about future prospects.
In the future, the team will send updates on the progress of the program to the parents. The team is available for queries at
Psychological tools and techniques help to uncover the latent aspects of an individual’s behaviour. Thus they aid in understanding, predicting and controlling the human behaviour, which is the fundamental aim of psychology.
Practicals in psychology are indented to provide students with requisite knowledge and skills in psychological tools and techniques. Keeping in view the CBSE syllabus of psychology, the students would undertake practicals in psychological testing which would involve using standardised psychological tests in different domains, i.e. intelligence, personality, aptitude, adjustment, attitude, self-concept and anxiety. To make these happen, CIRS has established a Psychology lab with appropriate equipments and tools for testing.
Activity based learning in Science at CIRS
Science at CIRS is going to change the way your child thinks. Gone are the days of lessons taught in the classroom. It is hands-on experience that brings lessons alive. So - come new session, students of Classes 5 to 8 will participate in a unique enrichment program where they will do their own experiments before a concept is taught, during the lessons and after the concept has been discussed in class. All this, apart from the usual activities prescribed by the NCERT textbooks. This is guaranteed to make science exploration a way of life at CIRS.
That is certainly not all:
Classes 5 and 6 also get to participate in this fantastic new learning experience promoted by the National Geographic Magazine where they get 7 issues per year and after reading the magazine, they get quizzed on the contents rich in Science and Environment. This is a truly international experience and the children are expected to grow from this universal outlook with a truly global understanding of their being.
The Major Resource Components are
CIRS received the TOP SCHOOLS OF INDIA 2013 AWARD from Digital Learning, Asia’s premier magazine on education. Digital Learning magazine presents the top schools of India with a purpose to highlight the positioning of schools after analysing them on various parameters for the overall development of a child.